In this unit students use a geographic lens to explore the state of Michigan. The unit focuses around the five major themes of geography: movement, region, human/environment interaction, location and place (Mr. Help). Students begin by reviewing geographic concepts learned in second grade and then explore the concept of “state” using a map of the United States. In studying location, students use cardinal directions, identify various ways to describe the relative location of Michigan, and begin to explore how location can influence the development of a state. When studying place, students identify and describe significant human and physical characteristics of Michigan using a variety of maps. Through literature, maps, informational text and other resources students also explore the concept of human/environment interaction as they learn about Michigan’s natural resources and how people have used, modified, and adapted to them. In studying movement, an emphasis is placed on the Great Lakes. Using shipping as a launching point, students explore how and why people, goods, jobs and ideas move within, into and out of Michigan. Finally, students apply the concept of region to the study of Michigan as they explore different ways Michigan can be divided into regions as well as the different regions to which Michigan belongs. Through art or technology students demonstrate their understanding of Michigan’s geography.
Stage One - Desired Results
How does the geography of Michigan affect the way people live?
Great Lakes
human/environment interaction
natural resources
Stage Two - Assessment Evidence
Stage Three - Learning Plan