Seven Phases of Curriculum Mapping

Phase 1: Collecting the Data

Each teacher records three major elements on a calendar-based
curriculum map: content, processes and skills, and assessments,

Phase 2: The First Read-Through

Teachers read each others' maps to gain information and look for gaps, repetitions, meaningful assessments, matches with standards, potential areas for integration, and timeliness.

Phase 3: Mixed-Group Review

A small group of people from different grade levels shares and lists
findings from the first read-through,

Phase 4: Large Group Review

All faculty members meet to share findings.

Phase 5: Determine Points That Can Be Revised Immediately

Faculty members address changes that can be made without further study.

Phase 6: Determine Points That Require Long-Term Research

A task force is formed to do research and make recommendations.

Phase 7: Review Cycle Continues

Review and revision continue to keep maps timely.

Source: From Mapping the Big Picture: Integrating Curriculum and Assessment K-12 (pp. 8-16), by H. H. Jacobs, 1997