Wayne RESA

Unit PlannerSocial Studies 4

Wayne RESA – SS / Grade 4 / Social Studies / Social Studies 4 / Week 11 - Week 17
Unit Abstract

In this unit students explore the United States through the lens of human geography with a focus on the themes of movement and human/environment interaction. Using literature and primary sources, they study push and pull factors of migration and the influence of migration on culture within the United States. Through both historical and current examples students explore ways people have used, adapted to, and modified various environments in the U.S. They deepen their understanding of human-environment interactions by assessing positive and negative effects of human activities on the physical environment. Returning again to historical examples, students explore ways in which geography can be used to interpret history. Finally, students identify current geographic issues facing the U.S. and select one issue to study in depth.


Stage One - Desired Results

Compelling Question

How are people connected to the Earth and to each other?

Supporting Questions
  1. What questions do geographers ask in examining human geography in the United States?
  2. How have the concepts of movement and human/environment interaction influenced the development of the United States?
  3. How might the country resolve contemporary public issues related to movement and human/environment interaction in the United States?
Content (Key Concepts)

adaptation to the environment


human/environment interaction



modification of the environment


public issues

push and pull factors

resource use

Skills (Intellectual Processes)

Cause and Effect

Compare and Contrast


Issue Analysis


Stage Two - Assessment Evidence

Unit Assessment Tasks

Stage Three - Learning Plan

Lesson Plan Sequence
  • Chart paper
  • Desktop U.S. Maps
  • Hats from Unit 1 (Geographers, Historians)
  • Highlighters
  • Large timeline on paper in 50 year increments marked from 1800 to 2000
  • Large World Map
  • Markers
  • Overhead Projector or Document Camera and Projector
  • Physical map of the U.S.
  • Stickers
  • Student journal or notebook
  • “Thinking Like a Historian” Bookmarks from Unit 1
MI: Social Studies (2007)
4th Grade
H3 History of Michigan (Beyond Statehood)
Use historical thinking to understand the past.
4 – H3.0.2 Use primary and secondary sources to explain how migration and immigration affected and continue to affect the growth of Michigan. (G)
4 – H3.0.7 Use case studies or stories to describe the ideas and actions of individuals involved in the Underground Railroad in Michigan and in the Great Lakes region. (See 8-U4.2.2; 8-U4.3.2; 8-U5.1.5; USHG 7.2.4) (G, C, E)
G1 The World in Spatial Terms
Use geographic representations to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.
Hide details
4 – G1.0.1 Identify questions geographers ask in examining the United States (e.g., Where it is? What is it like there? How is it connected to other places?).
4 – G1.0.3 Identify and describe the characteristics and purposes (e.g., measure distance, determine relative location, classify a region) of a variety of geographic tools and technologies (e.g., globe, map, satellite image).
4 – G1.0.4 Use geographic tools and technologies, stories, songs, and pictures to answer geographic questions about the United States.
G4 Human Systems
Understand how human activities help shape the Earth’s surface.
4 – G4.0.1 Use a case study or story about migration within or to the United States to identify push and pull factors (why they left, why they came) that influenced the migration. (H)
4 – G4.0.2 Describe the impact of immigration to the United States on the cultural development of different places or regions of the United States (e.g., forms of shelter, language, food). (H)
G5 Environment and Society
Understand the effects of human-environment interactions.
4 – G5.0.1 Assess the positive and negative effects of human activities on the physical environment of the United States.
Discourse, Decisions, Ctzn Inv
P3.1 Identifying and Analyzing Public Issues
Clearly state a problem as a public policy issue, analyze various perspectives, and generate and evaluate possible alternative resolutions.
4 – P3.1.1 Identify public issues in the United States that influence the daily lives of its citizens.
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