Wayne RESA

Unit PlannerSocial Studies 4

Wayne RESA – SS / Grade 4 / Social Studies / Social Studies 4 / Week 33 - Week 37
Unit Abstract

In this unit students explore the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Through a lesson on the Bill of Rights, students learn how government affects their daily lives by identifying situations in which specific rights are involved. They also explore why rights have limits and the relationship between rights and responsibilities. In exploring the responsibilities of citizenship, students focus on the need for citizens to be informed about public issues. They deepen their understanding of public issues and the importance of citizen action in a democratic republic. They identify public policy issues facing citizens in the United States and then use graphic data and other sources to analyze information about a particular issue. In exploring the issue, they evaluate alternative resolutions and analyze how conflicts among core democratic values often lead people to want different resolutions to a public policy issue. Finally, students demonstrate competency in expressing their own opinions relative to a public issue in the United States and justify their opinions with a reasoned argument.


Stage One - Desired Results

Compelling Question

Why are rights and responsibilities of citizenship essential to our form of government?

Supporting Questions
  1. How are rights and responsibilities related?
  2. How can citizens work together to improve their government?
  3. Why are rights and responsibilities of citizenship essential to our form of government?
Content (Key Concepts)

Bill of Rights


civic responsibilities

core democratic values

individual rights

public issues

Skills (Intellectual Processes)


Evidentiary Argument

Identifying Perspectives

Issue Analysis

Problem Solving


Stage Two - Assessment Evidence

Unit Assessment Tasks

Stage Three - Learning Plan

Lesson Plan Sequence
  • Copies of local and regional newspapers
  • Overhead Projector or Document Camera and Projector
  • Student journal or notebook
  • Two colors of highlighters each student
MI: Social Studies (2007)
4th Grade
Civics & Government
C2 Values and Principles of American Democracy
Understand values and principles of American constitutional democracy.
4 – C2.0.2 Identify situations in which specific rights guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights are involved (e.g., freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of press).
C5 Role of the Citizen in American Democracy
Explain important rights and how, when, and where American citizens demonstrate their responsibilities by participating in government.
4 – C5.0.1 Explain responsibilities of citizenship (e.g., initiating changes in laws or policy, holding public office, respecting the law, being informed and attentive to public issues, paying taxes, registering to vote and voting knowledgeably, serving as a juror).
4 – C5.0.2 Describe the relationship between rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
4 – C5.0.3 Explain why rights have limits.
4 – C5.0.4 Describe ways citizens can work together to promote the values and principles of American democracy.
Discourse, Decisions, Ctzn Inv
P3.1 Identifying and Analyzing Public Issues
Clearly state a problem as a public policy issue, analyze various perspectives, and generate and evaluate possible alternative resolutions.
4 – P3.1.1 Identify public issues in the United States that influence the daily lives of its citizens.
4 – P3.1.2 Use graphic data and other sources to analyze information about a public issue in the United States and evaluate alternative resolutions.
4 – P3.1.3 Give examples of how conflicts over core democratic values lead people to differ on resolutions to a public policy issue in the United States.
P3.3 Persuasive Communication About a Public Issue
Communicate a reasoned position on a public issue.
4 – P3.3.1 Compose a brief essay expressing a position on a public policy issue in the United States and justify the position with a reasoned argument.
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