\r\n \r\n \r\n {{ name }}\r\n \r\n
\r\n {{ $t('Google Drive') }}\r\n \r\n \r\n
Oops! An error occurred.<\\/h2>\\n
You Do Not Have Access To this Site. Click here<\\/a> to find your Site.<\\/p>\":\" You Do Not Have Access To this Site. Click here<\\/a> to find your Site.<\\/p>\",\"Subject-level:\":\"Subject-level:\",\"Welcome, {FirstName} {LastName}\":\"Welcome, {FirstName} {LastName}\",\"Now Viewing:\":\"Now Viewing:\",\"You have no [MAPS] set up.\":\"You have no [MAPS] set up.\",\"Edit [CURRICULUM]\":\"Edit [CURRICULUM]\",\"Requests\":\"Requests\",\"Approve\\/Decline [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUESTS] for {MAP_NAME}\":\"Approve\\/Decline [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUESTS] for {MAP_NAME}\",\"Search Results\":\"Search Results\",\"Remove from [FAVORITES]\":\"Remove from [FAVORITES]\",\"Compare [UNITS]\":\"Compare [UNITS]\",\"Custom-designed.\":\"Custom-designed.\",\"Subscribed Topics\":\"Subscribed Topics\",\"Bookmarked Topics\":\"Bookmarked Topics\",\"[NOTES] left on my [UNITS]\":\"[NOTES] left on my [UNITS]\",\"[NOTES] I have left\":\"[NOTES] I have left\",\"There are no [NOTES] in any of your [UNITS].\":\"There are no [NOTES] in any of your [UNITS].\",\"No [MAPS] are set up for you at this time.\":\"No [MAPS] are set up for you at this time.\",\"No [NOTES] have been left by you.\":\"No [NOTES] have been left by you.\",\"Left By\":\"Left By\",\"Change [PASSWORD]\":\"Change [PASSWORD]\",\"Please set a new [PASSWORD] to continue\":\"Please set a new [PASSWORD] to continue\",\"Your [PASSWORD] has been successfully reset. To proceed into [ATLAS], please choose and verify your new [PASSWORD].\":\"Your [PASSWORD] has been successfully reset. To proceed into [ATLAS], please choose and verify your new [PASSWORD].\",\"Current [PASSWORD]: \":\"Current [PASSWORD]: \",\"New [PASSWORD]: \":\"New [PASSWORD]: \",\"Confirm New: \":\"Confirm New: \",\"Communication Preferences\":\"Communication Preferences\",\"Verify your [EMAIL] address and update if necessary: \":\"Verify your [EMAIL] address and update if necessary: \",\"My primary email address (logon email):\":\"My primary email address (logon email):\",\"[EMAIL] me when someone leaves a note or reflection on my [MAP]: \":\"[EMAIL] me when someone leaves a note or reflection on my [MAP]: \",\"[EMAIL] me details on significant new features in [ATLAS] (2 - 3 times\\/year)\":\"[EMAIL] me details on significant new features in [ATLAS] (2 - 3 times\\/year)\",\"Save My Settings\":\"Save My Settings\",\"Language Preference\":\"Language Preference\",\"Language:\":\"Language:\",\"My Profile\":\"My Profile\",\"My Picture\":\"My Picture\",\"My Signature\":\"My Signature\",\"Share a little more about yourself with others in this community! Your profile will be displayed next to your name throughout the [FORUMS] and [EXEMPLARS]. Your selections will be saved for future visits.\":\"Share a little more about yourself with others in this community! Your profile will be displayed next to your name throughout the [FORUMS] and [EXEMPLARS]. Your selections will be saved for future visits.\",\"Add a picture to your profile and units! You may upload your own, or choose from our gallery of pictures.\":\"Add a picture to your profile and units! You may upload your own, or choose from our gallery of pictures.\",\"Add a personalized signature to your forum posts! Your signature will also appear in your [EXEMPLAR] profile.\":\"Add a personalized signature to your forum posts! Your signature will also appear in your [EXEMPLAR] profile.\",\"Confirmation\":\"Confirmation\",\"Back\":\"Back\",\"No [MAP] selected.\":\"No [MAP] selected.\",\"No [USER] selected.\":\"No [USER] selected.\",\"Please contact an [ATLAS] System Administrator to perform this action.\":\"Please contact an [ATLAS] System Administrator to perform this action.\",\"{DISPLAY_NAME} has already been added to the [MAP]: {MAP_NAME}\":\"{DISPLAY_NAME} has already been added to the [MAP]: {MAP_NAME}\",\"You have successfully added {TEACHER_EMAIL_LINK} to the [MAP]: {LINK_TO_MAP}.\":\"You have successfully added {TEACHER_EMAIL_LINK} to the [MAP]: {LINK_TO_MAP}.\",\"Do you want to add {TEACHER_EMAIL_LINK} to the [MAP]: {LINK_TO_MAP}?\":\"Do you want to add {TEACHER_EMAIL_LINK} to the [MAP]: {LINK_TO_MAP}?\",\"Your settings have been changed successfully.\":\"Your settings have been changed successfully.\",\"Invalid [PASSWORD].\":\"Invalid [PASSWORD].\",\"You did not enter the correct [PASSWORD]. In order to change your [PASSWORD], you must first enter your existing [PASSWORD].\":\"You did not enter the correct [PASSWORD]. In order to change your [PASSWORD], you must first enter your existing [PASSWORD].\",\"Your [PASSWORD] cannot be the default [PASSWORD]\":\"Your [PASSWORD] cannot be the default [PASSWORD]\",\"You did not confirm your new [PASSWORD]\":\"You did not confirm your new [PASSWORD]\",\"You did not correctly confirm your new [PASSWORD].\":\"You did not correctly confirm your new [PASSWORD].\",\"Your [PASSWORD] has been changed successfully. You can use this new [PASSWORD] next time you log in to [ATLAS].\":\"Your [PASSWORD] has been changed successfully. You can use this new [PASSWORD] next time you log in to [ATLAS].\",\"Your email address may not contain spaces. Your settings have been changed successfully.\":\"Your email address may not contain spaces. Your settings have been changed successfully.\",\"Your [ATLAS] system is scheduled to be archived on:{ARCHIVE_DATE} On that date, all [UNITS] and [CURRICULUM] will be copied into the next academic year. Please complete any updates for the current year before this date.\":\"Your [ATLAS] system is scheduled to be archived on:{ARCHIVE_DATE} On that date, all [UNITS] and [CURRICULUM] will be copied into the next academic year. Please complete any updates for the current year before this date.\",\"Your [ATLAS] System Administrators can answer additional questions about archiving, as well as adjust your system's archiving date:\":\"Your [ATLAS] System Administrators can answer additional questions about archiving, as well as adjust your system's archiving date:\",\"System Admin\":\"System Admin\",\"More about archiving\":\"More about archiving\",\"[REMIND_ME_LATER]\":\"[REMIND_ME_LATER]\",\"[DONT_SHOW_THIS_AGAIN]\":\"[DONT_SHOW_THIS_AGAIN]\",\"Your [ATLAS] system has been archived for the {LAST_YEAR} academic year. All [UNITS] and [CURRICULUM] have now been copied into the {CURRENT_YEAR} academic year.\":\"Your [ATLAS] system has been archived for the {LAST_YEAR} academic year. All [UNITS] and [CURRICULUM] have now been copied into the {CURRENT_YEAR} academic year.\",\"Show me more\":\"Show me more\",\"[TEACHER]-specific portal\":\"[TEACHER]-specific portal\",\"Browse with Multi-dimensional filtering\":\"Browse with Multi-dimensional filtering\",\"Expanded [SEARCH]\":\"Expanded [SEARCH]\",\"[COURSES] Awaiting Approval\":\"[COURSES] Awaiting Approval\",\"waiting\":\"waiting\",\"Manage Courses\":\"Manage Courses\",\"none\":\"none\",\"ECIS Conference Notification\":\"ECIS Conference Notification\",\"To change your email address, please contact a system administrator.\":\"To change your email address, please contact a system administrator.\",\"afternoon, US Pacific time\":\"afternoon, US Pacific time\",\"Please set your password and save your settings before you continue.\":\"Please set your password and save your settings before you continue.\",\"Archiving Alert\":\"Archiving Alert\",\"Most Active Units\":\"Most Active Units\",\"Most Commented Units\":\"Most Commented Units\",\"Curriculum Updates\\/History\":\"Curriculum Updates\\/History\",\"My Activity Searches\":\"My Activity Searches\",\"Saved Activity Searches\":\"Saved Activity Searches\",\"No Saved Activity Searches\":\"No Saved Activity Searches\",\"worked on\":\"worked on\",\"commented on\":\"commented on\",\"+\":\"+\",\"other\":\"other\",\"others\":\"others\",\"{Names} {Link} {Unit} in {Map}\":\"{Names} {Link} {Unit} in {Map}\",\"{UnitDescription} in {CourseName} was {Action} {DaysAgo} by {Names}\":\"{UnitDescription} in {CourseName} was {Action} {DaysAgo} by {Names}\",\"{DaysAgo} days ago\":\"{DaysAgo} days ago\",\"yesterday\":\"yesterday\",\"today\":\"today\",\"inserted and updated\":\"inserted and updated\",\"Daily Unit Summary\":\"Daily Unit Summary\",\"A visual snapshot of the key curricular elements happening this week.\":\"A visual snapshot of the key curricular elements happening this week.\",\"Immediate access to the courses you have privilege to edit, and the units happening in those courses this week.\\n\":\"Immediate access to the courses you have privilege to edit, and the units happening in those courses this week.\\n\",\"Instant access to units you've flagged and reports you can build from those units.\":\"Instant access to units you've flagged and reports you can build from those units.\",\"A report of all private notes that have been left to you, either by yourself or your colleagues.\\n\":\"A report of all private notes that have been left to you, either by yourself or your colleagues.\\n\",\"Administrative access to Course Management.\":\"Administrative access to Course Management.\",\"What curriculum has been updated recently?\\n\":\"What curriculum has been updated recently?\\n\",\"My Assessments\":\"My Assessments\",\"My Unit Calendar Comparison\":\"My Unit Calendar Comparison\",\"Remove from [DASHBOARD]\":\"Remove from [DASHBOARD]\",\"Forum Manager\":\"Forum Manager\",\"Real-time review of your standards and assessments along with comparison of Units across your Courses.\":\"Real-time review of your standards and assessments along with comparison of Units across your Courses.\",\"Access to any and all reports you have saved while working in Search or Analyze.\":\"Access to any and all reports you have saved while working in Search or Analyze.\",\"Curriculum-at-a-glance\":\"Curriculum-at-a-glance\",\"Saved activity search.\":\"Saved activity search.\",\"Saved [STANDARDS_PROFILING] Report.\":\"Saved [STANDARDS_PROFILING] Report.\",\"Easily update your Forum subscriptions and settings and get a snapshot of information!\":\"Easily update your Forum subscriptions and settings and get a snapshot of information!\",\"Curriculum Announcements\":\"Curriculum Announcements\",\"Key curricular announcements from your program!\":\"Key curricular announcements from your program!\",\"Searches\":\"Searches\",\"Curriculum Reports\":\"Curriculum Reports\",\"Standards Reports\":\"Standards Reports\",\"Recent Activity\":\"Recent Activity\",\"Shows recent activity on your [ATLAS] system.\":\"Shows recent activity on your [ATLAS] system.\",\"Search Terms\":\"Search Terms\",\"Displays keywords used by your colleagues in [SEARCH].\":\"Displays keywords used by your colleagues in [SEARCH].\",\"Search Results: \":\"Search Results: \",\"Curriculum at a Glance\":\"Curriculum at a Glance\",\"Current Unit\":\"Current Unit\",\"Upcoming Units\":\"Upcoming Units\",\"View By:\":\"View By:\",\"View As:\":\"View As:\",\"Only My Courses\":\"Only My Courses\",\"2 Maps\":\"2 Maps\",\"4 Maps\":\"4 Maps\",\"Current Units:\":\"Current Units:\",\"No Current Units\":\"No Current Units\",\"No Future Units\":\"No Future Units\",\"[CURRICULUM] Updates\":\"[CURRICULUM] Updates\",\"Shows updates to [CURRICULUM]\":\"Shows updates to [CURRICULUM]\",\"See comment activity for [SUBJECTS], [GRADES], [SCHOOLS] and [MAPPING_CATEGORIES] in a pie chart, bar graph or as a list.\":\"See comment activity for [SUBJECTS], [GRADES], [SCHOOLS] and [MAPPING_CATEGORIES] in a pie chart, bar graph or as a list.\",\"[COMMENT] Activity\":\"[COMMENT] Activity\",\"You have added the maximum number of panels (50). In order to add more you must remove existing panels.\":\"You have added the maximum number of panels (50). In order to add more you must remove existing panels.\",\"[COMMENTS] By {TYPE}\":\"[COMMENTS] By {TYPE}\",\"Report Name\":\"Report Name\",\"Reset My Atlas [PANELS]\":\"Reset My Atlas [PANELS]\",\"Are you sure you want to reset My Atlas [PANELS] to default?\":\"Are you sure you want to reset My Atlas [PANELS] to default?\",\"My Atlas [PANELS] successfully reset\":\"My Atlas [PANELS] successfully reset\",\"Time Frame\":\"Time Frame\",\"My Atlas\":\"My Atlas\",\"My [PANELS]\":\"My [PANELS]\",\"School Panels\":\"School Panels\",\"Email Notification Preferences\":\"Email Notification Preferences\",\"[CURRICULUM] or a [REPORT] is shared with me\":\"[CURRICULUM] or a [REPORT] is shared with me\",\"One of my favorite [UNITS] is updated\":\"One of my favorite [UNITS] is updated\",\"My course is updated by a collaborator\":\"My course is updated by a collaborator\",\"I am assigned to a course as a Curriculum Writer or Teacher\":\"I am assigned to a course as a Curriculum Writer or Teacher\",\"Email me when...\":\"Email me when...\",\"A [NOTIFICATION] has been added to your [NOTIFICATION] Center.\":\"A [NOTIFICATION] has been added to your [NOTIFICATION] Center.\",\"New [NOTIFICATION] Added\":\"New [NOTIFICATION] Added\",\"View this [REPORT]\":\"View this [REPORT]\",\"Dashboard\":\"Dashboard\",\"List\":\"List\",\"Pie Chart\":\"Pie Chart\",\"Bar Chart\":\"Bar Chart\",\"Activity Search Report\":\"Activity Search Report\",\"[Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_COMPARATIVE_UNIT_CALENDAR] Report\":\"[Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_COMPARATIVE_UNIT_CALENDAR] Report\",\"Curriculum Browse Report\":\"Curriculum Browse Report\",\"Curriculum Search Report\":\"Curriculum Search Report\",\"Printable Map Report\":\"Printable Map Report\",\"Comments Saved Report\":\"Comments Saved Report\",\"Search Saved Report\":\"Search Saved Report\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUES] Report\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUES] Report\",\"[SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE] Report\":\"[SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE] Report\",\"Standards Detail Report\":\"Standards Detail Report\",\"[STANDARDS_PROFILING] Details Report\":\"[STANDARDS_PROFILING] Details Report\",\"Unit Comparison Report\":\"Unit Comparison Report\",\"[UNIT] Overview Report\":\"[UNIT] Overview Report\",\"Search Values Report\":\"Search Values Report\",\"Add a [MAP] Map\":\"Add a [MAP] Map\",\"Choose a Course\":\"Choose a Course\",\"No [Units] Found\":\"No [Units] Found\",\"No [MAP] Selected\":\"No [MAP] Selected\",\"Remove this [MAP]\":\"Remove this [MAP]\",\"Start typing...\":\"Start typing...\",\"Personalize\":\"Personalize\",\"Report Templates\":\"Report Templates\",\"Hello {USER_NAME},\":\"Hello {USER_NAME},\",\"View this item\":\"View this item\",\"Saved by\":\"Saved by\",\"Saved by you\":\"Saved by you\",\"{USER_NAME} has has been discussing your [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY], {OPPORTUNITY_NAME}.\":\"{USER_NAME} has has been discussing your [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY], {OPPORTUNITY_NAME}.\",\"{USER_NAME} has been discussing your [SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY], {OPPORTUNITY_NAME}.\":\"{USER_NAME} has been discussing your [SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY], {OPPORTUNITY_NAME}.\",\"Shares\":\"Shares\",\"Conversations\":\"Conversations\",\"Sent by me\":\"Sent by me\",\"Sent to me\":\"Sent to me\",\"Date Ascending\":\"Date Ascending\",\"Date Descending\":\"Date Descending\",\"Unread\":\"Unread\",\"Your [CURRICULUM] team sent you a message!\":\"Your [CURRICULUM] team sent you a message!\",\"Hello {TEACHER_FIRST_NAME},\\n\\nYou have received the following Atlas School-Wide Notification from {SENDER_NAME}:\\n\\n{SCHOOL_NOTIFICATION}\\n\\nSincerely,\\nThe Atlas Curriculum Mapping Team\":\"Hello {TEACHER_FIRST_NAME},\\n\\nYou have received the following Atlas School-Wide Notification from {SENDER_NAME}:\\n\\n{SCHOOL_NOTIFICATION}\\n\\nSincerely,\\nThe Atlas Curriculum Mapping Team\",\"My Atlas [PANELS]\":\"My Atlas [PANELS]\",\"Available [PANELS]\":\"Available [PANELS]\",\"My [SAVED_REPORTS]\":\"My [SAVED_REPORTS]\",\"Shared With Me\":\"Shared With Me\",\"School Suggested\":\"School Suggested\",\"Our [SAVED_REPORTS]\":\"Our [SAVED_REPORTS]\",\"Keyword Search\":\"Keyword Search\",\"A new message about your [CURRICULUM]!\":\"A new message about your [CURRICULUM]!\",\"Atlas Messaging\":\"Atlas Messaging\",\"Send [Atlas_Notification_School::TEXT_SCHOOL_NOTIFICATION]\":\"Send [Atlas_Notification_School::TEXT_SCHOOL_NOTIFICATION]\",\"Send [Atlas_Notification_Rubicon::TEXT_RUBICON_NOTIFICATION]\":\"Send [Atlas_Notification_Rubicon::TEXT_RUBICON_NOTIFICATION]\",\"[Atlas_Notification_Rubicon::TEXT_RUBICON_NOTIFICATION] failed to send. There are no [TEACHERS] that match your filters.\":\"[Atlas_Notification_Rubicon::TEXT_RUBICON_NOTIFICATION] failed to send. There are no [TEACHERS] that match your filters.\",\"[Atlas_Notification_School::TEXT_SCHOOL_NOTIFICATION] failed to send. There are no [TEACHERS] that match your filters.\":\"[Atlas_Notification_School::TEXT_SCHOOL_NOTIFICATION] failed to send. There are no [TEACHERS] that match your filters.\",\"[Atlas_Notification_School::TEXT_SCHOOL_NOTIFICATION] was successfully sent to {NUMBER_OF_TEACHERS} {TEACHER}.\":\"[Atlas_Notification_School::TEXT_SCHOOL_NOTIFICATION] was successfully sent to {NUMBER_OF_TEACHERS} {TEACHER}.\",\"[Atlas_Notification_Rubicon::TEXT_RUBICON_NOTIFICATION] was successfully sent to {NUMBER_OF_TEACHERS} {TEACHER}.\":\"[Atlas_Notification_Rubicon::TEXT_RUBICON_NOTIFICATION] was successfully sent to {NUMBER_OF_TEACHERS} {TEACHER}.\",\"Filter Recipients\":\"Filter Recipients\",\"by [TeacherStructure::TEXT_POSITION]\":\"by [TeacherStructure::TEXT_POSITION]\",\"Show All [Atlas_Notification_Rubicon::TEXT_RUBICON_NOTIFICATIONS]\":\"Show All [Atlas_Notification_Rubicon::TEXT_RUBICON_NOTIFICATIONS]\",\"Send Message\":\"Send Message\",\"Communications\":\"Communications\",\"Activity Notifications\":\"Activity Notifications\",\"[SCHOOL]\":\"[SCHOOL]\",\"[REPORT] Updates\":\"[REPORT] Updates\",\"[CURRICULUM] Views\":\"[CURRICULUM] Views\",\"Site Updates\":\"Site Updates\",\"Report Wizard\":\"Report Wizard\",\"Panels\":\"Panels\",\"Load more Saved Reports\":\"Load more Saved Reports\",\"Results from\":\"Results from\",\"Reset My Atlas Dashboard from [USER]\":\"Reset My Atlas Dashboard from [USER]\",\"Please select a [USER]\":\"Please select a [USER]\",\"Secondary Email\":\"Secondary Email\",\"Primary Email\":\"Primary Email\",\"My secondary email address (optional):\":\"My secondary email address (optional):\",\"Add Additional Recipients\":\"Add Additional Recipients\",\"[REPORT]\":\"[REPORT]\",\"[CURRICULUM]\":\"[CURRICULUM]\",\"Select a [REPORT]\":\"Select a [REPORT]\",\"Select [CURRICULUM]\":\"Select [CURRICULUM]\",\"Select Default Dashboard\":\"Select Default Dashboard\",\"Send a Message\":\"Send a Message\",\"Select a panel to share\":\"Select a panel to share\",\"Suggest a Panel\":\"Suggest a Panel\",\"You must have at least one [SAVED_REPORT], [COURSE] or [UNIT] on your '[DASHBOARD]' dashboard to choose from.\":\"You must have at least one [SAVED_REPORT], [COURSE] or [UNIT] on your '[DASHBOARD]' dashboard to choose from.\",\"Load More Shared Items\":\"Load More Shared Items\",\"Teaching Preferences\":\"Teaching Preferences\",\"Select the [GRADES] that you teach\":\"Select the [GRADES] that you teach\",\"Select the [SUBJECTS] that you teach\":\"Select the [SUBJECTS] that you teach\",\"Select the [SCHOOLS] where you teach\":\"Select the [SCHOOLS] where you teach\",\"This discussion could not be found.\":\"This discussion could not be found.\",\"Type Message here (Required)\":\"Type Message here (Required)\",\"No [PANELS] Selected\":\"No [PANELS] Selected\",\"Recipients\":\"Recipients\",\"Use the filters to select the recipients for your message. Remove a recipient from the group by clicking the red X before the name. If a group or individual is not selected, your message will be sent to everyone in your Atlas system.\":\"Use the filters to select the recipients for your message. Remove a recipient from the group by clicking the red X before the name. If a group or individual is not selected, your message will be sent to everyone in your Atlas system.\",\"Send a Message to {COUNT} Recipients\":\"Send a Message to {COUNT} Recipients\",\"Show All\":\"Show All\",\"You don't have permission to send Atlas Messages\":\"You don't have permission to send Atlas Messages\",\"Significant new features are added to Atlas (2 - 3 times\\/year)\":\"Significant new features are added to Atlas (2 - 3 times\\/year)\",\"Your [UNIT]\":\"Your [UNIT]\",\"By Attributes\":\"By Attributes\",\"Type a Subject for the message\":\"Type a Subject for the message\",\"Tips and Features\":\"Tips and Features\",\"Product Updates\":\"Product Updates\",\"PD Opportunities\":\"PD Opportunities\",\"Special Occasions\":\"Special Occasions\",\"Hey..., etc.\":\"Hey..., etc.\",\"You might want to know\":\"You might want to know\",\"Select a Category\":\"Select a Category\",\"Daily\":\"Daily\",\"Weekly\":\"Weekly\",\"{SCHOOL} [PANELS]\":\"{SCHOOL} [PANELS]\",\"[FAVORITES]\":\"[FAVORITES]\",\"My Notes\":\"My Notes\",\"My Curriculum\":\"My Curriculum\",\"Always\":\"Always\",\"Never\":\"Never\",\"A private [COMMENT] is shared with me\":\"A private [COMMENT] is shared with me\",\"A [COMMENT] is added to relevant [CURRICULUM]\":\"A [COMMENT] is added to relevant [CURRICULUM]\",\"Send all notification emails to:\":\"Send all notification emails to:\",\"Notify me by Email as appropriate\":\"Notify me by Email as appropriate\",\"Compare [MAPS]\":\"Compare [MAPS]\",\"Curriculum-Wise\":\"Curriculum-Wise\",\"updated via publish\":\"updated via publish\",\"The Shared Item was Removed\":\"The Shared Item was Removed\",\"Show Me More\":\"Show Me More\",\"New email sign in coming soon!\":\"New email sign in coming soon!\",\"Welcome back, {FIRST_NAME}!\":\"Welcome back, {FIRST_NAME}!\",\"In order to improve security and simplify your experience, you\\u2019ll soon sign in to Atlas using your email. Please confirm or make updates to your preferred sign in email address below:\":\"In order to improve security and simplify your experience, you\\u2019ll soon sign in to Atlas using your email. Please confirm or make updates to your preferred sign in email address below:\",\"Email Address\":\"Email Address\",\"Not now\":\"Not now\",\"Yes, this is my correct email address \\u00bb\":\"Yes, this is my correct email address \\u00bb\",\"How will we use your email address?\":\"How will we use your email address?\",\"We will use it to help you sign in to your Atlas System, and \\u2013 only if you choose \\u2013 as an address to send you updates about relevant activity happening in Atlas. Of course, you have total control over what emails you want (or don\\u2019t want) to receive by updating your preferences under {MY_SETTINGS}. Your privacy is important to us, so rest assured, we will never turn over your email to a third party.\":\"We will use it to help you sign in to your Atlas System, and \\u2013 only if you choose \\u2013 as an address to send you updates about relevant activity happening in Atlas. Of course, you have total control over what emails you want (or don\\u2019t want) to receive by updating your preferences under {MY_SETTINGS}. Your privacy is important to us, so rest assured, we will never turn over your email to a third party.\",\"Add an Email\":\"Add an Email\",\"Select a new current Email\":\"Select a new current Email\",\"Email addresses\":\"Email addresses\",\"Please check your email to verify this address\":\"Please check your email to verify this address\",\"([ResendEmail])\":\"([ResendEmail])\",\"Resend email\":\"Resend email\",\"*Unverified emails cannot be used to login or for password recovery\":\"*Unverified emails cannot be used to login or for password recovery\",\"Immediately\":\"Immediately\",\"Email address deleted\":\"Email address deleted\",\"Resent confirmation\":\"Resent confirmation\",\"Problem deleting email\":\"Problem deleting email\",\"Problem sending confirmation\":\"Problem sending confirmation\",\"Problem saving email, please contact your administrator\":\"Problem saving email, please contact your administrator\",\"Duplicate email, please enter a different email address\":\"Duplicate email, please enter a different email address\",\"{NOUN} {PROPERNOUN} was {VERBS} [FAVORITES].\":\"{NOUN} {PROPERNOUN} was {VERBS} [FAVORITES].\",\"added to\":\"added to\",\"removed from\":\"removed from\",\"My [MAPS]\":\"My [MAPS]\",\"Immediate access to the courses you have privilege to edit.\":\"Immediate access to the courses you have privilege to edit.\",\"You are a [CURRICULUM_WRITER] of the [MAP]\":\"You are a [CURRICULUM_WRITER] of the [MAP]\",\"You are a [TEACHER] of the course\":\"You are a [TEACHER] of the course\",\"I am added as a collaborator on a lesson\":\"I am added as a collaborator on a lesson\",\"{USERS} were added as collaborators on [LESSONS] {TITLES} in [UNIT] \\\"{LINK}\\\"\":\"{USERS} were added as collaborators on [LESSONS] {TITLES} in [UNIT] \\\"{LINK}\\\"\",\"My [UNITS] by date\":\"My [UNITS] by date\",\"Append My Atlas [PANELS]\":\"Append My Atlas [PANELS]\",\"My Atlas [PANELS] appended successfully\":\"My Atlas [PANELS] appended successfully\",\"A [LESSON] is submitted to me for review\":\"A [LESSON] is submitted to me for review\",\"My [LESSON] is reviewed\":\"My [LESSON] is reviewed\",\"Manage My Google Accounts\":\"Manage My Google Accounts\",\"Manage Google Calendar\":\"Manage Google Calendar\",\"Update Password\":\"Update Password\",\"Please enter your previous password.\":\"Please enter your previous password.\",\"Please enter your new password.\":\"Please enter your new password.\",\"Password must be at least 8 characters.\":\"Password must be at least 8 characters.\",\"Password does not match.\":\"Password does not match.\",\"Your new password cannot be the same as your old password.\":\"Your new password cannot be the same as your old password.\",\"Password changed successfully\":\"Password changed successfully\",\"Current password was invalid. Try again.\":\"Current password was invalid. Try again.\",\"There was an error updating your password.\":\"There was an error updating your password.\",\"My [ATLAS]\":\"My [ATLAS]\",\"Private Comments and [UNIT] Notes\":\"Private Comments and [UNIT] Notes\",\"Curriculum I'm Developing\":\"Curriculum I'm Developing\",\"[ATLAS] Search Results\":\"[ATLAS] Search Results\",\"Select the [EXEMPLAR] Site to Pull to\":\"Select the [EXEMPLAR] Site to Pull to\",\"(Select an [EXEMPLAR] Site)\":\"(Select an [EXEMPLAR] Site)\",\"Keyword\":\"Keyword\",\"Search Tips\":\"Search Tips\",\"Use\\u00a0Thesaurus\":\"Use\\u00a0Thesaurus\",\"Filter Results\":\"Filter Results\",\"by [TEACHER]\":\"by [TEACHER]\",\"by [SITE]\":\"by [SITE]\",\"by [GRADE]\":\"by [GRADE]\",\"by [SUBJECT]\":\"by [SUBJECT]\",\"by [MAPPING_CATEGORY]\":\"by [MAPPING_CATEGORY]\",\"by [WIDGET_VALUE]\":\"by [WIDGET_VALUE]\",\"by [SCHOOL]\":\"by [SCHOOL]\",\"by [MAP_TYPE]\":\"by [MAP_TYPE]\",\"Display Results For\":\"Display Results For\",\"Your search returned no instances.\":\"Your search returned no instances.\",\"Clustering is turned off\":\"Clustering is turned off\",\"[SEARCH] Results\":\"[SEARCH] Results\",\"Filter By [STANDARDS]\":\"Filter By [STANDARDS]\",\"by [CONTENT_AREA]\":\"by [CONTENT_AREA]\",\"by [CONTENT_SUB_AREA]\":\"by [CONTENT_SUB_AREA]\",\"by [BENCHMARK_LEVEL]\":\"by [BENCHMARK_LEVEL]\",\"by [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT]\":\"by [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT]\",\"by [STANDARDS_PROFICIENCY_TYPE]\":\"by [STANDARDS_PROFICIENCY_TYPE]\",\"by [PROFICIENCY_LEVEL]\":\"by [PROFICIENCY_LEVEL]\",\"Filter By Assessment\":\"Filter By Assessment\",\"Filter By [MAP]\":\"Filter By [MAP]\",\"Related Keywords\":\"Related Keywords\",\"{KEY_STRING} related keywords:\":\"{KEY_STRING} related keywords:\",\"Benchmark Levels\":\"Benchmark Levels\",\"That related keyword has already been added.\":\"That related keyword has already been added.\",\"Existing thesaurus words for:\":\"Existing thesaurus words for:\",\"Add Thesaurus Word\":\"Add Thesaurus Word\",\"Add a new thesaurus word for:\":\"Add a new thesaurus word for:\",\"Words you add to the thesaurus will be available for everyone on your site. You can also delete words that you have added.\":\"Words you add to the thesaurus will be available for everyone on your site. You can also delete words that you have added.\",\"You must enter a new thesaurus word.\":\"You must enter a new thesaurus word.\",\"Pie\":\"Pie\",\"Bar\":\"Bar\",\"Tabular\":\"Tabular\",\"# of [UNITS]\":\"# of [UNITS]\",\"Percent\":\"Percent\",\"by {TYPE}\":\"by {TYPE}\",\"by [SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY]\":\"by [SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY]\",\"Search [SCHOOL_VALUES] by keyword\":\"Search [SCHOOL_VALUES] by keyword\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] Description Keyword\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] Description Keyword\",\"Filter [MAPS]:\":\"Filter [MAPS]:\",\"by [SCHOOL_VALUE]\":\"by [SCHOOL_VALUE]\",\"Saved Search\":\"Saved Search\",\"Select a Saved Search\":\"Select a Saved Search\",\"Duplicate Search\":\"Duplicate Search\",\"Please fill in a name for the Saved Search\":\"Please fill in a name for the Saved Search\",\"Enter a name for the Saved Search\":\"Enter a name for the Saved Search\",\"To save a search, make a search then click the icon next to the \\\"Search Results\\\" heading on the right of the screen.\":\"To save a search, make a search then click the icon next to the \\\"Search Results\\\" heading on the right of the screen.\",\"A saved search with the name \\\"{NAME}\\\" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?\":\"A saved search with the name \\\"{NAME}\\\" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?\",\"Saved Searches:\":\"Saved Searches:\",\"No Saved Searches\":\"No Saved Searches\",\"On {TIMESTAMP}\":\"On {TIMESTAMP}\",\"By {NAME}\":\"By {NAME}\",\"Please name this saved search\":\"Please name this saved search\",\"[CURRICULUM] [SEARCH]\":\"[CURRICULUM] [SEARCH]\",\"[CURRICULUM_SEARCH] {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[CURRICULUM_SEARCH] {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"[SEARCH] [Atlas_Search_View::TEXT_RELATED_KEYWORDS]\":\"[SEARCH] [Atlas_Search_View::TEXT_RELATED_KEYWORDS]\",\"[SEARCH] [LESSON_PLANS]\":\"[SEARCH] [LESSON_PLANS]\",\"[SEARCH] [CURRICULUM] Attachments\":\"[SEARCH] [CURRICULUM] Attachments\",\"Enabled\":\"Enabled\",\"View as\":\"View as\",\"Pie Graph\":\"Pie Graph\",\"Bar Graph\":\"Bar Graph\",\"Sigma Results\":\"Sigma Results\",\"Values [SEARCH]\":\"Values [SEARCH]\",\"[ACTIVITY] [SEARCH]\":\"[ACTIVITY] [SEARCH]\",\"# of [ACTIVITY] Items\":\"# of [ACTIVITY] Items\",\"[ACTIVITY] By\":\"[ACTIVITY] By\",\"Date Range\":\"Date Range\",\"Assigned to\":\"Assigned to\",\"[ACTIVITY_SEARCH]{SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[ACTIVITY_SEARCH]{SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"[VALUES_SEARCH] {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[VALUES_SEARCH] {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"Comments\":\"Comments\",\"View Curriculum\":\"View Curriculum\",\"Curriculum Updates\":\"Curriculum Updates\",\"Share Activity\":\"Share Activity\",\"Reports Activity\":\"Reports Activity\",\"by Activity Type\":\"by Activity Type\",\"Search [REPORT_TEMPLATES]\":\"Search [REPORT_TEMPLATES]\",\"Report Categories\\/Domains\":\"Report Categories\\/Domains\",\"[STANDARDS] Search\":\"[STANDARDS] Search\",\"Search [CURRICULUM]\":\"Search [CURRICULUM]\",\"Search [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT]\":\"Search [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT]\",\"Search [SCHOOL_VALUES]\":\"Search [SCHOOL_VALUES]\",\"Search [ACTIVITIES]\":\"Search [ACTIVITIES]\",\"[STANDARDS] Search {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[STANDARDS] Search {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"No {LABEL} associated\":\"No {LABEL} associated\",\"A comment was added on [CURRICULUM] in [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY}\\\" in deleted [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\".\":\"A comment was added on [CURRICULUM] in [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY}\\\" in deleted [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\".\",\"A comment was removed in {ITEMTYPE} {ITEM} in deleted [UNIT] {UNIT}.\":\"A comment was removed in {ITEMTYPE} {ITEM} in deleted [UNIT] {UNIT}.\",\"'{MASTER_MAP_LINK}' has published content to the following courses: {CHILD_COURSES}\":\"'{MASTER_MAP_LINK}' has published content to the following courses: {CHILD_COURSES}\",\"A comment was added on {ITEMTYPE} \\\"{ITEM}\\\" in deleted [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\".\":\"A comment was added on {ITEMTYPE} \\\"{ITEM}\\\" in deleted [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\".\",\"A comment was added on deleted [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\".\":\"A comment was added on deleted [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\".\",\"A comment was updated in deleted {ITEMTYPE} {ITEM}.\":\"A comment was updated in deleted {ITEMTYPE} {ITEM}.\",\"No Filters\":\"No Filters\",\"Test Value2\":\"Test Value2\",\"{STATESTANDARD_LABEL} was updated under {CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ContentArea}, {BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {BenchmarkLevel}, {CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ContentSubArea}, {STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} {StateStandardLevel}\":\"{STATESTANDARD_LABEL} was updated under {CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ContentArea}, {BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {BenchmarkLevel}, {CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ContentSubArea}, {STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} {StateStandardLevel}\",\"{STATESTANDARD_LABEL} was added under {CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ContentArea}, {BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {BenchmarkLevel}, {CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ContentSubArea}, {STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} {StateStandardLevel}: {ITEM}\":\"{STATESTANDARD_LABEL} was added under {CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ContentArea}, {BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {BenchmarkLevel}, {CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ContentSubArea}, {STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} {StateStandardLevel}: {ITEM}\",\"{STATESTANDARD_LABEL} was removed under {CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ContentArea}, {BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {BenchmarkLevel}, {CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ContentSubArea}, {STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} {StateStandardLevel}: {ITEM}\":\"{STATESTANDARD_LABEL} was removed under {CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ContentArea}, {BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {BenchmarkLevel}, {CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ContentSubArea}, {STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} {StateStandardLevel}: {ITEM}\",\"{STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} was updated\":\"{STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} was updated\",\"{STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} was removed: {ITEM}\":\"{STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} was removed: {ITEM}\",\"{STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} was added: {ITEM}\":\"{STATESTANDARDLEVEL_LABEL} was added: {ITEM}\",\"{BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {ITEM} was updated\":\"{BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {ITEM} was updated\",\"{BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {ITEM} was added\":\"{BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {ITEM} was added\",\"{BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {ITEM} was removed\":\"{BENCHMARKLEVEL_LABEL} {ITEM} was removed\",\"{CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was removed\":\"{CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was removed\",\"{CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was updated\":\"{CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was updated\",\"{CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was added\":\"{CONTENTAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was added\",\"{CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was added\":\"{CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was added\",\"{CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was updated\":\"{CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was updated\",\"{CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was removed\":\"{CONTENTSUBAREA_LABEL} {ITEM} was removed\",\"Please add at least one filter.\":\"Please add at least one filter.\",\"A comment was added on [LESSON] \\\"{LESSON}\\\"\":\"A comment was added on [LESSON] \\\"{LESSON}\\\"\",\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was removed from [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was removed from [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was removed from [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was removed from [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"Attachments were removed from [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"Attachments were removed from [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was added to [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was added to [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was added to [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was added to [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"Attachments were added to [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"Attachments were added to [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was modified in [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was modified in [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was modified in [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was modified in [LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was added in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was added in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was added in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was added in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was recycled in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was recycled in the [UNIT] {UNIT} in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was recycled in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was recycled in the [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was restored to [UNIT] {UNIT} in [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was restored to [UNIT] {UNIT} in [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was restored in [MAP] {COURSE}.\":\"[LESSON] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was restored in [MAP] {COURSE}.\",\"[USER] {DEACTIVATED_USER} was deactivated\":\"[USER] {DEACTIVATED_USER} was deactivated\",\"[USERS] were deactivated\":\"[USERS] were deactivated\",\"[SUBJECT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was deleted, and replaced with \\\"{REPLACED_WITH}\\\"\":\"[SUBJECT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was deleted, and replaced with \\\"{REPLACED_WITH}\\\"\",\"changed to [TEACHER]\":\"changed to [TEACHER]\",\"changed to [CURRICULUM_WRITER]\":\"changed to [CURRICULUM_WRITER]\",\"[LESSON] Updates\":\"[LESSON] Updates\",\"Please [SELECT_A_TEACHER].\":\"Please [SELECT_A_TEACHER].\",\"Find [CURRICULUM_WRITERS]:\":\"Find [CURRICULUM_WRITERS]:\",\"Save [MAP_DESCRIPTION]\":\"Save [MAP_DESCRIPTION]\",\"Edit [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\":\"Edit [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\",\"Add [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\":\"Add [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\",\"All Done\":\"All Done\",\"What's Next?\":\"What's Next?\",\"Sorry, this feature of [ATLAS] is not available in the test drive version.\":\"Sorry, this feature of [ATLAS] is not available in the test drive version.\",\"Please select a [MAP] to add, edit or delete [CURRICULUM_MAP] detail:\":\"Please select a [MAP] to add, edit or delete [CURRICULUM_MAP] detail:\",\"You do not have privileges for this [MAP].\":\"You do not have privileges for this [MAP].\",\"The [MAP] could not be found\":\"The [MAP] could not be found\",\"Your [UNITS] have been successfully copied.\":\"Your [UNITS] have been successfully copied.\",\"Create a new [UNIT]:\":\"Create a new [UNIT]:\",\"[UNIT] Name:\":\"[UNIT] Name:\",\"From:\":\"From:\",\"Auto Sort\":\"Auto Sort\",\"Automatically sort all [UNITS], cascading by start date.\":\"Automatically sort all [UNITS], cascading by start date.\",\"Rename [UNIT]\":\"Rename [UNIT]\",\"Add New [UNIT]\":\"Add New [UNIT]\",\"Delete [UNIT]\":\"Delete [UNIT]\",\"The [UNIT] could not be found\":\"The [UNIT] could not be found\",\"1. Select the [MAP] containing the [UNIT] you would like to copy:\":\"1. Select the [MAP] containing the [UNIT] you would like to copy:\",\"2. Select the [UNIT] you would like to copy:\":\"2. Select the [UNIT] you would like to copy:\",\"([SELECT_A_UNIT])\":\"([SELECT_A_UNIT])\",\"No [UNITS] found. Please select another [MAP]\":\"No [UNITS] found. Please select another [MAP]\",\"3. Copy your [UNIT]!\":\"3. Copy your [UNIT]!\",\"Copy Now\":\"Copy Now\",\"[UNIT] Copy Results\":\"[UNIT] Copy Results\",\"The name of the [UNIT] you are saving {unitname} already exists in this map. Please edit the [UNIT] name so that it is different from any of the [UNIT] names listed below. Then click the \\\"[SAVE]\\\" button to save the [UNIT] with the unique name. \":\"The name of the [UNIT] you are saving {unitname} already exists in this map. Please edit the [UNIT] name so that it is different from any of the [UNIT] names listed below. Then click the \\\"[SAVE]\\\" button to save the [UNIT] with the unique name. \",\"New [UNIT] Name:\":\"New [UNIT] Name:\",\"Existing Names:\":\"Existing Names:\",\"[MAP] not found.\":\"[MAP] not found.\",\"No [UNIT] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES] found.\":\"No [UNIT] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES] found.\",\"[UNIT] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\":\"[UNIT] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\",\"Additional [STANDARDS]\":\"Additional [STANDARDS]\",\"Please [SELECT_A_TEACHER]\":\"Please [SELECT_A_TEACHER]\",\"There are no [MAPS] set up for this [TEACHER]. Please see your Atlas system administrator to set these up.\":\"There are no [MAPS] set up for this [TEACHER]. Please see your Atlas system administrator to set these up.\",\"Choose a [MAP] to Copy From\":\"Choose a [MAP] to Copy From\",\"Step 1.\":\"Step 1.\",\"Step 2.\":\"Step 2.\",\"Step 3.\":\"Step 3.\",\"Step 4.\":\"Step 4.\",\"Choose a [MAP] to Copy To:\":\"Choose a [MAP] to Copy To:\",\"Change\":\"Change\",\"Copy To: \":\"Copy To: \",\"Copy [UNITS]\":\"Copy [UNITS]\",\"Overwrite [UNITS]\":\"Overwrite [UNITS]\",\"No [MAP] found.\":\"No [MAP] found.\",\"Copy From\":\"Copy From\",\"Select the [UNITS] You Wish to Copy:\":\"Select the [UNITS] You Wish to Copy:\",\"Copy [MAP_DESCRIPTION]?\":\"Copy [MAP_DESCRIPTION]?\",\"Error: No \\\"From\\\" [MAP] selected.\":\"Error: No \\\"From\\\" [MAP] selected.\",\"Error: No \\\"To\\\" [MAP] selected.\":\"Error: No \\\"To\\\" [MAP] selected.\",\"WARNING: Some [UNITS] have the same name as an existing [UNIT] in the receiving [MAP]. Please choose an action for each [UNIT]:\":\"WARNING: Some [UNITS] have the same name as an existing [UNIT] in the receiving [MAP]. Please choose an action for each [UNIT]:\",\"Error: Your [UNITS] were not successfully copied.\":\"Error: Your [UNITS] were not successfully copied.\",\"Proceed\":\"Proceed\",\"The name of the [UNIT] you are attempting to restore already exists in the [MAP]. Please rename it.\":\"The name of the [UNIT] you are attempting to restore already exists in the [MAP]. Please rename it.\",\"Rename [UNIT] \":\"Rename [UNIT] \",\"Save [UNIT]\":\"Save [UNIT]\",\"- If you have requested to join a [COLLABORATION], you may begin editing that [MAP] once a [TEACHER] assigned to the [MAP] accepts your request.\":\"- If you have requested to join a [COLLABORATION], you may begin editing that [MAP] once a [TEACHER] assigned to the [MAP] accepts your request.\",\"- Click on an underlined [MAP_NAME] in your list of [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS] to begin developing your [MAP].\":\"- Click on an underlined [MAP_NAME] in your list of [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS] to begin developing your [MAP].\",\"The [Unit] cannot be deleted, because it is being edited by {TEACHER}\":\"The [Unit] cannot be deleted, because it is being edited by {TEACHER}\",\"Date Recycled\":\"Date Recycled\",\"Please select a [SCHOOL] in Step 1.\":\"Please select a [SCHOOL] in Step 1.\",\"In Step 2, please also select a [SUBJECT] for the [MAP] you are trying to add. You can then name your new [MAP] and add it to your [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS].\":\"In Step 2, please also select a [SUBJECT] for the [MAP] you are trying to add. You can then name your new [MAP] and add it to your [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS].\",\"In Step 2, please also select a [GRADE] for the [MAP] you are trying to add. You can then name your new [MAP] and add it to your [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS].\":\"In Step 2, please also select a [GRADE] for the [MAP] you are trying to add. You can then name your new [MAP] and add it to your [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS].\",\"Please type a [COURSE] name.\":\"Please type a [COURSE] name.\",\"No [CURRICULUM_WRITER] assigned\":\"No [CURRICULUM_WRITER] assigned\",\"An editor is already open - do you have another tab or window open with it? Please close that or this window\\/tab.\":\"An editor is already open - do you have another tab or window open with it? Please close that or this window\\/tab.\",\"At this time, text editing cannot be enabled for this browser.\":\"At this time, text editing cannot be enabled for this browser.\",\"You have been brought back to the [UNIT_CALENDAR] because you opened the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\" in another tab or window.\":\"You have been brought back to the [UNIT_CALENDAR] because you opened the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\" in another tab or window.\",\"The [UNIT] you are trying to access \\\"{UNIT}\\\" has been deleted. You may find it in the Recycle Bin.\":\"The [UNIT] you are trying to access \\\"{UNIT}\\\" has been deleted. You may find it in the Recycle Bin.\",\"Return to [UNIT_CALENDAR]\":\"Return to [UNIT_CALENDAR]\",\"{TEACHER} is editing this [UNIT] and it isn't available to rename.\":\"{TEACHER} is editing this [UNIT] and it isn't available to rename.\",\"Copy [UNITS] from any current or archived [MAP]\":\"Copy [UNITS] from any current or archived [MAP]\",\"Course Title: {COURSE_TITLE},\\nSchool: {SCHOOL},\\nSubject: {SUBJECT},\\nGrade: {GRADE}\\n\":\"Course Title: {COURSE_TITLE},\\nSchool: {SCHOOL},\\nSubject: {SUBJECT},\\nGrade: {GRADE}\\n\",\"[Map] Information\":\"[Map] Information\",\"This {STANDARD} may be out of date. Please consider aligning your [UNIT]\\/[STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] to the {STANDARDS} currently available.\":\"This {STANDARD} may be out of date. Please consider aligning your [UNIT]\\/[STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] to the {STANDARDS} currently available.\",\"Link to a Website, File, or Lesson Plan\":\"Link to a Website, File, or Lesson Plan\",\"Deleting...\":\"Deleting...\",\"Saving...\":\"Saving...\",\"Sorting...\":\"Sorting...\",\"Link to a Website or File\":\"Link to a Website or File\",\"Link to a Document, Audio\\/Video or Image file\":\"Link to a Document, Audio\\/Video or Image file\",\"Link to a Website\":\"Link to a Website\",\"This category is not set up properly.\":\"This category is not set up properly.\",\"the {AfterActivity.Type}, {AfterActivity.Name}, in the [MAPPING_CATEGORY], {AfterActivity.Curriculum.MappingCategory.Name}, in the [UNIT]:\":\"the {AfterActivity.Type}, {AfterActivity.Name}, in the [MAPPING_CATEGORY], {AfterActivity.Curriculum.MappingCategory.Name}, in the [UNIT]:\",\"deleted the {BeforeActivity.Type}, {BeforeActivity.Name}, from the [MAPPING_CATEGORY], {BeforeActivity.Curriculum.MappingCategory.Name}, in the [UNIT]:\":\"deleted the {BeforeActivity.Type}, {BeforeActivity.Name}, from the [MAPPING_CATEGORY], {BeforeActivity.Curriculum.MappingCategory.Name}, in the [UNIT]:\",\"View this [UNIT] in [BROWSE]\":\"View this [UNIT] in [BROWSE]\",\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was viewed.\":\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was viewed.\",\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was modified.\":\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was modified.\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was added to the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was added to the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was modified in the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was modified in the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was removed from [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was removed from [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was copied from {MAP_LINK_FROM} to {MAP_LINK_TO}.\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was copied from {MAP_LINK_FROM} to {MAP_LINK_TO}.\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was copied from {MAP_LINK_FROM} to {MAP_LINK_TO} and renamed {NEW_UNIT_NAME}.\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" was copied from {MAP_LINK_FROM} to {MAP_LINK_TO} and renamed {NEW_UNIT_NAME}.\",\"[CURRICULUM] was updated in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" in [CATEGORY] \\\"{MAPPING_CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[CURRICULUM] was updated in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" in [CATEGORY] \\\"{MAPPING_CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] \\\"{OPPORTUNITY_NAME}\\\" was modified in the [CATEGORY], {CATEGORY_NAME}, in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] \\\"{OPPORTUNITY_NAME}\\\" was modified in the [CATEGORY], {CATEGORY_NAME}, in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] \\\"{OPPORTUNITY_NAME}\\\" was removed from {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] \\\"{OPPORTUNITY_NAME}\\\" was removed from {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was added to {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was added to {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was modified in the [CATEGORY], {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was modified in the [CATEGORY], {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was removed from {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was removed from {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"added [UNIT_OBJECTIVES] to {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"added [UNIT_OBJECTIVES] to {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were removed from {CATEGORY_NAME} i in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were removed from {CATEGORY_NAME} i in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were removed from the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were removed from the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were updated in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were updated in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] removed from the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] removed from the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was added to the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was added to the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was modified in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] was modified in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[LINK] \\\"{LINK_NAME}\\\" was added to the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for {MAP_LINK}\":\"[LINK] \\\"{LINK_NAME}\\\" was added to the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for {MAP_LINK}\",\"[LINK] \\\"{LINK_NAME}\\\" was removed from the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for {MAP_LINK}\":\"[LINK] \\\"{LINK_NAME}\\\" was removed from the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for {MAP_LINK}\",\"[LINK] \\\"{LINK_NAME}\\\" was modified in the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for {MAP_LINK}\":\"[LINK] \\\"{LINK_NAME}\\\" was modified in the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for {MAP_LINK}\",\"[ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] \\\"{OPPORTUNITY_NAME}\\\" was added to {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] \\\"{OPPORTUNITY_NAME}\\\" was added to {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"{TYPE} \\\"{NAME}\\\" was removed from the [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_MAP_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"{TYPE} \\\"{NAME}\\\" was removed from the [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_MAP_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"{TYPE} \\\"{NAME}\\\" was added to the [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_MAP_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"{TYPE} \\\"{NAME}\\\" was added to the [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_MAP_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"{TYPE} \\\"{NAME}\\\" was modified in the [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_MAP_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"{TYPE} \\\"{NAME}\\\" was modified in the [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_MAP_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were removed from \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were removed from \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were updated for \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were updated for \\\"{CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"[CURRICULUM_MAPS] Assigned to {TeacherName}\":\"[CURRICULUM_MAPS] Assigned to {TeacherName}\",\"Click on a [UNIT] to edit your [CURRICULUM]\":\"Click on a [UNIT] to edit your [CURRICULUM]\",\"[SUBMIT] To [EXEMPLAR]\":\"[SUBMIT] To [EXEMPLAR]\",\"[RESUBMIT] To [EXEMPLAR]\":\"[RESUBMIT] To [EXEMPLAR]\",\"[EXEMPLAR_SITES] are Curriculum-Writer-generated collections of [UNITS] related to a specific discipline, pedagogy or methodology. To learn more about the [EXEMPLARS], or to submit this [UNIT], click here.\":\"[EXEMPLAR_SITES] are Curriculum-Writer-generated collections of [UNITS] related to a specific discipline, pedagogy or methodology. To learn more about the [EXEMPLARS], or to submit this [UNIT], click here.\",\"Please select an [EXEMPLAR].\":\"Please select an [EXEMPLAR].\",\"Text editing cannot be enabled for iOS5. Please upgrade to iOS6 or above to use this feature.\":\"Text editing cannot be enabled for iOS5. Please upgrade to iOS6 or above to use this feature.\",\"Text editing cannot be enabled for IE6. Please upgrade to IE7 or above to use this feature.\":\"Text editing cannot be enabled for IE6. Please upgrade to IE7 or above to use this feature.\",\"{FIRST_NAME} is requesting to join the [MAP]: {MAP_NAME}, [SUBJECT]: {SUBJECT_NAME}, [GRADE]: {GRADE_NAME}.\":\"{FIRST_NAME} is requesting to join the [MAP]: {MAP_NAME}, [SUBJECT]: {SUBJECT_NAME}, [GRADE]: {GRADE_NAME}.\",\"Maximum upload size: 100mb per file.\":\"Maximum upload size: 100mb per file.\",\"No updates.\":\"No updates.\",\"[ADOPTED_MAP] for this [COURSE]\":\"[ADOPTED_MAP] for this [COURSE]\",\"Send a Message to the {NUMBER_OF_TEACHERS} [TEACHERS] Affected by This Publish:\":\"Send a Message to the {NUMBER_OF_TEACHERS} [TEACHERS] Affected by This Publish:\",\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was added to the [SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] in the [CATEGORY], {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"{ATTACHMENT_TYPE} \\\"{ATTACHMENT_NAME}\\\" was added to the [SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] in the [CATEGORY], {CATEGORY_NAME} in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"Message sent successfully.\":\"Message sent successfully.\",\"Publish Successful\":\"Publish Successful\",\"Publish failed\":\"Publish failed\",\"You have successfully published your [ADOPTED_MAPS]! Updates will appear shortly. Would you like to send a School Message to Teachers whose [MAPS] were updated?\":\"You have successfully published your [ADOPTED_MAPS]! Updates will appear shortly. Would you like to send a School Message to Teachers whose [MAPS] were updated?\",\"Notify Teachers\":\"Notify Teachers\",\"Remove from Publish List\":\"Remove from Publish List\",\"Master Unit name already exists.\":\"Master Unit name already exists.\",\"The existing unit cannot be overwritten because it is locked by [ADOPTED_MAP_INDEFINITE_ARTICLE] [ADOPTED_MAP].\":\"The existing unit cannot be overwritten because it is locked by [ADOPTED_MAP_INDEFINITE_ARTICLE] [ADOPTED_MAP].\",\"Your upload cannot have a total size greater than 500Mb. Please upload your files in smaller groups, and make sure each file is smaller than 100Mb.\":\"Your upload cannot have a total size greater than 500Mb. Please upload your files in smaller groups, and make sure each file is smaller than 100Mb.\",\"The maximum file size limit for uploads is 100mb. The following files were not uploaded because they exceed the maximum file size:\":\"The maximum file size limit for uploads is 100mb. The following files were not uploaded because they exceed the maximum file size:\",\"This [UNIT] cannot be saved because is being edited by {TEACHER}.\":\"This [UNIT] cannot be saved because is being edited by {TEACHER}.\",\"{NAME} is currently editing {CATEGORY}\":\"{NAME} is currently editing {CATEGORY}\",\"(Choose a Filter)\":\"(Choose a Filter)\",\"[STANDARDS] [TARGETED] in this [MAP]\":\"[STANDARDS] [TARGETED] in this [MAP]\",\"[STANDARDS] not [TARGETED] in this [MAP]\":\"[STANDARDS] not [TARGETED] in this [MAP]\",\"[STANDARDS] [TARGETED] but not [ASSESSED] in this [MAP]\":\"[STANDARDS] [TARGETED] but not [ASSESSED] in this [MAP]\",\"[STANDARDS] [ASSESSED] but not [TARGETED] in this [MAP]\":\"[STANDARDS] [ASSESSED] but not [TARGETED] in this [MAP]\",\"[STANDARDS] [TARGETED] in this [MAP] by the end of this [UNIT]\":\"[STANDARDS] [TARGETED] in this [MAP] by the end of this [UNIT]\",\"[STANDARDS] [TARGETED] by other [TEACHERS] who teach this same [MAP]\":\"[STANDARDS] [TARGETED] by other [TEACHERS] who teach this same [MAP]\",\"{COUNT} {ITEMS_LABEL}\":\"{COUNT} {ITEMS_LABEL}\",\"Choose a {CONTENT_AREA}\":\"Choose a {CONTENT_AREA}\",\"Choose a {CONTENT_SUBAREA}\":\"Choose a {CONTENT_SUBAREA}\",\"Choose a {BENCHMARK_LEVEL}\":\"Choose a {BENCHMARK_LEVEL}\",\"{COUNT} {ITEMS_LABEL} aligned in this [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\":\"{COUNT} {ITEMS_LABEL} aligned in this [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\",\"Search [STANDARDS]\":\"Search [STANDARDS]\",\"Filter [STANDARDS]\":\"Filter [STANDARDS]\",\"Show\":\"Show\",\"Assessed in this...\":\"Assessed in this...\",\"In this [MAP]...\":\"In this [MAP]...\",\"Today at\":\"Today at\",\"You are currently editing {CATEGORY} in another window or tab\":\"You are currently editing {CATEGORY} in another window or tab\",\"No [STATE_STANDARDS] Assessed\":\"No [STATE_STANDARDS] Assessed\",\"View [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] Details\":\"View [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] Details\",\"{NUM_STANDARDS} {STANDARDS_LABEL} Assessed\":\"{NUM_STANDARDS} {STANDARDS_LABEL} Assessed\",\"Hide [STANDARDS]\":\"Hide [STANDARDS]\",\"[STANDARDS] with Flag: {Flag}\":\"[STANDARDS] with Flag: {Flag}\",\"In this [MAP] before the end of this [UNIT]\":\"In this [MAP] before the end of this [UNIT]\",\"[ADD] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\":\"[ADD] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\",\"No [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\":\"No [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\",\"No [STATE_STANDARDS] aligned in this [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\":\"No [STATE_STANDARDS] aligned in this [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\",\"[DELETE] [UNIT]\":\"[DELETE] [UNIT]\",\"[ADD] [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\":\"[ADD] [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\",\"Add an Attachment\":\"Add an Attachment\",\"Unit Saved\":\"Unit Saved\",\"Enter a search term\":\"Enter a search term\",\"Browse [STANDARDS]\":\"Browse [STANDARDS]\",\"(Choose a {CONTENT_AREA})\":\"(Choose a {CONTENT_AREA})\",\"(Choose a {CONTENT_SUBAREA})\":\"(Choose a {CONTENT_SUBAREA})\",\"(Choose a {BENCHMARK_LEVEL})\":\"(Choose a {BENCHMARK_LEVEL})\",\"(All {CONTENT_AREAS})\":\"(All {CONTENT_AREAS})\",\"(All {CONTENT_SUBAREAS})\":\"(All {CONTENT_SUBAREAS})\",\"(All {BENCHMARK_LEVELS})\":\"(All {BENCHMARK_LEVELS})\",\"To start targeting [STANDARDS], use the \\\"[UnitStateStandard::TEXT_CHOOSE]\\\" button above.\":\"To start targeting [STANDARDS], use the \\\"[UnitStateStandard::TEXT_CHOOSE]\\\" button above.\",\"To target [STANDARDS] in this [UNIT], begin by searching, browsing, or filtering above.\":\"To target [STANDARDS] in this [UNIT], begin by searching, browsing, or filtering above.\",\"Now select a {BENCHMARK_LEVEL}, enter a search term, or choose a filter.\":\"Now select a {BENCHMARK_LEVEL}, enter a search term, or choose a filter.\",\"No [STANDARDS] were found matching \\u201c{StandardsKeyword}\\u201d\":\"No [STANDARDS] were found matching \\u201c{StandardsKeyword}\\u201d\",\"No {StandardsFilter} were found.\":\"No {StandardsFilter} were found.\",\"Broaden your search beyond {ContentArea}\":\"Broaden your search beyond {ContentArea}\",\"Broaden your search beyond {ContentSubArea}\":\"Broaden your search beyond {ContentSubArea}\",\"Try searching for a term other than \\u201c{StandardsKeyword}\\u201d, or clear it.\":\"Try searching for a term other than \\u201c{StandardsKeyword}\\u201d, or clear it.\",\"Clear the filter that shows only {StandardsFilter}, or choose another.\":\"Clear the filter that shows only {StandardsFilter}, or choose another.\",\"No [STANDARDS] were found with these criteria. You may want to:\":\"No [STANDARDS] were found with these criteria. You may want to:\",\"Choose [STANDARDS]\":\"Choose [STANDARDS]\",\"View [UNIT_CALENDAR]\":\"View [UNIT_CALENDAR]\",\"{MAP_NAME} [UNITS]\":\"{MAP_NAME} [UNITS]\",\"Add a [UNIT]\":\"Add a [UNIT]\",\"To use this filter, you'll need to select a {CONTENT_AREA} or enter a search term above.\":\"To use this filter, you'll need to select a {CONTENT_AREA} or enter a search term above.\",\"Discard Changes\":\"Discard Changes\",\"Try Again\":\"Try Again\",\"An Error Occurred\":\"An Error Occurred\",\"Atlas requires an internet connection to operate. All of your data has been saved to our servers, but Atlas is having trouble connecting. Please check your network connection.\":\"Atlas requires an internet connection to operate. All of your data has been saved to our servers, but Atlas is having trouble connecting. Please check your network connection.\",\"We\\u2019re having trouble saving your changes. Please take a moment to make sure you are still connected to the internet and try saving again.\":\"We\\u2019re having trouble saving your changes. Please take a moment to make sure you are still connected to the internet and try saving again.\",\"The [UNIT] could not be found, but you can return to the [MAP]: {MAP_LINK}.\":\"The [UNIT] could not be found, but you can return to the [MAP]: {MAP_LINK}.\",\"Connection Error\":\"Connection Error\",\"Error Saving Changes\":\"Error Saving Changes\",\"Try Saving Again\":\"Try Saving Again\",\"We weren't able to save your most recent changes. We\\u2019ll reload this unit with the latest version we have available. Check your work to see what changes you may need to make.\\n \\n(One reason could be that you lost your internet connection\\u2014Atlas requires one to operate.)\":\"We weren't able to save your most recent changes. We\\u2019ll reload this unit with the latest version we have available. Check your work to see what changes you may need to make.\\n \\n(One reason could be that you lost your internet connection\\u2014Atlas requires one to operate.)\",\"Unable to save changes\":\"Unable to save changes\",\"To edit this unit, you\\u2019ll want to stay on the page.\":\"To edit this unit, you\\u2019ll want to stay on the page.\",\"To make sure that your changes have been saved, you should stay on this page for a couple seconds and let the save process complete.\":\"To make sure that your changes have been saved, you should stay on this page for a couple seconds and let the save process complete.\",\"Edit anyway\":\"Edit anyway\",\"Changes you make to {CATEGORY} here will override any unsaved changes you may have made in another window or tab. (If you are NOT editing this elsewhere, choose \\\"OK, Edit anyway.\\\")\":\"Changes you make to {CATEGORY} here will override any unsaved changes you may have made in another window or tab. (If you are NOT editing this elsewhere, choose \\\"OK, Edit anyway.\\\")\",\"Cancel, Don't Edit\":\"Cancel, Don't Edit\",\"OK, Edit anyway\":\"OK, Edit anyway\",\"Select a [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT]\":\"Select a [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT]\",\"Used in this [MAP] (Times Used)<\\/b>\":\"Used in this [MAP] (Times Used)<\\/b>\",\"All [ASSESSMENT_METHODS]\":\"All [ASSESSMENT_METHODS]\",\"View [SCHOOL_VALUES] Details\":\"View [SCHOOL_VALUES] Details\",\"{NUM_SCHOOL_VALUES} [SCHOOL_VALUES]\":\"{NUM_SCHOOL_VALUES} [SCHOOL_VALUES]\",\"Hide [SCHOOL_VALUES]\":\"Hide [SCHOOL_VALUES]\",\"No [SCHOOL_VALUES]\":\"No [SCHOOL_VALUES]\",\"Browse [SCHOOL_VALUES]\":\"Browse [SCHOOL_VALUES]\",\"This [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\":\"This [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\",\"Assessed in these [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITIES]\":\"Assessed in these [ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITIES]\",\"Targeted in these [UNITS]\":\"Targeted in these [UNITS]\",\"This [UNIT]\":\"This [UNIT]\",\"[ATLAS] could not find a URL for the Google Drive file {FILE} - please attach a sharable link. See {LINK} for more information about this topic.\":\"[ATLAS] could not find a URL for the Google Drive file {FILE} - please attach a sharable link. See {LINK} for more information about this topic.\",\"Google Drive\":\"Google Drive\",\"Edit [UNIT] Attributes\":\"Edit [UNIT] Attributes\",\"[LESSON] Planner\":\"[LESSON] Planner\",\"Add New [LESSON]\":\"Add New [LESSON]\",\"Back to [LESSON] list\":\"Back to [LESSON] list\",\"Other [LESSONS]\":\"Other [LESSONS]\",\"Title\":\"Title\",\"Created By\":\"Created By\",\"Last Modified\":\"Last Modified\",\"Title (Required)\":\"Title (Required)\",\"Duration\":\"Duration\",\"[STANDARDS]\":\"[STANDARDS]\",\"[LESSON] Details\":\"[LESSON] Details\",\"Manage [LESSON] Templates\":\"Manage [LESSON] Templates\",\"There is already an existing [LESSON] with this title associated with this unit. Please rename your [LESSON].\":\"There is already an existing [LESSON] with this title associated with this unit. Please rename your [LESSON].\",\"Reset Dates\":\"Reset Dates\",\"There are no [LESSONS] associated with this [UNIT].\":\"There are no [LESSONS] associated with this [UNIT].\",\"Delete [STANDARD]\":\"Delete [STANDARD]\",\"Saved\":\"Saved\",\"Saving\":\"Saving\",\"Please add lesson title for the lesson to be saved.\":\"Please add lesson title for the lesson to be saved.\",\"Print to PDF\":\"Print to PDF\",\"Are you sure you want to move the selected lessons to the Recycle Bin?\":\"Are you sure you want to move the selected lessons to the Recycle Bin?\",\"The Associated [UNIT] does not have any Targeted [STANDARDS]. To add [STANDARDS] to this [LESSON_PLAN], please click on [Atlas_Develop_StandardsAlignment_View_EditBenchmarksForm::TEXT_STANDARDS_TAB]\":\"The Associated [UNIT] does not have any Targeted [STANDARDS]. To add [STANDARDS] to this [LESSON_PLAN], please click on [Atlas_Develop_StandardsAlignment_View_EditBenchmarksForm::TEXT_STANDARDS_TAB]\",\"Add a New Template\":\"Add a New Template\",\"Manage Templates\":\"Manage Templates\",\"Enter Template Name...\":\"Enter Template Name...\",\"Insert\":\"Insert\",\"Template Title Required\":\"Template Title Required\",\"Lesson Template Here\":\"Lesson Template Here\",\"You can save a maximum of 8 templates. Please delete some to allow room for new ones.\":\"You can save a maximum of 8 templates. Please delete some to allow room for new ones.\",\"Please Enter Template Title\":\"Please Enter Template Title\",\"There is already a template with that name.\":\"There is already a template with that name.\",\"Enter a title...\":\"Enter a title...\",\"Share to Google Classroom\":\"Share to Google Classroom\",\"The selected [LESSON] has been deleted.\":\"The selected [LESSON] has been deleted.\",\"Select a [CURRICULUM_WRITER]\":\"Select a [CURRICULUM_WRITER]\",\"View in Unit Calendar\":\"View in Unit Calendar\",\"Copy Lessons\":\"Copy Lessons\",\"Select Lesson(s) to Copy\":\"Select Lesson(s) to Copy\",\"Select Unit(s)\":\"Select Unit(s)\",\"View In [ATLAS]\":\"View In [ATLAS]\",\"Link to a different [MAP] in [ATLAS]\":\"Link to a different [MAP] in [ATLAS]\",\"{COPIED} of {NUMBER} lesson(s) copied successfully\":\"{COPIED} of {NUMBER} lesson(s) copied successfully\",\"Manage Editors\":\"Manage Editors\",\"Submit for Review\":\"Submit for Review\",\"Lesson Editor(s)\":\"Lesson Editor(s)\",\"Add Editor(s)\":\"Add Editor(s)\",\"Add Editors\":\"Add Editors\",\"Courses I am Teaching\":\"Courses I am Teaching\",\"Courses I am Developing\":\"Courses I am Developing\",\"Lesson Creator\":\"Lesson Creator\",\"My requests\":\"My requests\",\"Requests to me\":\"Requests to me\",\"Draft units are only visible to Curriculum Developers of the course\":\"Draft units are only visible to Curriculum Developers of the course\",\"These are templates managed by admins\":\"These are templates managed by admins\",\"Copy with Draft status?\":\"Copy with Draft status?\",\"This [UNIT] and [COURSE] have been deleted in [ATLAS]\":\"This [UNIT] and [COURSE] have been deleted in [ATLAS]\",\"The [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" has been deleted.\\nYou may find it in the {UNIT_LINK}.\":\"The [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_NAME}\\\" has been deleted.\\nYou may find it in the {UNIT_LINK}.\",\"{USER_NAME} has asked you to review their [LESSON]: {LESSON_NAME}\":\"{USER_NAME} has asked you to review their [LESSON]: {LESSON_NAME}\",\"{USER_NAME} has completed the review of this [LESSON]: {LESSON_NAME}\":\"{USER_NAME} has completed the review of this [LESSON]: {LESSON_NAME}\",\"{USER_NAME} has completed the review of this [LESSON]: {LESSON_NAME} in [COURSE] {COURSE_NAME}\":\"{USER_NAME} has completed the review of this [LESSON]: {LESSON_NAME} in [COURSE] {COURSE_NAME}\",\"Edit [UNIT] Settings\":\"Edit [UNIT] Settings\",\"Move to [RECYCLE_BIN]\":\"Move to [RECYCLE_BIN]\",\"Unpin from [DASHBOARD]\":\"Unpin from [DASHBOARD]\",\"[UNIT_CALENDAR] by Month\":\"[UNIT_CALENDAR] by Month\",\"Show Weekends\":\"Show Weekends\",\"Show All [LESSONS]\":\"Show All [LESSONS]\",\"Hide All [LESSONS]\":\"Hide All [LESSONS]\",\"Show My [LESSONS]\":\"Show My [LESSONS]\",\"AI generated [CURRICULUM] was added to the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" in [CATEGORY] \\\"{MAPPING_CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"AI generated [CURRICULUM] was added to the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" in [CATEGORY] \\\"{MAPPING_CATEGORY_NAME}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"AI generated part of the [LESSON]: \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\" in the [MAP] \\\"{COURSE}\\\".\":\"AI generated part of the [LESSON]: \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\" in the [MAP] \\\"{COURSE}\\\".\",\"AI generated part of the [LESSON]: \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] \\\"{COURSE}\\\".\":\"AI generated part of the [LESSON]: \\\"{NAME}\\\" in the [MAP] \\\"{COURSE}\\\".\",\"Leave a [NOTE]\":\"Leave a [NOTE]\",\"Add to [FAVORITES]\":\"Add to [FAVORITES]\",\"[EDIT] [UNIT]\":\"[EDIT] [UNIT]\",\"Save Report\":\"Save Report\",\"Name: \":\"Name: \",\"Save New Report\":\"Save New Report\",\"Printable Map List\":\"Printable Map List\",\"[UNIT] List For Year\":\"[UNIT] List For Year\",\"Saved Filters:\":\"Saved Filters:\",\"No Saved Filters\":\"No Saved Filters\",\"Select a Saved Filter\":\"Select a Saved Filter\",\"A saved filter with the name \\\"{NAME}\\\" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?\":\"A saved filter with the name \\\"{NAME}\\\" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?\",\"Please fill in a name for the Saved Filter.\":\"Please fill in a name for the Saved Filter.\",\"[STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT_REPORT] for the [MAP] \\\"{LINK_TO_MAP}\\\" was viewed.\":\"[STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT_REPORT] for the [MAP] \\\"{LINK_TO_MAP}\\\" was viewed.\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUES_REPORT] for the [MAP] \\\"{LINK_TO_MAP}\\\" was viewed\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUES_REPORT] for the [MAP] \\\"{LINK_TO_MAP}\\\" was viewed\",\"[Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_MULTIPLE_CATEGORY_SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_MULTIPLE_CATEGORY_SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"Print Results List\":\"Print Results List\",\"[Atlas_Browse_View_PrintableMapView::TEXT_PRINT_RESULTS_LIST] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[Atlas_Browse_View_PrintableMapView::TEXT_PRINT_RESULTS_LIST] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"[CURRICULUM_MAP] was viewed for the [MAP] \\\"{LINK_TO_MAP}.\\\"\":\"[CURRICULUM_MAP] was viewed for the [MAP] \\\"{LINK_TO_MAP}.\\\"\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{LINK_TO_UNIT}\\\" found in [MAP] \\\"{LINK_TO_MAP}\\\" was viewed.\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{LINK_TO_UNIT}\\\" found in [MAP] \\\"{LINK_TO_MAP}\\\" was viewed.\",\"[Atlas_Browse_View_NowViewing::TEXT_INTEGRATED_MAP] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[Atlas_Browse_View_NowViewing::TEXT_INTEGRATED_MAP] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"Selected Date Range\":\"Selected Date Range\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" found in the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was added to [FAVORITES].\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" found in the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was added to [FAVORITES].\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was removed from [FAVORITES].\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{UNIT_LINK}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was removed from [FAVORITES].\",\"[UNIT_CALENDAR] for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was viewed\":\"[UNIT_CALENDAR] for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}\\\" was viewed\",\"\\\"{NAME}\\\" was marked as a favorite [UNIT]\":\"\\\"{NAME}\\\" was marked as a favorite [UNIT]\",\"\\\"{NAME}\\\" was unmarked as a favorite [UNIT]\":\"\\\"{NAME}\\\" was unmarked as a favorite [UNIT]\",\"[CURRICULUM] was updated in the [UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\":\"[CURRICULUM] was updated in the [UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\",\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was viewed\":\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was viewed\",\"[UNIT_PLANNER] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was viewed\":\"[UNIT_PLANNER] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was viewed\",\"[UNIT_CALENDAR] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was viewed\":\"[UNIT_CALENDAR] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was viewed\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was deleted\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was deleted\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was created\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was created\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was restored\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was restored\",\"one other\":\"one other\",\"{NUM} others\":\"{NUM} others\",\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for \\\"{NAME}\\\" was viewed\":\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for \\\"{NAME}\\\" was viewed\",\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated\":\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated\",\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated\":\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] for \\\"{NAME}\\\" was updated\",\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] link was deleted in the [MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\":\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] link was deleted in the [MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\",\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] link was added in the [MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\":\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] link was added in the [MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\",\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] link was updated in the [MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\":\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTION] link was updated in the [MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\",\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were updated in the [UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\":\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVES] were updated in the [UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\"\",\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was deleted\":\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was deleted\",\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was created\":\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was created\",\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was restored\":\"[MAP] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was restored\",\"A comment was removed on {ITEMTYPE} {ITEM}.\":\"A comment was removed on {ITEMTYPE} {ITEM}.\",\"A comment was added on {ITEM}\":\"A comment was added on {ITEM}\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was copied\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was copied\",\"Sort Order was Changed\":\"Sort Order was Changed\",\"{DATE}, by {USER}\":\"{DATE}, by {USER}\",\"A comment was added on [CURRICULUM] in [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY}\\\" in [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"A comment was added on [CURRICULUM] in [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY}\\\" in [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"Enter [NOTE] Text (Required)\":\"Enter [NOTE] Text (Required)\",\"Enter [NOTE] Subject (Optional)\":\"Enter [NOTE] Subject (Optional)\",\"Enter Comment (Required)\":\"Enter Comment (Required)\",\"A comment was added on [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\":\"A comment was added on [UNIT] \\\"{UNIT}\\\" for the [MAP] \\\"{MAP_LINK}.\\\"\",\"Enter a Keyword\":\"Enter a Keyword\",\"Browse [UNIT_CALENDARS]\":\"Browse [UNIT_CALENDARS]\",\"Browse [CURRICULUM]\":\"Browse [CURRICULUM]\",\"Browse [COURSE_DESCRIPTIONS]\":\"Browse [COURSE_DESCRIPTIONS]\",\"Browse [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT]\":\"Browse [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT]\",\"[STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] and Description\":\"[STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] and Description\",\"Also leave a [NOTE] for this [UNIT] in [ADOPTED_MAP]\":\"Also leave a [NOTE] for this [UNIT] in [ADOPTED_MAP]\",\"Show all Columns and Rows\":\"Show all Columns and Rows\",\"Hide Column\":\"Hide Column\",\"Hide Row\":\"Hide Row\",\"A note was left on the [UNIT] \\\"{LINK}\\\" in [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY}\\\"\":\"A note was left on the [UNIT] \\\"{LINK}\\\" in [MAPPING_CATEGORY] \\\"{CATEGORY}\\\"\",\"If you wish to preserve your customized view, please press \\\"Stay on Page\\\" below and and save your view as a custom report using the Actions menu.\":\"If you wish to preserve your customized view, please press \\\"Stay on Page\\\" below and and save your view as a custom report using the Actions menu.\",\"Only Show Empty Courses\":\"Only Show Empty Courses\",\"Hide [MAPS] with No Lessons\":\"Hide [MAPS] with No Lessons\",\"Only Show\":\"Only Show\",\"[MAPS] with [UNITS]\":\"[MAPS] with [UNITS]\",\"[MAPS] without [UNITS]\":\"[MAPS] without [UNITS]\",\"[MAPS] with [LESSONS]\":\"[MAPS] with [LESSONS]\",\"Draft [UNITS] are only visible to you and other [CURRICULUM_WRITERS] of the course\":\"Draft [UNITS] are only visible to you and other [CURRICULUM_WRITERS] of the course\",\"{USER_NAME} left a comment on your [LESSON], {LESSON_LINK}.\":\"{USER_NAME} left a comment on your [LESSON], {LESSON_LINK}.\",\"There is a private comment on your [CURRICULUM]\":\"There is a private comment on your [CURRICULUM]\",\"This [MAP] has been successfully removed from [FAVORITES]\":\"This [MAP] has been successfully removed from [FAVORITES]\",\"This [MAP] has been successfully added to [FAVORITES]\":\"This [MAP] has been successfully added to [FAVORITES]\",\"The [UNIT] was removed from [FAVORITES].\":\"The [UNIT] was removed from [FAVORITES].\",\"The [UNIT] was added to [FAVORITES].\":\"The [UNIT] was added to [FAVORITES].\",\"Printable [MAP] List\":\"Printable [MAP] List\",\"Complex Checklist\":\"Complex Checklist\",\"{USER_NAME} has viewed your collaborative [CURRICULUM_MAP]:\":\"{USER_NAME} has viewed your collaborative [CURRICULUM_MAP]:\",\"[MAP] not found\":\"[MAP] not found\",\"Comparative [UNIT_CALENDAR] :: {DISTRICT_NAME}\":\"Comparative [UNIT_CALENDAR] :: {DISTRICT_NAME}\",\"Comparative [UNIT_CALENDAR] {DISPLAY_YEAR} :: {DISTRICT_NAME}\":\"Comparative [UNIT_CALENDAR] {DISPLAY_YEAR} :: {DISTRICT_NAME}\",\"Comparative [UNIT_CALENDAR]\":\"Comparative [UNIT_CALENDAR]\",\"Comparative [UNIT_CALENDAR] {DISPLAY_YEAR}\":\"Comparative [UNIT_CALENDAR] {DISPLAY_YEAR}\",\"Set Dates\":\"Set Dates\",\"No [UNITS] found that match the given criteria.\":\"No [UNITS] found that match the given criteria.\",\"No [MAPS] selected.\":\"No [MAPS] selected.\",\"Filter:\":\"Filter:\",\"by [SCHOOL_TYPE]\":\"by [SCHOOL_TYPE]\",\"Type a [MAP_NAME]\":\"Type a [MAP_NAME]\",\"Type a [USER] Name\":\"Type a [USER] Name\",\"by [YEAR]\":\"by [YEAR]\",\"Current [YEAR]\":\"Current [YEAR]\",\"Integrated Map for {SELECTED_DATE}\":\"Integrated Map for {SELECTED_DATE}\",\"Now Viewing: \":\"Now Viewing: \",\"No [UNITS] found. Please try choosing a different date.\":\"No [UNITS] found. Please try choosing a different date.\",\"All [TEACHERS] already sent a Harvest Request [EMAIL]\":\"All [TEACHERS] already sent a Harvest Request [EMAIL]\",\"Request for inclusion in the [EXEMPLAR_SITES].\":\"Request for inclusion in the [EXEMPLAR_SITES].\",\"This [UNIT] already submitted to a [EXEMPLAR_SITE].\":\"This [UNIT] already submitted to a [EXEMPLAR_SITE].\",\"Requested for Inclusion in [EXEMPLAR_SITES] {EMAIL_SENT}\":\"Requested for Inclusion in [EXEMPLAR_SITES] {EMAIL_SENT}\",\"No [UNITS] found. Please try choosing different filters.\":\"No [UNITS] found. Please try choosing different filters.\",\"Multiple Category [SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE]\":\"Multiple Category [SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE]\",\"Integrated Map\":\"Integrated Map\",\"View [REPORT]\":\"View [REPORT]\",\"Hide Empty [MAPS]\":\"Hide Empty [MAPS]\",\"[SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE_REPORT]\":\"[SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE_REPORT]\",\"[SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE_REPORT] For {MAPPING_CATEGORY_NAME}\":\"[SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE_REPORT] For {MAPPING_CATEGORY_NAME}\",\"[UNIT] Comparison [REPORT]\":\"[UNIT] Comparison [REPORT]\",\"Sorry, no data available for report\":\"Sorry, no data available for report\",\"[UNIT] Overview [REPORT]\":\"[UNIT] Overview [REPORT]\",\"No [MAPS] were found.\":\"No [MAPS] were found.\",\"The [UNIT] could not be found.\":\"The [UNIT] could not be found.\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] and Description \":\"[SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] and Description \",\"Add or Edit [Notes]\":\"Add or Edit [Notes]\",\"This {STANDARD} may be out of date. \":\"This {STANDARD} may be out of date. \",\"This [NOTE] was not saved. Please enter text before saving a [NOTE].\":\"This [NOTE] was not saved. Please enter text before saving a [NOTE].\",\"Select a [SCHOOL_TYPE]\":\"Select a [SCHOOL_TYPE]\",\"Multiple reports allow for detailed analysis and comparison of any [MAPS]. \":\"Multiple reports allow for detailed analysis and comparison of any [MAPS]. \",\"Analyzes the standards and assessments used in your [MAPS]. \":\"Analyzes the standards and assessments used in your [MAPS]. \",\"Reports on selected [SUBJECTS]\\/[GRADES] from your set of academic standards, whether they are produced by a state or other professional organization. \":\"Reports on selected [SUBJECTS]\\/[GRADES] from your set of academic standards, whether they are produced by a state or other professional organization. \",\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTIONS] Report\":\"[COURSE_DESCRIPTIONS] Report\",\"Analyze :: [CURRICULUM_ANALYTICS]\":\"Analyze :: [CURRICULUM_ANALYTICS]\",\"Choose [MAPS]:\":\"Choose [MAPS]:\",\"Sort and Preview [MAPS]:\":\"Sort and Preview [MAPS]:\",\"Run [REPORT]:\":\"Run [REPORT]:\",\"[UNIT] Overview\":\"[UNIT] Overview\",\"[SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE]\":\"[SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE]\",\"New Report\":\"New Report\",\"[STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS]\":\"[STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS]\",\"Reports on just the [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] you have included in your curriculum [MAPS] (the [MAPS] you see when you go to [DEVELOP]).\":\"Reports on just the [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] you have included in your curriculum [MAPS] (the [MAPS] you see when you go to [DEVELOP]).\",\"One-click reports that reflect all [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] work done by anyone in your [ATLAS] system.\":\"One-click reports that reflect all [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] work done by anyone in your [ATLAS] system.\",\"Build-Your-Own (customizable) reports that can be created and shared to analyze specific [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] queries.\":\"Build-Your-Own (customizable) reports that can be created and shared to analyze specific [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] queries.\",\"Loading Reports...\":\"Loading Reports...\",\"Filter Assessments:\":\"Filter Assessments:\",\"Filter [STANDARDS]:\":\"Filter [STANDARDS]:\",\"Filter\":\"Filter\",\"by {FILTER_LABEL}\":\"by {FILTER_LABEL}\",\"List results by:\":\"List results by:\",\"Graph:\":\"Graph:\",\"Select Course:\":\"Select Course:\",\"Return to My [MAP] Report\":\"Return to My [MAP] Report\",\"Select Report:\":\"Select Report:\",\"Save As...\":\"Save As...\",\"Import...\":\"Import...\",\"Report Name:\":\"Report Name:\",\"Edit in My Reports\":\"Edit in My Reports\",\"Menu\":\"Menu\",\"« Hide {PANEL_LABEL}\":\"« Hide {PANEL_LABEL}\",\"Show {PANEL_LABEL} »\":\"Show {PANEL_LABEL} »\",\"[STANDARDS] by [CONTENT_AREA]\":\"[STANDARDS] by [CONTENT_AREA]\",\"View the [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] relating to a [CONTENT_AREA].\":\"View the [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] relating to a [CONTENT_AREA].\",\"(Select a {CONTENT_AREA})\":\"(Select a {CONTENT_AREA})\",\"[STANDARDS] by [BENCHMARK_LEVEL]\":\"[STANDARDS] by [BENCHMARK_LEVEL]\",\"View the [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] relating to a [BENCHMARK_LEVEL].\":\"View the [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] relating to a [BENCHMARK_LEVEL].\",\"([SELECT_A_BENCHMARK_LEVEL])\":\"([SELECT_A_BENCHMARK_LEVEL])\",\"[SUBJECTS] in a [SCHOOL]\":\"[SUBJECTS] in a [SCHOOL]\",\"View [STANDARDS] and their [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] in each [SUBJECT] for a given [SCHOOL].\":\"View [STANDARDS] and their [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] in each [SUBJECT] for a given [SCHOOL].\",\"([SELECT_A_SCHOOL])\":\"([SELECT_A_SCHOOL])\",\"[SUBJECTS] in a [GRADE]\":\"[SUBJECTS] in a [GRADE]\",\"View the assessed [STANDARDS] and their [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] in each [SUBJECT] for a given [GRADE].\":\"View the assessed [STANDARDS] and their [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] in each [SUBJECT] for a given [GRADE].\",\"([SELECT_A_GRADE])\":\"([SELECT_A_GRADE])\",\"A [SUBJECT] Across the [GRADES]\":\"A [SUBJECT] Across the [GRADES]\",\"View the [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] in each grade for a given [SUBJECT].\":\"View the [STANDARDS] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] in each grade for a given [SUBJECT].\",\"([SELECT_A_SUBJECT])\":\"([SELECT_A_SUBJECT])\",\"View a pie chart of the distribution of [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] within one [SUBJECT].\":\"View a pie chart of the distribution of [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] within one [SUBJECT].\",\"[STANDARDS_PROFICIENCY_TYPES] in a [GRADE]\":\"[STANDARDS_PROFICIENCY_TYPES] in a [GRADE]\",\"For one [GRADE], view a pie chart of how many [STANDARDS] are being assessed by each [STANDARDS_PROFICIENCY_TYPE]\":\"For one [GRADE], view a pie chart of how many [STANDARDS] are being assessed by each [STANDARDS_PROFICIENCY_TYPE]\",\"View the distribution of [PROFICIENCY_LEVELS] within a [GRADE]\":\"View the distribution of [PROFICIENCY_LEVELS] within a [GRADE]\",\"[MY_STANDARDS]\":\"[MY_STANDARDS]\",\"[QUICK_REPORTS]\":\"[QUICK_REPORTS]\",\"[MY_REPORTS]\":\"[MY_REPORTS]\",\"Hide Empty Rows\":\"Hide Empty Rows\",\"Not [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\":\"Not [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\",\"[STANDARDS_PROFILING_PERCENT_ASSESSED]\":\"[STANDARDS_PROFILING_PERCENT_ASSESSED]\",\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVE_NOT_ASSESSED]\":\"[UNIT_OBJECTIVE_NOT_ASSESSED]\",\"Histogram\":\"Histogram\",\"[STANDARDS] not used as [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\":\"[STANDARDS] not used as [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\",\"Percent [STANDARDS] used as [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\":\"Percent [STANDARDS] used as [UNIT_OBJECTIVES]\",\"Unique [STANDARDS] [STANDARDS_PROFILING_ASSESSED]\":\"Unique [STANDARDS] [STANDARDS_PROFILING_ASSESSED]\",\"[STANDARDS] [STANDARDS_PROFILING_NOT_ASSESSED]\":\"[STANDARDS] [STANDARDS_PROFILING_NOT_ASSESSED]\",\"Percent [STANDARDS] Assessed\":\"Percent [STANDARDS] Assessed\",\"Distribution of [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS]\":\"Distribution of [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS]\",\"The number of unique {STANDARDS} aligned to a [UNIT].\":\"The number of unique {STANDARDS} aligned to a [UNIT].\",\"Counts the number of unique [STANDARDS] not identified as [UNIT] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES].\":\"Counts the number of unique [STANDARDS] not identified as [UNIT] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES].\",\"Counts the percent of [STANDARDS] identified as [UNIT] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES].\":\"Counts the percent of [STANDARDS] identified as [UNIT] [UNIT_OBJECTIVES].\",\"The number of unique {STANDARDS} aligned to a [UNIT] as taught but not aligned to any [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT].\":\"The number of unique {STANDARDS} aligned to a [UNIT] as taught but not aligned to any [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT].\",\"The number of unique {STANDARDS} that have been aligned to at least one [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT].\":\"The number of unique {STANDARDS} that have been aligned to at least one [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT].\",\"Counts the number of unique [STANDARDS] that are not [STANDARDS_PROFILING_ASSESSED] for this given combination of [CONTENT_AREA], [CONTENT_SUB_AREA], [BENCHMARK_LEVEL]. This column is only available when filtering by [CONTENT_AREA] and\\/or [BENCHMARK_LEVEL] or when viewing the [STANDARDS] report.\":\"Counts the number of unique [STANDARDS] that are not [STANDARDS_PROFILING_ASSESSED] for this given combination of [CONTENT_AREA], [CONTENT_SUB_AREA], [BENCHMARK_LEVEL]. This column is only available when filtering by [CONTENT_AREA] and\\/or [BENCHMARK_LEVEL] or when viewing the [STANDARDS] report.\",\"Calculates the percent of [STANDARDS] [STANDARDS_PROFILING_ASSESSED] out of all possible [STANDARDS] for the current [CONTENT_AREA], [CONTENT_SUB_AREA], [BENCHMARK_LEVEL] selection.\":\"Calculates the percent of [STANDARDS] [STANDARDS_PROFILING_ASSESSED] out of all possible [STANDARDS] for the current [CONTENT_AREA], [CONTENT_SUB_AREA], [BENCHMARK_LEVEL] selection.\",\"Counts the number of [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] used to assess the {STANDARDS}.\":\"Counts the number of [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] used to assess the {STANDARDS}.\",\"1. Choose the {CONTENT_AREA}:\":\"1. Choose the {CONTENT_AREA}:\",\"2. Choose the {BENCHMARK_LEVELS}:\":\"2. Choose the {BENCHMARK_LEVELS}:\",\"3. Click [SUBMIT]:\":\"3. Click [SUBMIT]:\",\"Mode\":\"Mode\",\"Save as New\":\"Save as New\",\"Take [SNAPSHOT]\":\"Take [SNAPSHOT]\",\"Update\":\"Update\",\"Please fill in the report name\":\"Please fill in the report name\",\"Please check at least one [STANDARD] to be included on the report.\":\"Please check at least one [STANDARD] to be included on the report.\",\"Please limit your selection to 6 [CONTENT_AREAS].\":\"Please limit your selection to 6 [CONTENT_AREAS].\",\"Manage My Reports\":\"Manage My Reports\",\" to \":\" to \",\"Are you sure that you want to delete the report, '{Name}'? (IMPORTANT: This will delete all report [SNAPSHOTS] associated with it.)\":\"Are you sure that you want to delete the report, '{Name}'? (IMPORTANT: This will delete all report [SNAPSHOTS] associated with it.)\",\"Please select at least one report to import.\":\"Please select at least one report to import.\",\"Manage Reports\":\"Manage Reports\",\"WARNING: The following imported reports have the same name as another saved report. If you do not wish your saved report to be overwritten, please rename these reports.\":\"WARNING: The following imported reports have the same name as another saved report. If you do not wish your saved report to be overwritten, please rename these reports.\",\"Add to my Reports\":\"Add to my Reports\",\"Are you that sure you want to delete, \\\"{Name}\\\"?\":\"Are you that sure you want to delete, \\\"{Name}\\\"?\",\"(Select a Quick Report)\":\"(Select a Quick Report)\",\"No [MAPPING_CATEGORY] selected. Please run the report again.\":\"No [MAPPING_CATEGORY] selected. Please run the report again.\",\"Results\":\"Results\",\"My Reports:\":\"My Reports:\",\"No reports found.\":\"No reports found.\",\"[STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_DESCRIPTION]\":\"[STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] and [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_DESCRIPTION]\",\"Include in [STANDARDS_OVERVIEW]\":\"Include in [STANDARDS_OVERVIEW]\",\"\\\"My standards\\\" is a reserved name and cannot be used as a report title.\":\"\\\"My standards\\\" is a reserved name and cannot be used as a report title.\",\"No [UNITS] found matching filters\":\"No [UNITS] found matching filters\",\"No [MAPS] found\":\"No [MAPS] found\",\"[STANDARDS_PROFILING_ASSESSED]\":\"[STANDARDS_PROFILING_ASSESSED]\",\"Widget Items\":\"Widget Items\",\"Filter [UNITS] by [WIDGET_VALUE] \":\"Filter [UNITS] by [WIDGET_VALUE] \",\"Select a Method to Filter [WIDGET_VALUES]\":\"Select a Method to Filter [WIDGET_VALUES]\",\"with Selected [WIDGET_VALUES]\":\"with Selected [WIDGET_VALUES]\",\"with No [WIDGET_VALUES] Selected\":\"with No [WIDGET_VALUES] Selected\",\"All [UNITS]\":\"All [UNITS]\",\"1. Display [UNITS]:\":\"1. Display [UNITS]:\",\"2. Select [WIDGET_VALUES]:\":\"2. Select [WIDGET_VALUES]:\",\"2. Selected [MAPPING_CATEGORY]\":\"2. Selected [MAPPING_CATEGORY]\",\"Filter [UNITS]\":\"Filter [UNITS]\",\"Filter [UNITS] by selected [WIDGET_VALUES] or by a Category with no [WIDGET_VALUES] selected\":\"Filter [UNITS] by selected [WIDGET_VALUES] or by a Category with no [WIDGET_VALUES] selected\",\"Show All [UNITS]\":\"Show All [UNITS]\",\"Filter [STANDARDS] by Keyword\":\"Filter [STANDARDS] by Keyword\",\"Aligned\":\"Aligned\",\"Not Aligned\":\"Not Aligned\",\"The total number of {STANDARDS}\":\"The total number of {STANDARDS}\",\"Total number of {STANDARDS} not aligned to a [UNIT]\":\"Total number of {STANDARDS} not aligned to a [UNIT]\",\"Duplicate Entry. Please save this report again using a unique name.\":\"Duplicate Entry. Please save this report again using a unique name.\",\"View Report\":\"View Report\",\"A report with the name \\\"{NAME}\\\" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?\":\"A report with the name \\\"{NAME}\\\" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?\",\"Filters Standards\":\"Filters Standards\",\"Filters Standards Keyword\":\"Filters Standards Keyword\",\"Filter Courses\":\"Filter Courses\",\"Filter Assessments\":\"Filter Assessments\",\"From Date\":\"From Date\",\"[TO_TEMPORAL] Date\":\"[TO_TEMPORAL] Date\",\"[STANDARDS_OVERVIEW] {AGGREGATE_TYPE} Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[STANDARDS_OVERVIEW] {AGGREGATE_TYPE} Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"[STANDARDS_PROFILING] {AGGREGATE_TYPE} Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[STANDARDS_PROFILING] {AGGREGATE_TYPE} Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"List results as:\":\"List results as:\",\"[Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_MULTIPLE_CATEGORY_SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_MULTIPLE_CATEGORY_SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"[CATEGORY] [SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[CATEGORY] [SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"[Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_COMPARATIVE_UNIT_CALENDAR] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_COMPARATIVE_UNIT_CALENDAR] Report {SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"[Atlas_Analyze_View_UnitComparison::TEXT_UNIT_COMPARISON_REPORT]{SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[Atlas_Analyze_View_UnitComparison::TEXT_UNIT_COMPARISON_REPORT]{SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"[Atlas_Analyze_View_UnitOverview::TEXT_UNIT_OVERVIEW_REPORT]{SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\":\"[Atlas_Analyze_View_UnitOverview::TEXT_UNIT_OVERVIEW_REPORT]{SAVED_REPORT_LINK} was viewed\",\"Viewed as:\":\"Viewed as:\",\"Grid\":\"Grid\",\"[SNAPSHOT] \\\"{PAGE_REPORT_TITLE}\\\" was deleted\":\"[SNAPSHOT] \\\"{PAGE_REPORT_TITLE}\\\" was deleted\",\"[SNAPSHOT] \\\"{PAGE_REPORT_TITLE}\\\" was saved\":\"[SNAPSHOT] \\\"{PAGE_REPORT_TITLE}\\\" was saved\",\"[SNAPSHOT] \\\"{PAGE_REPORT_TITLE}\\\" was modified\":\"[SNAPSHOT] \\\"{PAGE_REPORT_TITLE}\\\" was modified\",\"[SAVED_REPORT]: {SAVED_REPORT_TYPE}, \\\"{SAVED_REPORT_LINK}\\\" was deleted\":\"[SAVED_REPORT]: {SAVED_REPORT_TYPE}, \\\"{SAVED_REPORT_LINK}\\\" was deleted\",\"[SAVED_REPORT]: {SAVED_REPORT_TYPE}, \\\"{SAVED_REPORT_LINK}\\\" was added\":\"[SAVED_REPORT]: {SAVED_REPORT_TYPE}, \\\"{SAVED_REPORT_LINK}\\\" was added\",\"[SAVED_REPORT]: {SAVED_REPORT_TYPE}, \\\"{SAVED_REPORT_LINK}\\\" was modified\":\"[SAVED_REPORT]: {SAVED_REPORT_TYPE}, \\\"{SAVED_REPORT_LINK}\\\" was modified\",\"There is already a Report with that name\":\"There is already a Report with that name\",\"Select a Snapshot\":\"Select a Snapshot\",\"[SNAPSHOTS] for [REPORT]: {REPORTNAME}\":\"[SNAPSHOTS] for [REPORT]: {REPORTNAME}\",\"Select a [MAP]\":\"Select a [MAP]\",\"By\":\"By\",\"Vertical [Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_CATEGORY_SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE]\":\"Vertical [Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_CATEGORY_SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE]\",\"Horizontal [Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_CATEGORY_SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE]\":\"Horizontal [Atlas_Analyze_Controller::TEXT_CATEGORY_SCOPE_AND_SEQUENCE]\",\"Assessed Standards by {REPORT_TYPE}\":\"Assessed Standards by {REPORT_TYPE}\",\"Targeted Standards by {REPORT_TYPE}\":\"Targeted Standards by {REPORT_TYPE}\",\"When you want to know\":\"When you want to know\",\"Views\":\"Views\",\"[REPORT] For\":\"[REPORT] For\",\"Are you sure you want to delete this snapshot?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete this snapshot?\",\"{VIEW} By {FILTER}\":\"{VIEW} By {FILTER}\",\"Use this when you want to immediately go to the detail\":\"Use this when you want to immediately go to the detail\",\"Use this when you need a graphic with relative percentages\":\"Use this when you need a graphic with relative percentages\",\"Use this when you need a graphic with absolute numbers\":\"Use this when you need a graphic with absolute numbers\",\"Use this when you need a quick table of totals\":\"Use this when you need a quick table of totals\",\"Use this to get an overview of the standards in various topics\":\"Use this to get an overview of the standards in various topics\",\"School Standards\":\"School Standards\",\"School Activity\":\"School Activity\",\"All Standards\":\"All Standards\",\"Category Scope and Sequence\":\"Category Scope and Sequence\",\"Unit Comparison\":\"Unit Comparison\",\"Week at a Glance\":\"Week at a Glance\",\"What is the number of unique units addressing a particular concept?\":\"What is the number of unique units addressing a particular concept?\",\"What grades teach certain topics?\":\"What grades teach certain topics?\",\"How many units address a particular topic in a grade?\":\"How many units address a particular topic in a grade?\",\"How are concepts spiraling from grade to grade?\":\"How are concepts spiraling from grade to grade?\",\"Where is a certain topic addressed?\":\"Where is a certain topic addressed?\",\"How many subjects are addressing a particular topic?\":\"How many subjects are addressing a particular topic?\",\"Which concepts spiral across subjects?\":\"Which concepts spiral across subjects?\",\"What is a particular concept being addressed in the school?\":\"What is a particular concept being addressed in the school?\",\"Which schools are teaching a particular concept?\":\"Which schools are teaching a particular concept?\",\"Which schools are teaching a particular program?\":\"Which schools are teaching a particular program?\",\"How are the skills in a school being sequenced?\":\"How are the skills in a school being sequenced?\",\"Who is teaching a particular topic?\":\"Who is teaching a particular topic?\",\"How are teachers aligning their curriculum to a certain topic?\":\"How are teachers aligning their curriculum to a certain topic?\",\"How many times is a particular teacher teaching a topic?\":\"How many times is a particular teacher teaching a topic?\",\"When in a school year is a particular topic addressed?\":\"When in a school year is a particular topic addressed?\",\"What topics are being addressed at a particular time of year?\":\"What topics are being addressed at a particular time of year?\",\"How many weeks are spent on a particular topic?\":\"How many weeks are spent on a particular topic?\",\"Will students be prepared in time for the upcoming assessments?\":\"Will students be prepared in time for the upcoming assessments?\",\"Where are character building activities taking place?\":\"Where are character building activities taking place?\",\"Where is the vision and\\/or mission of the school is being addressed?\":\"Where is the vision and\\/or mission of the school is being addressed?\",\"What is the progression of school expectations against the school\\u2019s code of conduct?\":\"What is the progression of school expectations against the school\\u2019s code of conduct?\",\"Where are we not teaching our core expectations?\":\"Where are we not teaching our core expectations?\",\"How are we building cultural competence in our school?\":\"How are we building cultural competence in our school?\",\"How are we tracking our positive behavior intervention system?\":\"How are we tracking our positive behavior intervention system?\",\"Which standards contain a particular topic or keyword?\":\"Which standards contain a particular topic or keyword?\",\"Where are standards containing a keyword targeted and aligned to units by grade?\":\"Where are standards containing a keyword targeted and aligned to units by grade?\",\"How do assessment methods for a particular standards topic vary by teachers?\":\"How do assessment methods for a particular standards topic vary by teachers?\",\"What percentage of standards containing a particular keyword been assessed within a certain timeframe?\":\"What percentage of standards containing a particular keyword been assessed within a certain timeframe?\",\"What dynamic changes are taking place in your school\":\"What dynamic changes are taking place in your school\",\"The current status\\/progress of curriculum map completion and updates.\":\"The current status\\/progress of curriculum map completion and updates.\",\"What interests people the most?\":\"What interests people the most?\",\"The status of the programmatic dimensions in your school.\":\"The status of the programmatic dimensions in your school.\",\"What curriculum is changing?\":\"What curriculum is changing?\",\"What are people adding to?\":\"What are people adding to?\",\"How many units have not been assessed?\":\"How many units have not been assessed?\",\"What are all of the intended standards in the curriculum?\":\"What are all of the intended standards in the curriculum?\",\"Which standards have been targeted to be addressed?\":\"Which standards have been targeted to be addressed?\",\"Which standards have not been targeted to be addressed?\":\"Which standards have not been targeted to be addressed?\",\"Which standards have been targeted in a school?\":\"Which standards have been targeted in a school?\",\"Which standards have not been targeted in a school?\":\"Which standards have not been targeted in a school?\",\"Which standards have been targeted in a grade?\":\"Which standards have been targeted in a grade?\",\"Which standards have not been targeted in a grade?\":\"Which standards have not been targeted in a grade?\",\"Which standards have been targeted in a subject?\":\"Which standards have been targeted in a subject?\",\"Which standards have not been targeted by a subject?\":\"Which standards have not been targeted by a subject?\",\"Which standards have been targeted by a teacher?\":\"Which standards have been targeted by a teacher?\",\"Which standards have not been targeted by a teacher?\":\"Which standards have not been targeted by a teacher?\",\"Which standards have been targeted in a course?\":\"Which standards have been targeted in a course?\",\"Which standards have not been targeted in a course?\":\"Which standards have not been targeted in a course?\",\"Which standards are addressed in the taught curriculum.\":\"Which standards are addressed in the taught curriculum.\",\"Which standards were targeted in a term?\":\"Which standards were targeted in a term?\",\"How often has a standards been targeted?\":\"How often has a standards been targeted?\",\"Which targeted standards have been aligned to assessments in the intended curriculum?\":\"Which targeted standards have been aligned to assessments in the intended curriculum?\",\"Which targeted standards have not been aligned to assessments in the intended curriculum?\":\"Which targeted standards have not been aligned to assessments in the intended curriculum?\",\"Which assessment methods have been used to assess the standards?\":\"Which assessment methods have been used to assess the standards?\",\"Which targeted standards have been aligned to an assessment?\":\"Which targeted standards have been aligned to an assessment?\",\"Which targeted standards have not been aligned to an assessment?\":\"Which targeted standards have not been aligned to an assessment?\",\"What assessment methods have been used to assess the standards?\":\"What assessment methods have been used to assess the standards?\",\"Which targeted standards have teachers aligned to an assessment?\":\"Which targeted standards have teachers aligned to an assessment?\",\"Which targeted standards have teachers not aligned to an assessment?\":\"Which targeted standards have teachers not aligned to an assessment?\",\"Is there a variety of methods assessing the standards?\":\"Is there a variety of methods assessing the standards?\",\"What different modes of assessments are being used?\":\"What different modes of assessments are being used?\",\"How often are certain modes of assessment methods being used?\":\"How often are certain modes of assessment methods being used?\",\"What is the frequency of assessments over time?\":\"What is the frequency of assessments over time?\",\"How often are formative assessments being given?\":\"How often are formative assessments being given?\",\"When are the summative assessments taking place?\":\"When are the summative assessments taking place?\",\"When are targeted standards being assessed by a summative assessment?\":\"When are targeted standards being assessed by a summative assessment?\",\"Evidence (assessments) of learning of standards.\":\"Evidence (assessments) of learning of standards.\",\"What are the assessment methods being used by school, grade, subject, [CURRICULUM_WRITER], and\\/or course?\":\"What are the assessment methods being used by school, grade, subject, [CURRICULUM_WRITER], and\\/or course?\",\"Are there a variety of assessment methods being used?\":\"Are there a variety of assessment methods being used?\",\"What is the alignment of the assessments to the targeted curriculum?\":\"What is the alignment of the assessments to the targeted curriculum?\",\"What assessment methods am I using?\":\"What assessment methods am I using?\",\"What is the variety of assessment methods I am using?\":\"What is the variety of assessment methods I am using?\",\"Where and how have I aligned my assessments to my targeted curriculum?\":\"Where and how have I aligned my assessments to my targeted curriculum?\",\"How does the curriculum spiral from grade to grade?\":\"How does the curriculum spiral from grade to grade?\",\"What are the gaps or repetitions in the targeted curriculum?\":\"What are the gaps or repetitions in the targeted curriculum?\",\"Which units are being taught within a subject area, across grade levels?\":\"Which units are being taught within a subject area, across grade levels?\",\"What are the opportunities for cross-curricular integration?\":\"What are the opportunities for cross-curricular integration?\",\"Are the curricular expectations consistent across a grade level or course?\":\"Are the curricular expectations consistent across a grade level or course?\",\"What are the similarities and\\/or differences between curriculum maps?\":\"What are the similarities and\\/or differences between curriculum maps?\",\"What units are being taught at a specific time?\":\"What units are being taught at a specific time?\",\"What is happening in a grade level or a course during a specific time frame?\":\"What is happening in a grade level or a course during a specific time frame?\",\"Unit View\":\"Unit View\",\"Tabular Summary\":\"Tabular Summary\",\"Summary View\":\"Summary View\",\"School Values View\":\"School Values View\",\"Standards View\":\"Standards View\",\"Activity View\":\"Activity View\",\"Single Unit Template Category\":\"Single Unit Template Category\",\"Multiple Unit Template Categories\":\"Multiple Unit Template Categories\",\"List View\":\"List View\",\"Unit Overview\":\"Unit Overview\",\"[ANALYZE]: [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] Report was viewed\":\"[ANALYZE]: [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] Report was viewed\",\"Create a snapshot of this report for future comparison\":\"Create a snapshot of this report for future comparison\",\"Not Targeted\":\"Not Targeted\",\"Assessed [STANDARDS] [STANDARDS_PROFILING_NOT_TAUGHT]\":\"Assessed [STANDARDS] [STANDARDS_PROFILING_NOT_TAUGHT]\",\"[ASSESSED_NOT_UNIT_OBJECTIVE]\":\"[ASSESSED_NOT_UNIT_OBJECTIVE]\",\"The number of unique {STANDARDS} aligned to any [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] but not aligned to a [UNIT] as taught.\":\"The number of unique {STANDARDS} aligned to any [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT] but not aligned to a [UNIT] as taught.\",\"Please choose a [CONTENT_AREA] to see a list of [GRADES] for it.\":\"Please choose a [CONTENT_AREA] to see a list of [GRADES] for it.\",\"This report is too large to take a Snapshot of, so a summarized version has been saved. Try a more targeted report next time.\":\"This report is too large to take a Snapshot of, so a summarized version has been saved. Try a more targeted report next time.\",\"Show Empty Rows\":\"Show Empty Rows\",\"Graph\":\"Graph\",\"Choose [STANDARDS] to Show:\":\"Choose [STANDARDS] to Show:\",\"Preview Your Selection:\":\"Preview Your Selection:\",\"No [STANDARDS] were selected. Check [STANDARDS] from the list to add them to the report.\":\"No [STANDARDS] were selected. Check [STANDARDS] from the list to add them to the report.\",\"Use the dropdown lists in the previous section to load a list of available [STANDARDS] to choose from.\":\"Use the dropdown lists in the previous section to load a list of available [STANDARDS] to choose from.\",\"When this box is checked, the report will show standards that are not being targeted or assessed.\":\"When this box is checked, the report will show standards that are not being targeted or assessed.\",\"{COUNT} {GRAPHBY} Displayed by {LISTBY}\":\"{COUNT} {GRAPHBY} Displayed by {LISTBY}\",\"There are no [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] using this {STANDARD}.\":\"There are no [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] using this {STANDARD}.\",\"There are no {ITEMS} using this {STANDARD}.\":\"There are no {ITEMS} using this {STANDARD}.\",\"Targeted Standards not Assessed by {REPORT_TYPE}\":\"Targeted Standards not Assessed by {REPORT_TYPE}\",\"[ASSESSED_NOT_UNIT_OBJECTIVE] by {REPORT_TYPE}\":\"[ASSESSED_NOT_UNIT_OBJECTIVE] by {REPORT_TYPE}\",\"Filter by Grade, then select courses to run Horizontal S&S reports.\":\"Filter by Grade, then select courses to run Horizontal S&S reports.\",\"Filter by Subject, then select courses to run Vertical S&S reports.\":\"Filter by Subject, then select courses to run Vertical S&S reports.\",\"Please select courses for the report.\":\"Please select courses for the report.\",\"Comparative Unit Calendar cannot compare courses from different years.\":\"Comparative Unit Calendar cannot compare courses from different years.\",\"Please choose one or more Unit Template Categories\":\"Please choose one or more Unit Template Categories\",\"Hide [STANDARDS] not [TARGETED] or [ASSESSED]\":\"Hide [STANDARDS] not [TARGETED] or [ASSESSED]\",\"No [STANDARDS] [TARGETED] or [ASSESSED]\":\"No [STANDARDS] [TARGETED] or [ASSESSED]\",\"Invalid filter selection. Please re-create the report.\":\"Invalid filter selection. Please re-create the report.\",\"Share the original [REPORT] \\\"{REPORT_NAME}\\\" from {USER_NAME} and discard my changes\":\"Share the original [REPORT] \\\"{REPORT_NAME}\\\" from {USER_NAME} and discard my changes\",\"1 person\":\"1 person\",\"{NUM} people\":\"{NUM} people\",\"This report is already shared with {NUM_USERS}\":\"This report is already shared with {NUM_USERS}\",\"Report name\":\"Report name\",\"Share as new [REPORT]\":\"Share as new [REPORT]\",\"Update [SAVED_REPORT] \\\"{REPORT_NAME}\\\"\":\"Update [SAVED_REPORT] \\\"{REPORT_NAME}\\\"\",\"Update the [REPORT] currently pinned to my dashboard\":\"Update the [REPORT] currently pinned to my dashboard\",\"Pin this new [REPORT] to my dashboard\":\"Pin this new [REPORT] to my dashboard\",\"You have made changes to this [REPORT]\":\"You have made changes to this [REPORT]\",\"by [FLAG]\":\"by [FLAG]\",\"[LESSON] Editors\":\"[LESSON] Editors\",\"Open Saved Reports\":\"Open Saved Reports\",\"Save [REPORT]\":\"Save [REPORT]\",\"Saved to [FAVORITES]\":\"Saved to [FAVORITES]\",\"Show AssessPrep Results\":\"Show AssessPrep Results\",\"Languages - English, World and Sign\":\"Languages - English, World and Sign\",\"Response to Intervention (RtI)\":\"Response to Intervention (RtI)\",\"Down Syndrome\":\"Down Syndrome\",\"Speech and Language Disabilities\":\"Speech and Language Disabilities\",\"Select One\":\"Select One\",\"Experiential, Service and Project-Based Learning\":\"Experiential, Service and Project-Based Learning\",\"Social Studies & Area and Cultural Studies\":\"Social Studies & Area and Cultural Studies\",\"Sensory Disabilities\":\"Sensory Disabilities\",\"[ReferencesContentBaseDocument::PROBLEMS_QUESTIONS_BASED_LEARNING] has been moved to the [ReferencesContentBaseDocument::TEXT_PEDAGOGICAL_APPROACHES] Tab\":\"[ReferencesContentBaseDocument::PROBLEMS_QUESTIONS_BASED_LEARNING] has been moved to the [ReferencesContentBaseDocument::TEXT_PEDAGOGICAL_APPROACHES] Tab\",\"Common Core State Standards\":\"Common Core State Standards\",\"Are you sure you want to delete this link?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete this link?\",\"Child links must be removed before the parent.\":\"Child links must be removed before the parent.\",\"This will only appear for super admins\":\"This will only appear for super admins\",\"Adopted Standards\":\"Adopted Standards\",\"Link Type\":\"Link Type\",\"References Editor\":\"References Editor\",\"No results for search phrase: \":\"No results for search phrase: \",\"Tab Name\":\"Tab Name\",\"Internal\":\"Internal\",\"Standards Drilldown\":\"Standards Drilldown\",\"Header (does not create hyperlink)\":\"Header (does not create hyperlink)\",\"Link to Website\":\"Link to Website\",\"Search References\":\"Search References\",\"Upload File\":\"Upload File\",\"Sort References\":\"Sort References\",\"[REFERENCES]\":\"[REFERENCES]\",\"School Materials\":\"School Materials\",\"School References\":\"School References\",\"Curriculum Mapping Resources\":\"Curriculum Mapping Resources\",\"Curriculum Resource Center\":\"Curriculum Resource Center\",\"Rubicon Podcast\":\"Rubicon Podcast\",\"[EXEMPLAR] References\":\"[EXEMPLAR] References\",\"ASCD\":\"ASCD\",\"Bloom's Taxonomy\":\"Bloom's Taxonomy\",\"Bloom's\":\"Bloom's\",\"The [ATLAS] Reference Section\":\"The [ATLAS] Reference Section\",\"is intended to provide reference materials for professional development in many educational topics. Atlas wishes to thank the many educators, schools and\\n organizations world-wide who have contributed resources.\":\"is intended to provide reference materials for professional development in many educational topics. Atlas wishes to thank the many educators, schools and\\n organizations world-wide who have contributed resources.\",\"Please submit your suggestions and comments regarding the Atlas Reference Section to our\":\"Please submit your suggestions and comments regarding the Atlas Reference Section to our\",\"Media Specialist\":\"Media Specialist\",\"Associations & Accreditation Agencies\":\"Associations & Accreditation Agencies\",\"Curriculum Offerings and Programs\":\"Curriculum Offerings and Programs\",\"Glossary\":\"Glossary\",\"Legislation and Government\":\"Legislation and Government\",\"Pedagogical Approaches\":\"Pedagogical Approaches\",\"Professional Development, Learning & Research\":\"Professional Development, Learning & Research\",\"School Types & Design\":\"School Types & Design\",\"Special Education\":\"Special Education\",\"Teaching and Learning\":\"Teaching and Learning\",\"Click to expand\\/collapse\":\"Click to expand\\/collapse\",\"Regional and Provincial\":\"Regional and Provincial\",\"U.S. Independent\":\"U.S. Independent\",\"U.S. & North American Independent Schools\":\"U.S. & North American Independent Schools\",\"Other\":\"Other\",\"International\":\"International\",\"Religious\":\"Religious\",\"Disciplines\":\"Disciplines\",\"Distance Learning\":\"Distance Learning\",\"Literacies\":\"Literacies\",\"STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics\":\"STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics\",\"Various\":\"Various\",\"Curriculum Programs\":\"Curriculum Programs\",\"Glossary of Education Terms\":\"Glossary of Education Terms\",\"CCSSO\":\"CCSSO\",\"Education Commission of the States (ECS)\":\"Education Commission of the States (ECS)\",\"National Center on Education and the Economy\":\"National Center on Education and the Economy\",\"National Center for Education Statistics\":\"National Center for Education Statistics\",\"No Child Left Behind\":\"No Child Left Behind\",\"SCANS\":\"SCANS\",\"U.S. Dept. of Education\":\"U.S. Dept. of Education\",\"U.S. State Report Cards\":\"U.S. State Report Cards\",\"Brain-Based & Intelligences\":\"Brain-Based & Intelligences\",\"Character Education\":\"Character Education\",\"Environmental, Ecology & Sustainability\":\"Environmental, Ecology & Sustainability\",\"Educational Research\":\"Educational Research\",\"School-Wide Design\":\"School-Wide Design\",\"Early Childhood\":\"Early Childhood\",\"Early Childhood & Child Development\":\"Early Childhood & Child Development\",\"Elementary Level\":\"Elementary Level\",\"Middle Level\":\"Middle Level\",\"Upper Level\\/High School\":\"Upper Level\\/High School\",\"High School\":\"High School\",\"Academies\":\"Academies\",\"Academies & Magnet Schools\":\"Academies & Magnet Schools\",\"Career & Technical Education\":\"Career & Technical Education\",\"Charter Schools\":\"Charter Schools\",\"International Schools\":\"International Schools\",\"Montessori\":\"Montessori\",\"General Sites\":\"General Sites\",\"Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)\":\"Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)\",\"Autism\":\"Autism\",\"Dyslexia \\/ Dyspraxia\":\"Dyslexia \\/ Dyspraxia\",\"Gifted & Talented\":\"Gifted & Talented\",\"Tools\":\"Tools\",\"Special Education & Learning Differences\":\"Special Education & Learning Differences\",\"Attention Deficit\\/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD\\/ADHD)\":\"Attention Deficit\\/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD\\/ADHD)\",\"Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)\":\"Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)\",\"State and Provincial Standards\":\"State and Provincial Standards\",\"Regional and National Standards\":\"Regional and National Standards\",\"Curriculum Design\":\"Curriculum Design\",\"Problems-Based and Inquiry\\/Question-Based Learning\":\"Problems-Based and Inquiry\\/Question-Based Learning\",\"Teaching and Learning Strategies\":\"Teaching and Learning Strategies\",\"Teaching Portfolios (The Center for Teaching Effectiveness)\":\"Teaching Portfolios (The Center for Teaching Effectiveness)\",\"Subject Area Applications\":\"Subject Area Applications\",\"Instructional Design Models\":\"Instructional Design Models\",\"Curriculum Tools\":\"Curriculum Tools\",\"Curriculum Content\":\"Curriculum Content\",\"Essential Questions\":\"Essential Questions\",\"ELL\\/ESL - English Language Learners\\/English as a Second Language\":\"ELL\\/ESL - English Language Learners\\/English as a Second Language\",\"21st Century Education; Bloom\\u2019s and Higher Order Thinking Skills\":\"21st Century Education; Bloom\\u2019s and Higher Order Thinking Skills\",\"Unit Design\":\"Unit Design\",\"Differentiated Instruction\":\"Differentiated Instruction\",\"Glossaries & Lexicons\":\"Glossaries & Lexicons\",\"Admin Training Videos\":\"Admin Training Videos\",\"Training Videos\":\"Training Videos\",\"Common Processes\":\"Common Processes\",\"Reassign a [MAP] from One [TEACHER] to Another\":\"Reassign a [MAP] from One [TEACHER] to Another\",\"Annual Archive: Preparing for New Academic Year\":\"Annual Archive: Preparing for New Academic Year\",\"Reset [PASSWORDS]\":\"Reset [PASSWORDS]\",\"System Admin Overview\":\"System Admin Overview\",\"Admin Control Panel\":\"Admin Control Panel\",\"Set [ARCHIVE_DATE]\":\"Set [ARCHIVE_DATE]\",\"Maintain [MAPPING_CATEGORIES]\":\"Maintain [MAPPING_CATEGORIES]\",\"All [MAPPING_CATEGORIES]\":\"All [MAPPING_CATEGORIES]\",\"[MAPPING_CATEGORIES] by [SCHOOL]\":\"[MAPPING_CATEGORIES] by [SCHOOL]\",\"Maintain [TEACHERS] and [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\":\"Maintain [TEACHERS] and [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\",\"Manage [USERS]\":\"Manage [USERS]\",\"Academic Resource Links\":\"Academic Resource Links\",\"Maintain {STANDARDS}\":\"Maintain {STANDARDS}\",\"Introduction\":\"Introduction\",\"Adding [STANDARDS]\":\"Adding [STANDARDS]\",\"Deleting [STANDARDS]\":\"Deleting [STANDARDS]\",\"Editing [STANDARDS]\":\"Editing [STANDARDS]\",\"Viewing and Printing [STANDARDS]\":\"Viewing and Printing [STANDARDS]\",\"Conclusion\":\"Conclusion\",\"Core [SCHOOL_VALUES]\":\"Core [SCHOOL_VALUES]\",\"[ATLAS] Training and Evaluation\":\"[ATLAS] Training and Evaluation\",\"Manage Training Events\":\"Manage Training Events\",\"View Training Reports\":\"View Training Reports\",\"[COURSE_LIST] By [SCHOOL] or By [TEACHER]\":\"[COURSE_LIST] By [SCHOOL] or By [TEACHER]\",\"Quick Start Guides\":\"Quick Start Guides\",\"[ATLAS] Manual\":\"[ATLAS] Manual\",\"Rubicon Podcast Channel\":\"Rubicon Podcast Channel\",\"Tips and Tricks\":\"Tips and Tricks\",\"Did you know?\":\"Did you know?\",\"Training Checklist\":\"Training Checklist\",\"Atlas Education Centre\":\"Atlas Education Centre\",\"[UNIT] Based Mapping\":\"[UNIT] Based Mapping\",\"Rich Text Editing\":\"Rich Text Editing\",\"If you can't find the answer you were looking for, these individuals will have the resources to get it for you!\":\"If you can't find the answer you were looking for, these individuals will have the resources to get it for you!\",\"The Atlas Philosophy\":\"The Atlas Philosophy\",\"We are committed to assisting schools and educational leaders to affect change in the new technical educational arena. We understand how technology might facilitate teacher curriculum management to allow them more time in the classroom, and how the use of technology can bring vital information into the hands of all curriculum decisions makers.\":\"We are committed to assisting schools and educational leaders to affect change in the new technical educational arena. We understand how technology might facilitate teacher curriculum management to allow them more time in the classroom, and how the use of technology can bring vital information into the hands of all curriculum decisions makers.\",\"We all agree that students are our precious resource for future global leadership. Using Atlas as a tool to organize, communicate and disseminate information is the solution to managing curriculum and sharing instructional best practices across grades, subjects, schools, and cultures.\":\"We all agree that students are our precious resource for future global leadership. Using Atlas as a tool to organize, communicate and disseminate information is the solution to managing curriculum and sharing instructional best practices across grades, subjects, schools, and cultures.\",\"Check Your Understanding Reports and Reflections\":\"Check Your Understanding Reports and Reflections\",\"Checklist Saved\":\"Checklist Saved\",\"Sorry, there are no training events\":\"Sorry, there are no training events\",\"Forums for Discussion\":\"Forums for Discussion\",\"Advanced Reporting: [VIEWS]\":\"Advanced Reporting: [VIEWS]\",\"About this PLC\":\"About this PLC\",\"Working in the PLC\":\"Working in the PLC\",\"Site Name\":\"Site Name\",\"Location\":\"Location\",\"Fundamental Training Checklist\":\"Fundamental Training Checklist\",\"Advanced Training Checklist\":\"Advanced Training Checklist\",\"View Completed Learning\":\"View Completed Learning\",\"View Can't\":\"View Can't\",\"Fundamentals (How?)\":\"Fundamentals (How?)\",\"Analytics (Why?)\":\"Analytics (Why?)\",\"Reflections\":\"Reflections\",\"Save & Continue\":\"Save & Continue\",\"Save & Finish\":\"Save & Finish\",\"Thank you! Your checklist has been saved. This checklist will remain available for your continued reference and self-assessment.\":\"Thank you! Your checklist has been saved. This checklist will remain available for your continued reference and self-assessment.\",\"I CAN USE\":\"I CAN USE\",\"I CAN TRAIN OTHERS\":\"I CAN TRAIN OTHERS\",\"Question\":\"Question\",\"I CAN'T USE\":\"I CAN'T USE\",\"I CAN'T TRAIN OTHERS\":\"I CAN'T TRAIN OTHERS\",\"ATLAS TRAINING CHECKLIST\":\"ATLAS TRAINING CHECKLIST\",\"Total Respondents:\":\"Total Respondents:\",\"Online Manual\":\"Online Manual\",\"Training Video\":\"Training Video\",\"View Favorite [UNITS]\":\"View Favorite [UNITS]\",\"How do I access our [ATLAS] system?\":\"How do I access our [ATLAS] system?\",\"What are the basics of navigating in [ATLAS]?\":\"What are the basics of navigating in [ATLAS]?\",\"How can I [DEVELOP] curriculum in [ATLAS]?\":\"How can I [DEVELOP] curriculum in [ATLAS]?\",\"Where can I align my curriculum to our academic standards?\":\"Where can I align my curriculum to our academic standards?\",\"How can I take a broader view of our school's curriculum?\":\"How can I take a broader view of our school's curriculum?\",\"How do I interact with other learning communities?\":\"How do I interact with other learning communities?\",\"What forms of communication are available in [ATLAS]?\":\"What forms of communication are available in [ATLAS]?\",\"How do I access [REFERENCES] & other resources?\":\"How do I access [REFERENCES] & other resources?\",\"How do I get [HELP]?\":\"How do I get [HELP]?\",\"Discipline Specific Inquiry\":\"Discipline Specific Inquiry\",\"Grade Level Analysis\":\"Grade Level Analysis\",\"Cross-Curricular Considerations\":\"Cross-Curricular Considerations\",\"Time-Centric Questions\":\"Time-Centric Questions\",\"Academic Standards Alignment\":\"Academic Standards Alignment\",\"Choose Your Highest Quality [UNIT]\":\"Choose Your Highest Quality [UNIT]\",\"You have no [MAPS]\":\"You have no [MAPS]\",\"Check Your Understanding\":\"Check Your Understanding\",\"All Training Events\":\"All Training Events\",\"(Select your Event for Reflection)\":\"(Select your Event for Reflection)\",\"Checklist Completed\":\"Checklist Completed\",\"Evaluation Checklist\":\"Evaluation Checklist\",\"The following guides are available as Adobe PDF documents.\":\"The following guides are available as Adobe PDF documents.\",\"Download Adobe Reader\":\"Download Adobe Reader\",\"Basic [ATLAS] Quick Start Guides\":\"Basic [ATLAS] Quick Start Guides\",\"Advanced Guides\":\"Advanced Guides\",\"Advanced Guide for Analytical Tools\":\"Advanced Guide for Analytical Tools\",\"Professional Development\":\"Professional Development\",\"[ATLAS] FAQ\":\"[ATLAS] FAQ\",\"[ATLAS] Overview\":\"[ATLAS] Overview\",\"[ATLAS] Overview Videos\":\"[ATLAS] Overview Videos\",\"If you need more help on [ATLAS] functions, you can go to the {AtlasManual} to read the instructions.\":\"If you need more help on [ATLAS] functions, you can go to the {AtlasManual} to read the instructions.\",\"Regional Workshops\":\"Regional Workshops\",\"What's New in [ATLAS]?\":\"What's New in [ATLAS]?\",\"Advanced Guide for [STANDARDS_PROFILING]\":\"Advanced Guide for [STANDARDS_PROFILING]\",\"Guide for [STANDARDS_PROFILING]\":\"Guide for [STANDARDS_PROFILING]\",\"How do I get around in [ATLAS]?\":\"How do I get around in [ATLAS]?\",\"Where can I find all occurrences of a keyword or phrase throughout my school's curriculum?\":\"Where can I find all occurrences of a keyword or phrase throughout my school's curriculum?\",\"What tools can I use to enter and modify my curriculum in Atlas?\":\"What tools can I use to enter and modify my curriculum in Atlas?\",\"Where can I view all the curriculum in our Atlas system?\":\"Where can I view all the curriculum in our Atlas system?\",\"Where can I find help in [ATLAS]?\":\"Where can I find help in [ATLAS]?\",\"Where can I find resources on teaching and learning and specific to my school and process?\":\"Where can I find resources on teaching and learning and specific to my school and process?\",\"How do I view & share educational ideas with the global community?\":\"How do I view & share educational ideas with the global community?\",\"What are some ways to analyze the curriculum?\":\"What are some ways to analyze the curriculum?\",\"[ATLAS] Training\":\"[ATLAS] Training\",\"Review\":\"Review\",\"Professional Development Centre\":\"Professional Development Centre\",\"testing\":\"testing\",\"Rubicon PD Calendar\":\"Rubicon PD Calendar\",\"Atlas Summer Camp\":\"Atlas Summer Camp\",\"Webinars\":\"Webinars\",\"Your Support Team\":\"Your Support Team\",\"Atlas Academy\":\"Atlas Academy\",\"Welcome to the Atlas Training Resource Centre\":\"Welcome to the Atlas Training Resource Centre\",\"Introduction to Mapping: What are the Six Big Ideas and Why Map?\":\"Introduction to Mapping: What are the Six Big Ideas and Why Map?\",\"Atlas Fundamentals: What are the basics?\":\"Atlas Fundamentals: What are the basics?\",\"Building Quality Curriculum: How do we utilize best practices?\":\"Building Quality Curriculum: How do we utilize best practices?\",\"Reviewing for Quality: How do we collaborate through focused conversation?\":\"Reviewing for Quality: How do we collaborate through focused conversation?\",\"Insightful Connections: How do we gain perspective?\":\"Insightful Connections: How do we gain perspective?\",\"Expand our Curriculum Horizons: How do we connect with the broader Atlas community?\":\"Expand our Curriculum Horizons: How do we connect with the broader Atlas community?\",\"Getting your bearings\":\"Getting your bearings\",\"Familiarize yourself with Six Big Ideas of Curriculum Mapping.\":\"Familiarize yourself with Six Big Ideas of Curriculum Mapping.\",\"View and reflect on your academic focus goals.\":\"View and reflect on your academic focus goals.\",\"View Why Map statement.\":\"View Why Map statement.\",\"Login, explore and personalize My Atlas dashboard.\\nSet your notifications.\":\"Login, explore and personalize My Atlas dashboard.\\nSet your notifications.\",\"Draft a unit calendar.\":\"Draft a unit calendar.\",\"Develop one unit of instruction.\":\"Develop one unit of instruction.\",\"Conduct self-review using Atlas tools for quality.\":\"Conduct self-review using Atlas tools for quality.\",\"Leave a note of self-reflection.\":\"Leave a note of self-reflection.\",\"Draft a unit calendar for at least one course.\":\"Draft a unit calendar for at least one course.\",\"Develop one unit of instruction using quality tools to help guide your unit.\":\"Develop one unit of instruction using quality tools to help guide your unit.\",\"Discover ways to communicate and share within Atlas.\":\"Discover ways to communicate and share within Atlas.\",\"Conduct a review process using Quality Tools.\":\"Conduct a review process using Quality Tools.\",\"Identify or review designated quality units.\":\"Identify or review designated quality units.\",\"Utilize communication tools within Atlas to provide feedback.\":\"Utilize communication tools within Atlas to provide feedback.\",\"Save a report that supports your discussions for cross-curricular conversations and connections<\\/br>\\nShare and discuss with colleagues.\":\"Save a report that supports your discussions for cross-curricular conversations and connections<\\/br>\\nShare and discuss with colleagues.\",\"Save a report that shows progress of standards alignment for a particular course or year\\/grade level.<\\/br>\\nSave a report and start a discussion regarding assessment methods within a course, year\\/grade level or subject area.\":\"Save a report that shows progress of standards alignment for a particular course or year\\/grade level.<\\/br>\\nSave a report and start a discussion regarding assessment methods within a course, year\\/grade level or subject area.\",\"Find and save a report that demonstrates a gap or repetition within the curriculum that is specific to either your content area.<\\/br>\\nShare your report with colleagues.\":\"Find and save a report that demonstrates a gap or repetition within the curriculum that is specific to either your content area.<\\/br>\\nShare your report with colleagues.\",\"Explore Atlas Exemplars to uncover best practices shared by teachers from around the world.\":\"Explore Atlas Exemplars to uncover best practices shared by teachers from around the world.\",\"Learn about Atlas Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as possible ways to share curriculum and collaborate with similar schools.\":\"Learn about Atlas Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as possible ways to share curriculum and collaborate with similar schools.\",\"Visit Atlas Public Sites to see how schools are sharing their curriculum with the broader community.\":\"Visit Atlas Public Sites to see how schools are sharing their curriculum with the broader community.\",\"Play a role in our sister school program or share your inspiring stories with our Atlas Service Learning community.\":\"Play a role in our sister school program or share your inspiring stories with our Atlas Service Learning community.\",\"Bearing prompt\":\"Bearing prompt\",\"Indicate which of the six big ideas resonate with you and why.\":\"Indicate which of the six big ideas resonate with you and why.\",\"Describe the first steps you will take to support these goals.\":\"Describe the first steps you will take to support these goals.\",\"How does the \\u201cWhy Map?\\u201d statement created by your school apply to you?\":\"How does the \\u201cWhy Map?\\u201d statement created by your school apply to you?\",\"How will your notification settings and My Atlas personalization help you in your curriculum process?\":\"How will your notification settings and My Atlas personalization help you in your curriculum process?\",\"As the year progresses, how will you work to adjust your calendar based on student learning?\":\"As the year progresses, how will you work to adjust your calendar based on student learning?\",\"What categories did you find to be easy to capture when developing your unit? \":\"What categories did you find to be easy to capture when developing your unit? \",\"Review the components of a quality map for your curriculum process.\":\"Review the components of a quality map for your curriculum process.\",\"View Quality Tools to support your curriculum review process.\":\"View Quality Tools to support your curriculum review process.\",\"As you reviewed your unit, what will you modify or adjust?\":\"As you reviewed your unit, what will you modify or adjust?\",\"What is an essential characteristic of a quality unit?\":\"What is an essential characteristic of a quality unit?\",\"What tool will best support you as you review curriculum?\":\"What tool will best support you as you review curriculum?\",\"What are two ways you communicated or shared your curriculum in Atlas?\":\"What are two ways you communicated or shared your curriculum in Atlas?\",\"What was your biggest ah-ha after the review?\":\"What was your biggest ah-ha after the review?\",\"What did you notice about the quality units you reviewed?\":\"What did you notice about the quality units you reviewed?\",\"What communication tool did you use to provide your feedback?\":\"What communication tool did you use to provide your feedback?\",\"What refinements did you or will you make in your curriculum as a result of these discussions and reports shared?\":\"What refinements did you or will you make in your curriculum as a result of these discussions and reports shared?\",\"What is your next step after locating a gap or repetition in the curriculum? \":\"What is your next step after locating a gap or repetition in the curriculum? \",\"What refinements did you or will you make in your curriculum as a result of examining your standards and assessments?\":\"What refinements did you or will you make in your curriculum as a result of examining your standards and assessments?\",\"Admin Support\":\"Admin Support\",\"Quick Guides\":\"Quick Guides\",\"Videos\":\"Videos\",\"Return to Reflections\":\"Return to Reflections\",\"You have unsaved changes!\":\"You have unsaved changes!\",\"Please enter a search keyword\":\"Please enter a search keyword\",\"Atlas Help Center\":\"Atlas Help Center\",\"Add [TEACHERS] and Assign [MAPS]\":\"Add [TEACHERS] and Assign [MAPS]\",\"Reset Passwords\":\"Reset Passwords\",\"Order Of Operations\":\"Order Of Operations\",\"Set Archive Date\":\"Set Archive Date\",\"Maintain [STANDARDS]\":\"Maintain [STANDARDS]\",\"Manage {CONTENT_AREAS} and [CONTENT_SUB_AREAS]\":\"Manage {CONTENT_AREAS} and [CONTENT_SUB_AREAS]\",\"Manage {BENCHMARKS}\":\"Manage {BENCHMARKS}\",\"Manage {STATE_STANDARDS}\\/Performance Indicators\":\"Manage {STATE_STANDARDS}\\/Performance Indicators\",\"View All [STANDARDS]\":\"View All [STANDARDS]\",\"Class List By [SCHOOL] or By [TEACHER]\":\"Class List By [SCHOOL] or By [TEACHER]\",\"Special Functions\":\"Special Functions\",\"Delete ALL XML\":\"Delete ALL XML\",\"Reload All XML\":\"Reload All XML\",\"Delete Standards Alignment Orphans\":\"Delete Standards Alignment Orphans\",\"Maintain Master Data\":\"Maintain Master Data\",\"District Options\":\"District Options\",\"[TIME_PERIODS] Calendar\":\"[TIME_PERIODS] Calendar\",\"Front Loading\":\"Front Loading\",\"[STANDARDS]: Front Load Category\":\"[STANDARDS]: Front Load Category\",\"[STANDARDS]: Front Load Category (AJAX style)\":\"[STANDARDS]: Front Load Category (AJAX style)\",\"Assessment: Front Load Assessment Type and Description\":\"Assessment: Front Load Assessment Type and Description\",\"Reload [UNIT] [ATTACHMENTS]\":\"Reload [UNIT] [ATTACHMENTS]\",\"Manage Harvesting Units to Exemplar\":\"Manage Harvesting Units to Exemplar\",\"Exemplar Tags and Tag Groups\":\"Exemplar Tags and Tag Groups\",\"Map Rules\":\"Map Rules\",\"Manage Unit Templates\":\"Manage Unit Templates\",\"[ATLAS] can provide the opportunity to have a separate public site. Schools who elect to share their curriculum publicly can optionally determine what and how information is shared, as well as how it is integrated with their existing school website.\":\"[ATLAS] can provide the opportunity to have a separate public site. Schools who elect to share their curriculum publicly can optionally determine what and how information is shared, as well as how it is integrated with their existing school website.\",\"What is an [EXEMPLAR_SITE]?\":\"What is an [EXEMPLAR_SITE]?\",\"[EXEMPLAR_SITES] are Curriculum-Writer-generated collections of [UNITS] and resources related to a specific discipline, pedagogy or methodology. They are an excellent way to connect with colleagues from around the world and share best practices in [CURRICULUM] design.\":\"[EXEMPLAR_SITES] are Curriculum-Writer-generated collections of [UNITS] and resources related to a specific discipline, pedagogy or methodology. They are an excellent way to connect with colleagues from around the world and share best practices in [CURRICULUM] design.\",\"Any [CURRICULUM_WRITER] may participate in an [EXEMPLAR_SITE].\":\"Any [CURRICULUM_WRITER] may participate in an [EXEMPLAR_SITE].\",\"Sorry, this feature is not available in the [Atlas] Test Drive.\":\"Sorry, this feature is not available in the [Atlas] Test Drive.\",\"In order to access the [EXEMPLAR_SITES], we need to obtain a qualified release of your [CURRICULUM] from your [SCHOOL]. Please contact your school administrator to initiate this process.\":\"In order to access the [EXEMPLAR_SITES], we need to obtain a qualified release of your [CURRICULUM] from your [SCHOOL]. Please contact your school administrator to initiate this process.\",\"Please read the rules and conditions, then check the box\":\"Please read the rules and conditions, then check the box\",\"Please select an [EXEMPLAR_SITE]\":\"Please select an [EXEMPLAR_SITE]\",\"BEGIN EXPLORING!\":\"BEGIN EXPLORING!\",\"Select an [EXEMPLAR] to explore...\":\"Select an [EXEMPLAR] to explore...\",\"Simply accept the rules and conditions below, then select an [EXEMPLAR] below to begin your exploration.\":\"Simply accept the rules and conditions below, then select an [EXEMPLAR] below to begin your exploration.\",\"[SUBMIT] My [UNIT]!\":\"[SUBMIT] My [UNIT]!\",\"Select an [EXEMPLAR] to submit to...\":\"Select an [EXEMPLAR] to submit to...\",\"Want to preview the [EXEMPLARS]?\":\"Want to preview the [EXEMPLARS]?\",\" Simply sign the rules and conditions below, and select an [EXEMPLAR] below to begin your exploration.\":\" Simply sign the rules and conditions below, and select an [EXEMPLAR] below to begin your exploration.\",\"Start Preview\":\"Start Preview\",\"Select an [EXEMPLAR] to preview...\":\"Select an [EXEMPLAR] to preview...\",\"[EXEMPLAR] Rules and Conditions: \":\"[EXEMPLAR] Rules and Conditions: \",\"While curriculum [UNITS] and ideas are shared freely in an effort to collaborate and enhance each member's experience, the user agrees to respect the intellectual property of other's work and not plagiarize or borrow information without the author's acknowledgement.\":\"While curriculum [UNITS] and ideas are shared freely in an effort to collaborate and enhance each member's experience, the user agrees to respect the intellectual property of other's work and not plagiarize or borrow information without the author's acknowledgement.\",\"I have read the above rules and conditions, and agree to its terms.\":\"I have read the above rules and conditions, and agree to its terms.\",\"Click here for Introduction Video\":\"Click here for Introduction Video\",\"[EXEMPLAR] Unit Graphic\":\"[EXEMPLAR] Unit Graphic\",\"PLC Graphic\":\"PLC Graphic\",\"[PROFESSIONAL_LEARNING_COMMUNITIES] ([PLCs])\":\"[PROFESSIONAL_LEARNING_COMMUNITIES] ([PLCs])\",\"\\\"Educators who are building a professional learning community recognize that they must work together to achieve their collective purpose of learning for all. Therefore, they create structures to promote a collaborative culture.\\\" (DuFour, Richard. \\\"What Is a Professional Learning Community?\\\" Educational Leadership 61.8 (May 2004): 6-11.) Hello {FIRST_NAME},<\\/p> Your school leadership created an account for you in [ATLAS], your school's curriculum management system. Please use the following link to get started:<\\/p> {CONFIRM_LINK}<\\/a><\\/p> Sincerely, Hello {FIRST_NAME},<\\/p> Your school leadership created an account for you in [ATLAS], your school's curriculum management system. Please use the following link to get started:<\\/p> {CONFIRM_LINK}<\\/a><\\/p> Sincerely, Hello {FIRST_NAME},<\\/p> Welcome to Atlas! Your district \\/ school leadership created an account for you in [ATLAS], your school's curriculum management system. Please use the following link to get logged in: Once signed in, we recommend that you navigate to AtlasLearn<\\/strong> (under the Learn tab) to view our catalog of asynchronous how-to-courses, or if you don\\u2019t have access, you can always check out the Support Videos<\\/strong> found with this link<\\/a>, and under the Sincerely, Hello {FIRST_NAME},<\\/p> Welcome to Atlas! Your district \\/ school leadership created an account for you in [ATLAS], your school's curriculum management system. Please use the following link to get logged in: Once signed in, we recommend that you navigate to AtlasLearn<\\/strong> (under the Learn tab) to view our catalog of asynchronous how-to-courses, or if you don\\u2019t have access, you can always check out the Support Videos<\\/strong> found with this link<\\/a>, and under the Sincerely,Oops! An error occurred.<\\/h2>\\n
\\n[PLCs] are communities of schools that share common attributes such as pedagogy, location, affiliation, vision, etc. These schools can view curriculum of their counterparts throughout the learning community in an effort to identify best practices, distinguish new and better ways to approach the same old problems, and communicate ideas, resources, or professional development ideas to ultimately improve student achievement through curricular development.
\\nYou have access to the [PLCs] listed below:<\\/b>\\n\":\"\\\"Educators who are building a professional learning community recognize that they must work together to achieve their collective purpose of learning for all. Therefore, they create structures to promote a collaborative culture.\\\" (DuFour, Richard. \\\"What Is a Professional Learning Community?\\\" Educational Leadership 61.8 (May 2004): 6-11.)
\\n[PLCs] are communities of schools that share common attributes such as pedagogy, location, affiliation, vision, etc. These schools can view curriculum of their counterparts throughout the learning community in an effort to identify best practices, distinguish new and better ways to approach the same old problems, and communicate ideas, resources, or professional development ideas to ultimately improve student achievement through curricular development.
\\nYou have access to the [PLCs] listed below:<\\/b>\\n\",\"[ATLAS] Curriculum Mapping: [COMMUNITIES]: [PLCs]\":\"[ATLAS] Curriculum Mapping: [COMMUNITIES]: [PLCs]\",\"\\\"Educators who are building a professional learning community recognize that they must work together to achieve their collective purpose of learning for all. Therefore, they create structures to promote a collaborative culture.\\\"\":\"\\\"Educators who are building a professional learning community recognize that they must work together to achieve their collective purpose of learning for all. Therefore, they create structures to promote a collaborative culture.\\\"\",\"(DuFour, Richard. \\\"What Is a Professional Learning Community?\\\" Educational Leadership<\\/u> 61.8 (May 2004): 6-11.)\":\"(DuFour, Richard. \\\"What Is a Professional Learning Community?\\\" Educational Leadership<\\/u> 61.8 (May 2004): 6-11.)\",\"[PLCs] are communities of schools that share common attributes such as pedagogy, location, \\r\\naffiliation, vision, etc. These schools can view curriculum of their \\r\\ncounterparts throughout the learning community in an effort to identify best \\r\\npractices, distinguish new and better ways to approach the same old problems, \\r\\nand communicate ideas, resources, or professional development ideas to \\r\\nultimately improve student achievement through curricular development.\":\"[PLCs] are communities of schools that share common attributes such as pedagogy, location, \\r\\naffiliation, vision, etc. These schools can view curriculum of their \\r\\ncounterparts throughout the learning community in an effort to identify best \\r\\npractices, distinguish new and better ways to approach the same old problems, \\r\\nand communicate ideas, resources, or professional development ideas to \\r\\nultimately improve student achievement through curricular development.\",\"Examples of some types of [PROFESSIONAL_LEARNING_COMMUNITIES] include:\":\"Examples of some types of [PROFESSIONAL_LEARNING_COMMUNITIES] include:\",\"To join one of these [PLCs], to learn about others, or to suggest a new [PLC] network,\":\"To join one of these [PLCs], to learn about others, or to suggest a new [PLC] network,\",\"click here\":\"click here\",\"Selected Public Sites\":\"Selected Public Sites\",\"View a small selection of publicly available [CURRICULUM_MAPS] offered by schools and districts around the world. Like all good [CURRICULUM_MAPS], many of these are works in progress and are constantly changing.\\nWe encourage you to browse these online communities of [CURRICULUM_MAPS]. Please enjoy your experience, but remember to respect the intellectual property of other educators' hard work.\":\"View a small selection of publicly available [CURRICULUM_MAPS] offered by schools and districts around the world. Like all good [CURRICULUM_MAPS], many of these are works in progress and are constantly changing.\\nWe encourage you to browse these online communities of [CURRICULUM_MAPS]. Please enjoy your experience, but remember to respect the intellectual property of other educators' hard work.\",\"Rubicon International and the Rubicon Educational Foundation are grateful to play a role in helping to improve the quality of education in a world community of schools. We are passionate about building community and connections between educators and educational capacity to provide all children with the opportunity to develop into global citizens and the leaders of tomorrow.\":\"Rubicon International and the Rubicon Educational Foundation are grateful to play a role in helping to improve the quality of education in a world community of schools. We are passionate about building community and connections between educators and educational capacity to provide all children with the opportunity to develop into global citizens and the leaders of tomorrow.\",\"What's New in Service Learning:\":\"What's New in Service Learning:\",\"Keep Up with the Foundation\":\"Keep Up with the Foundation\",\"For more resources, inspiration and articles, or to submit your own service learning project, please visit the Foundation website.\":\"For more resources, inspiration and articles, or to submit your own service learning project, please visit the Foundation website.\",\"Atlas Public Site\":\"Atlas Public Site\",\"School Website\":\"School Website\",\"Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: {LINK}\":\"Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: {LINK}\",\"Powered by FeedBurner\":\"Powered by FeedBurner\",\"Rubicon Foundation\":\"Rubicon Foundation\",\"Public Sites\":\"Public Sites\",\"Service Learning\":\"Service Learning\",\"Alert: This [SCHOOL_VALUE_TYPE] has the following [SCHOOL_VALUES] associated with it:\":\"Alert: This [SCHOOL_VALUE_TYPE] has the following [SCHOOL_VALUES] associated with it:\",\"{SCHOOL_VALUE_NAME} - assigned to [MAPS] {NUMBER_OF_VALUES} times.\":\"{SCHOOL_VALUE_NAME} - assigned to [MAPS] {NUMBER_OF_VALUES} times.\",\"Are you sure you want to delete {TYPE_NAME}?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete {TYPE_NAME}?\",\"New [COURSE]\":\"New [COURSE]\",\"Manage [MAPS]\":\"Manage [MAPS]\",\"Provisional [COURSES] are pending until approved by an [ADMIN]\":\"Provisional [COURSES] are pending until approved by an [ADMIN]\",\"Set New Default Standards on [UNITS]\":\"Set New Default Standards on [UNITS]\",\"Pending\":\"Pending\",\"School constants have been saved to the English language localization file for {CLIENT_NAME}.\":\"School constants have been saved to the English language localization file for {CLIENT_NAME}.\",\"School constants could not be written to the English language localization file for {CLIENT_NAME}.\":\"School constants could not be written to the English language localization file for {CLIENT_NAME}.\",\"Merge [COURSES]\":\"Merge [COURSES]\",\"Assign [GRADE]\":\"Assign [GRADE]\",\"Approve [COURSE]\":\"Approve [COURSE]\",\"Deny [COURSE]\":\"Deny [COURSE]\",\"Show [COURSES] with no [MAPS]\":\"Show [COURSES] with no [MAPS]\",\"by [GRADING_SCHEME]\":\"by [GRADING_SCHEME]\",\"# of [MAPS]\":\"# of [MAPS]\",\"Assign [GRADES] for the following [COURSES]:\":\"Assign [GRADES] for the following [COURSES]:\",\"Rename\":\"Rename\",\"Alert\":\"Alert\",\"Confirm [MERGE]\":\"Confirm [MERGE]\",\"Confirm\":\"Confirm\",\"Add New [MAP]\":\"Add New [MAP]\",\"To Add a [MAP] Select from the following Attributes:\":\"To Add a [MAP] Select from the following Attributes:\",\"System Admin Orientation\":\"System Admin Orientation\",\"Error loading List \":\"Error loading List \",\"In order to decline this [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] you must email the [TEACHER] that made the request and let them know that it has been declined.\":\"In order to decline this [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] you must email the [TEACHER] that made the request and let them know that it has been declined.\",\"Atlas [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] declined by {USER}\":\"Atlas [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] declined by {USER}\",\"{REQUESTOR_NAME}'s request to join\\n [MAP]: {MAP_NAME}, [SUBJECT]: {SUBJECT_NAME}, [GRADE]: {GRADE_NAME}\\nhas been declined. Please contact your administrator for more information.\":\"{REQUESTOR_NAME}'s request to join\\n [MAP]: {MAP_NAME}, [SUBJECT]: {SUBJECT_NAME}, [GRADE]: {GRADE_NAME}\\nhas been declined. Please contact your administrator for more information.\",\"Your request to join the [MAP] {COURSE_NAME} at {SCHOOL_NAME} was approved by {TEACHER_NAME}. Please contact your Atlas system administrator with any questions.\":\"Your request to join the [MAP] {COURSE_NAME} at {SCHOOL_NAME} was approved by {TEACHER_NAME}. Please contact your Atlas system administrator with any questions.\",\"Atlas [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] approved by {USER}\":\"Atlas [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] approved by {USER}\",\"{REQUESTOR_NAME} requested to join the [MAP] {REQUESTED_COURSE} at {SCHOOL_NAME}. Their request was approved by ({TEACHER_NAME}). Please contact your Atlas system administrator with any questions.\":\"{REQUESTOR_NAME} requested to join the [MAP] {REQUESTED_COURSE} at {SCHOOL_NAME}. Their request was approved by ({TEACHER_NAME}). Please contact your Atlas system administrator with any questions.\",\"{REQUESTOR_NAME} requested to join the [MAP] {REQUESTED_COURSE} at {SCHOOL_NAME}. Their request was declined by ({TEACHER_NAME}). Please contact your Atlas system administrator with any questions.\":\"{REQUESTOR_NAME} requested to join the [MAP] {REQUESTED_COURSE} at {SCHOOL_NAME}. Their request was declined by ({TEACHER_NAME}). Please contact your Atlas system administrator with any questions.\",\"Your request to join the [MAP] {COURSE_NAME} at {SCHOOL_NAME} was declined by {TEACHER_NAME}. Please contact your Atlas system administrator with any questions.\":\"Your request to join the [MAP] {COURSE_NAME} at {SCHOOL_NAME} was declined by {TEACHER_NAME}. Please contact your Atlas system administrator with any questions.\",\"You must select a [SCHOOL], [SUBJECT], and [GRADE] before you may create a new [COURSE]\":\"You must select a [SCHOOL], [SUBJECT], and [GRADE] before you may create a new [COURSE]\",\"These [COURSES] are assigned to this [GRADE] and it can not be deleted.\":\"These [COURSES] are assigned to this [GRADE] and it can not be deleted.\",\"this [TEACHER]\":\"this [TEACHER]\",\"Import [USERS]\":\"Import [USERS]\",\"Select a Comma separated values (CSV) file to upload.\":\"Select a Comma separated values (CSV) file to upload.\",\"[SCHOOL_TYPES] (Don't forget to assign any new [SCHOOL_TYPES] to [GRADES])\":\"[SCHOOL_TYPES] (Don't forget to assign any new [SCHOOL_TYPES] to [GRADES])\",\"Not Relevant\":\"Not Relevant\",\"Select type of column:\":\"Select type of column:\",\"The uploaded file was not in CSV format. Only CSV files are supported when importing {ITEMS}.\":\"The uploaded file was not in CSV format. Only CSV files are supported when importing {ITEMS}.\",\"You have successfully imported {NUM_ADDED} {ITEMS}\":\"You have successfully imported {NUM_ADDED} {ITEMS}\",\"Please indicate which columns correspond to: {FIELDS}\":\"Please indicate which columns correspond to: {FIELDS}\",\"Import [COURSES]\":\"Import [COURSES]\",\"Do not Import\":\"Do not Import\",\"Please match up the [GRADES] and [SUBJECTS] for the new [COURSES] with those already in Atlas.\":\"Please match up the [GRADES] and [SUBJECTS] for the new [COURSES] with those already in Atlas.\",\"Add site to PLC\":\"Add site to PLC\",\"Select a PLC to add\":\"Select a PLC to add\",\"Manage PLC Membership\":\"Manage PLC Membership\",\"Previewing the first 10 rows...\":\"Previewing the first 10 rows...\",\"Validate Data >>\":\"Validate Data >>\",\"Tip: Not sure what this looks like? You can download a template {Here}\":\"Tip: Not sure what this looks like? You can download a template {Here}\",\"Ignore first row (header row)\":\"Ignore first row (header row)\",\"[TEACHER] ID\":\"[TEACHER] ID\",\"Not a valid [EMAIL] address\":\"Not a valid [EMAIL] address\",\"There is already a teacher in this list with this email address\":\"There is already a teacher in this list with this email address\",\"There is already a teacher in Atlas with this email address\":\"There is already a teacher in Atlas with this email address\",\"[TeacherStructure::TEXT_FIRST_NAME] cannot be blank\":\"[TeacherStructure::TEXT_FIRST_NAME] cannot be blank\",\"[TeacherStructure::TEXT_LAST_NAME] cannot be blank\":\"[TeacherStructure::TEXT_LAST_NAME] cannot be blank\",\"[CourseStructure::TEXT_COURSE_NAME] cannot be blank\":\"[CourseStructure::TEXT_COURSE_NAME] cannot be blank\",\"[CourseStructure::TEXT_COURSE_NAME] cannot be longer than 50 characters\":\"[CourseStructure::TEXT_COURSE_NAME] cannot be longer than 50 characters\",\"Please select a valid [GRADE]\":\"Please select a valid [GRADE]\",\"Please select a valid [SUBJECT]\":\"Please select a valid [SUBJECT]\",\"[TeacherStructure::TEXT_TEACHER_ID] is a required field\":\"[TeacherStructure::TEXT_TEACHER_ID] is a required field\",\"{FIELD} is a required field\":\"{FIELD} is a required field\",\"This [EMAIL] is already assigned to {TEACHER_NAME}. [EMAIL] addresses must be unique\":\"This [EMAIL] is already assigned to {TEACHER_NAME}. [EMAIL] addresses must be unique\",\"This [EMAIL] is already assigned to {TEACHER_NAME} ([TeacherStructure::TEXT_TEACHER_ID]={TEACHERID}. [EMAIL] addresses must be unique\":\"This [EMAIL] is already assigned to {TEACHER_NAME} ([TeacherStructure::TEXT_TEACHER_ID]={TEACHERID}. [EMAIL] addresses must be unique\",\"User already exists in the system, but with a different [EMAIL] address. [EMAIL] address will be updated\":\"User already exists in the system, but with a different [EMAIL] address. [EMAIL] address will be updated\",\"User already exists in the system as {TEACHER_NAME}. Name will be updated\":\"User already exists in the system as {TEACHER_NAME}. Name will be updated\",\"You have successfully imported {NUM_ADDED} {ITEMS}. {NUM_NOT_ADDED} {ITEMS} could not be imported. You may fix the issues below and Import or Cancel.\":\"You have successfully imported {NUM_ADDED} {ITEMS}. {NUM_NOT_ADDED} {ITEMS} could not be imported. You may fix the issues below and Import or Cancel.\",\"[TeacherStructure::TEXT_TEACHER_ID] must be unique.\":\"[TeacherStructure::TEXT_TEACHER_ID] must be unique.\",\"Please match all [GRADES].\":\"Please match all [GRADES].\",\"Please match all [SUBJECTS].\":\"Please match all [SUBJECTS].\",\"This [COURSE] already exists in Atlas and will not be imported.\":\"This [COURSE] already exists in Atlas and will not be imported.\",\"This [COURSE] already appears in the list with the same [GRADE] and [SUBJECT]\":\"This [COURSE] already appears in the list with the same [GRADE] and [SUBJECT]\",\"Your [SITE] is scheduled to be archived later today.\":\"Your [SITE] is scheduled to be archived later today.\",\"Your [USERS] are currently developing the curriculum for the {MAPPING_YEAR} school year.\":\"Your [USERS] are currently developing the curriculum for the {MAPPING_YEAR} school year.\",\"Select the filters and then the flag to assign matching standards to.\":\"Select the filters and then the flag to assign matching standards to.\",\"Select the flag to assign matching standards to.\":\"Select the flag to assign matching standards to.\",\"Apply Rules\":\"Apply Rules\",\"Select the set of standards\":\"Select the set of standards\",\"Import a large number of [USERS]\":\"Import a large number of [USERS]\",\"Requirements for importing {ITEMS_LABEL}:\":\"Requirements for importing {ITEMS_LABEL}:\",\"Step 1. Select File to Import\":\"Step 1. Select File to Import\",\"The file containing your list of {ITEMS} must be in a Comma Separated Value (.csv) format. \":\"The file containing your list of {ITEMS} must be in a Comma Separated Value (.csv) format. \",\"Download a sample .csv template {LINK}.\":\"Download a sample .csv template {LINK}.\",\"Click {LINK} for instructions to convert an Excel file to .csv format.\":\"Click {LINK} for instructions to convert an Excel file to .csv format.\",\"Locate the .csv file, and then click {SUBMIT}. You will be given opportunity to verify the data in the next step.\":\"Locate the .csv file, and then click {SUBMIT}. You will be given opportunity to verify the data in the next step.\",\"The file must include {FIELDS} for each {ITEM_LABEL}.\":\"The file must include {FIELDS} for each {ITEM_LABEL}.\",\"Tips:\":\"Tips:\",\"Step 2. Identify your Import Data\":\"Step 2. Identify your Import Data\",\"Select from the drop down menus to identify the {FIELDS} columns. If your list contains additional data, select \\u201cNot Relevant\\u201d for those columns. Click {VALIDATE_DATA} button. You will have a chance to review the data at the last and final step. If your source file has a header row, be sure to check \\u201cIgnore first row\\u201d\":\"Select from the drop down menus to identify the {FIELDS} columns. If your list contains additional data, select \\u201cNot Relevant\\u201d for those columns. Click {VALIDATE_DATA} button. You will have a chance to review the data at the last and final step. If your source file has a header row, be sure to check \\u201cIgnore first row\\u201d\",\"Step {STEP}. Import your {ITEMTYPE} Data\":\"Step {STEP}. Import your {ITEMTYPE} Data\",\"The table below contains the {ITEMTYPE} data that will be imported to your Atlas system.\":\"The table below contains the {ITEMTYPE} data that will be imported to your Atlas system.\",\"Click on any column heading to sort the data by that column. \":\"Click on any column heading to sort the data by that column. \",\"Click into any field to modify the data. Note that any changes made here will not be reflected on your source document. \":\"Click into any field to modify the data. Note that any changes made here will not be reflected on your source document. \",\"Rows that may require attention have been flagged. Mouse over icons within the table for further details.\":\"Rows that may require attention have been flagged. Mouse over icons within the table for further details.\",\"Data in this row will not be imported unless a correction is made. \":\"Data in this row will not be imported unless a correction is made. \",\"Data in this row will be imported, but may require your review.\":\"Data in this row will be imported, but may require your review.\",\"When you have finished reviewing the data, select {IMPORT} button at the bottom of the page to upload the new {ITEMS_LABEL} to your Atlas system. \":\"When you have finished reviewing the data, select {IMPORT} button at the bottom of the page to upload the new {ITEMS_LABEL} to your Atlas system. \",\"Your Atlas system may have been pre-loaded with [GRADES] and [SUBJECTS]. Verify that those [GRADES] and [SUBJECTS] specified in your source file correlate to those already in your Atlas system. If necessary, select from the drop down menus [GRADES] and \\/ or [SUBJECTS] that best match those contained in your original file.\":\"Your Atlas system may have been pre-loaded with [GRADES] and [SUBJECTS]. Verify that those [GRADES] and [SUBJECTS] specified in your source file correlate to those already in your Atlas system. If necessary, select from the drop down menus [GRADES] and \\/ or [SUBJECTS] that best match those contained in your original file.\",\"Step 3. Map existing [GRADES] and [SUBJECTS]\":\"Step 3. Map existing [GRADES] and [SUBJECTS]\",\"(Select a Field)\":\"(Select a Field)\",\"Are you sure you want to [CANCEL]?\":\"Are you sure you want to [CANCEL]?\",\"Edit Rules for Filtered Front Loaded Category\":\"Edit Rules for Filtered Front Loaded Category\",\"Site Standards\":\"Site Standards\",\"Importing\":\"Importing\",\"Select the first day of the academic calendar. This is typically the first day of school with students.\":\"Select the first day of the academic calendar. This is typically the first day of school with students.\",\"Select the last day of the academic calendar. This is typically the last day of school with students.\":\"Select the last day of the academic calendar. This is typically the last day of school with students.\",\"Select the first day of the academic week. For example, choose Sunday if the typical academic week runs Sunday \\u2013 Thursday.\":\"Select the first day of the academic week. For example, choose Sunday if the typical academic week runs Sunday \\u2013 Thursday.\",\"Select dates to highlight with a colored vertical line on the unit calendar. These are typically used to highlight the end of a quarter, trimester, or semester.\":\"Select dates to highlight with a colored vertical line on the unit calendar. These are typically used to highlight the end of a quarter, trimester, or semester.\",\"Reference Section Link\":\"Reference Section Link\",\"You may enter text in the Before, In-Between, and After fields to add additional context to your template.\":\"You may enter text in the Before, In-Between, and After fields to add additional context to your template.\",\"View a full report\":\"View a full report\",\"Not sure?\":\"Not sure?\",\"
The [ATLAS] Team<\\/p>\":\"
The [ATLAS] Team<\\/p>\",\"I have questions about Atlas!\":\"I have questions about Atlas!\",\"Are you sure you want to reset the password for {DISPLAY_NAME}?\\nThe new password will be: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\":\"Are you sure you want to reset the password for {DISPLAY_NAME}?\\nThe new password will be: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\",\"BEFORE<\\/b> resetting a [PASSWORD] to the default:\":\"BEFORE<\\/b> resetting a [PASSWORD] to the default:\",\"Ensure the email address used to sign in exactly matches that in {TEACHERS_PRIVILEGES_LINK}.\":\"Ensure the email address used to sign in exactly matches that in {TEACHERS_PRIVILEGES_LINK}.\",\"Ask the user to try the \\\"Forgot Password\\\" link on the sign-in page and check their email for a link to sign in.\":\"Ask the user to try the \\\"Forgot Password\\\" link on the sign-in page and check their email for a link to sign in.\",\"NOTE:<\\/b>\\u00a0You should only reset a [PASSWORD] to the default if the user cannot access their email<\\/b> to receive the automated \\\"Forgot Password\\\" email link.\":\"NOTE:<\\/b>\\u00a0You should only reset a [PASSWORD] to the default if the user cannot access their email<\\/b> to receive the automated \\\"Forgot Password\\\" email link.\",\"Your Atlas default [PASSWORD] is: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\":\"Your Atlas default [PASSWORD] is: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\",\"The [PASSWORD] for {TEACHER_NAME} has been reset to: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}. This will NOT generate an automated email so please give him\\/her this [PASSWORD].\":\"The [PASSWORD] for {TEACHER_NAME} has been reset to: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}. This will NOT generate an automated email so please give him\\/her this [PASSWORD].\",\"Password resetting has been moved to {RESET_PASSWORD_LINK}.\":\"Password resetting has been moved to {RESET_PASSWORD_LINK}.\",\"Would you like to send the {NUM_ADDED} new [TEACHERS] an invitation email?\":\"Would you like to send the {NUM_ADDED} new [TEACHERS] an invitation email?\",\"
{CONFIRM_LINK}<\\/p> (Support) menu.<\\/p>
The [ATLAS] Team<\\/p>\":\"
{CONFIRM_LINK}<\\/p> (Support) menu.<\\/p>
The [ATLAS] Team<\\/p>\",\"Cannot reset the password for this [TEACHER].\":\"Cannot reset the password for this [TEACHER].\",\"There is already a user in Atlas with this email address.\":\"There is already a user in Atlas with this email address.\",\"There are [MAPS] in the [RECYCLE_BIN] using this [COURSE]. You can delete this [COURSE] after the annual archive completes.\":\"There are [MAPS] in the [RECYCLE_BIN] using this [COURSE]. You can delete this [COURSE] after the annual archive completes.\",\"Select which [MAPS] are [PLANNED] and [TAUGHT]\":\"Select which [MAPS] are [PLANNED] and [TAUGHT]\",\"[MAPS] have been marked as [PLANNED]\":\"[MAPS] have been marked as [PLANNED]\",\"[PLANNED] has been cleared from [MAPS]\":\"[PLANNED] has been cleared from [MAPS]\",\"[TAUGHT] has been cleared from [MAPS]\":\"[TAUGHT] has been cleared from [MAPS]\",\"[MAPS] have been marked as [TAUGHT]\":\"[MAPS] have been marked as [TAUGHT]\",\"Mark [PLANNED]\\/[TAUGHT] [MAPS] (for Pleiades)\":\"Mark [PLANNED]\\/[TAUGHT] [MAPS] (for Pleiades)\",\"Mark filtered [MAPS] as [PLANNED]\":\"Mark filtered [MAPS] as [PLANNED]\",\"Mark filtered [MAPS] as [TAUGHT]\":\"Mark filtered [MAPS] as [TAUGHT]\",\"Clear [PLANNED] from [MAPS]\":\"Clear [PLANNED] from [MAPS]\",\"Clear [TAUGHT] from [MAPS]\":\"Clear [TAUGHT] from [MAPS]\",\"Import a maximum of 3,000 [USERS] per CSV.\":\"Import a maximum of 3,000 [USERS] per CSV.\",\"More than 3,000 [TEACHERS] detected in this CSV file. Upload no more than 3,000 [TEACHERS] per CSV file.\":\"More than 3,000 [TEACHERS] detected in this CSV file. Upload no more than 3,000 [TEACHERS] per CSV file.\",\"Public Site\":\"Public Site\",\"Annual Site Maintenance\":\"Annual Site Maintenance\",\"Search Atlas Activity\":\"Search Atlas Activity\",\"Additional Tools\":\"Additional Tools\",\"School [REFERENCES]\":\"School [REFERENCES]\",\"Atlas Services\":\"Atlas Services\",\"[STANDARDS] and Assessments\":\"[STANDARDS] and Assessments\",\"The change you are making will affect {COUNT_MAPS} [MAPS] in {COUNT_SCHOOLS} [SCHOOLS]. Do you want to continue?\":\"The change you are making will affect {COUNT_MAPS} [MAPS] in {COUNT_SCHOOLS} [SCHOOLS]. Do you want to continue?\",\"The selected template can not be edited, please select a different template or contact Atlas Support.\":\"The selected template can not be edited, please select a different template or contact Atlas Support.\",\"Templates marked as ACTIVE here will be available for all users to select from when they create [LESSON] planners.\":\"Templates marked as ACTIVE here will be available for all users to select from when they create [LESSON] planners.\",\"Only templates marked ACTIVE will be available to users.\":\"Only templates marked ACTIVE will be available to users.\",\"[LESSON] Template Title\":\"[LESSON] Template Title\",\"Last Updated By\":\"Last Updated By\",\"Last Updated On\":\"Last Updated On\",\"Status\":\"Status\",\"There is already a [LESSON] template with that name. Please use a different name.\":\"There is already a [LESSON] template with that name. Please use a different name.\",\"[LESSON] Template Here\":\"[LESSON] Template Here\",\"Template\":\"Template\",\"Active\":\"Active\",\"Inactive\":\"Inactive\",\"Lesson Planner Template Editor\":\"Lesson Planner Template Editor\",\"Activating a template will make it available to all users in the Lesson Planner.
Are you sure you want to activate this template?\":\"Activating a template will make it available to all users in the Lesson Planner.
Are you sure you want to activate this template?\",\"Only 5 templates can be Active at once. Please make another template Inactive before activating this template.\":\"Only 5 templates can be Active at once. Please make another template Inactive before activating this template.\",\"Activating a template will make it available to all users in the [LESSON] Planner.\\n\\nAre you sure you want to activate this template?\":\"Activating a template will make it available to all users in the [LESSON] Planner.\\n\\nAre you sure you want to activate this template?\",\"Inactivating a template will save it here for use in the future and hide it from users in the [LESSON] Planner.\\n\\nAre you sure you want to inactivate this template?\":\"Inactivating a template will save it here for use in the future and hide it from users in the [LESSON] Planner.\\n\\nAre you sure you want to inactivate this template?\",\"Up to 8 templates can be Active at once. Please make another template Inactive before activating this template.\":\"Up to 8 templates can be Active at once. Please make another template Inactive before activating this template.\",\"Activate Account\":\"Activate Account\",\"Is this information correct?\":\"Is this information correct?\",\"The [PASSWORD] for {TEACHER_NAME} has been reset, but the email address is not confirmed. At the Atlas login screen, enter the email address and a confirmation message will be sent to {TEACHER_NAME}. Open the link in the message to create a password.\":\"The [PASSWORD] for {TEACHER_NAME} has been reset, but the email address is not confirmed. At the Atlas login screen, enter the email address and a confirmation message will be sent to {TEACHER_NAME}. Open the link in the message to create a password.\",\"This [USER] has not logged in for over two years. Click to keep their account active, or delete.\\nIf you delete the [USER], you'll be prompted to reassign any [MAPS] assigned to this [USER].\":\"This [USER] has not logged in for over two years. Click to keep their account active, or delete.\\nIf you delete the [USER], you'll be prompted to reassign any [MAPS] assigned to this [USER].\",\"Account Management\":\"Account Management\",\"Billing\":\"Billing\",\"Browse Service Plans and Make Payment\":\"Browse Service Plans and Make Payment\",\"[CURRICULUM_MAPS] {DISPLAY_NAME} is Developing\":\"[CURRICULUM_MAPS] {DISPLAY_NAME} is Developing\",\"Course(s) {DISPLAY_NAME} is teaching\":\"Course(s) {DISPLAY_NAME} is teaching\",\"Course Assignments\":\"Course Assignments\",\"Teach\":\"Teach\",\"Your [SITE] was last archived today.\":\"Your [SITE] was last archived today.\",\"Manage LTI Keys\":\"Manage LTI Keys\",\"Icon Preview\":\"Icon Preview\",\"[STANDARD_STATUS] Management\":\"[STANDARD_STATUS] Management\",\"Up to three records are allowed.\":\"Up to three records are allowed.\",\"Status Name\":\"Status Name\",\"This [STANDARD_STATUS] is used in {COUNT} alignments. Deleting the [STANDARD_STATUS] will NOT delete the alignments but will delete the status that is associated with these alignments permanently.\":\"This [STANDARD_STATUS] is used in {COUNT} alignments. Deleting the [STANDARD_STATUS] will NOT delete the alignments but will delete the status that is associated with these alignments permanently.\",\"Curriculum Process Assistant\":\"Curriculum Process Assistant\",\"[ADMIN] [HELP]\":\"[ADMIN] [HELP]\",\"One Roster Users\":\"One Roster Users\",\"One Roster Courses\":\"One Roster Courses\",\"One Roster Classes\":\"One Roster Classes\",\"Duplicate, One Roster for Atlas requires unique course titles\":\"Duplicate, One Roster for Atlas requires unique course titles\",\"Assign [SUBJECT]\":\"Assign [SUBJECT]\",\"Assign [SUBJECTS] for the following [COURSES]:\":\"Assign [SUBJECTS] for the following [COURSES]:\",\"One Roster Preferences\":\"One Roster Preferences\",\"Re-send email invite\":\"Re-send email invite\",\"[SUBJECT]-level editing privileges\":\"[SUBJECT]-level editing privileges\",\"[SUBJECT]-level editing privilege\":\"[SUBJECT]-level editing privilege\",\"Show Courses with:\":\"Show Courses with:\",\"No [UNITS]\":\"No [UNITS]\",\"No [LESSONS]\":\"No [LESSONS]\",\"No [CURRICULUM_WRITERS]\":\"No [CURRICULUM_WRITERS]\",\"No [TEACHERS]\":\"No [TEACHERS]\",\"Up to five records are allowed.\":\"Up to five records are allowed.\",\"Manage [UNIT] Templates\":\"Manage [UNIT] Templates\",\"Public Site Configuration\":\"Public Site Configuration\",\"Sample Public Sites\":\"Sample Public Sites\",\"My Public Site\":\"My Public Site\",\"Edit Welcome Page\":\"Edit Welcome Page\",\"Navigate to\":\"Navigate to\",\"Manage Public Site Settings\":\"Manage Public Site Settings\",\"Save to display value\":\"Save to display value\",\"This feature was retired. You may want to use the new {MESSAGE_BOARD}.\":\"This feature was retired. You may want to use the new {MESSAGE_BOARD}.\",\"Message Board\":\"Message Board\",\"The selected category is not a widget category\":\"The selected category is not a widget category\",\"[STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_TYPE] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was deleted, and replaced with \\\"{REPLACED_WITH}\\\"\":\"[STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_TYPE] \\\"{NAME}\\\" was deleted, and replaced with \\\"{REPLACED_WITH}\\\"\",\"Password for [USER] {TARGET_USER} was reset\":\"Password for [USER] {TARGET_USER} was reset\",\"[USER] {REACTIVATED_USER} was activated\":\"[USER] {REACTIVATED_USER} was activated\",\"[SUBJECT] \\\"{OLD_NAME}\\\" [IDENTIFIER] was changed from \\\"{OLD_IDENTIFIER}\\\" to \\\"{NEW_IDENTIFIER}\\\"\":\"[SUBJECT] \\\"{OLD_NAME}\\\" [IDENTIFIER] was changed from \\\"{OLD_IDENTIFIER}\\\" to \\\"{NEW_IDENTIFIER}\\\"\",\"Warning! This will reduce the duration of {COUNT_UNITS} units by up to {NUM_WEEKS} Weeks. \\nThis cannot be reversed. Confirm you want to remove {NUM_WEEKS} Weeks.\":\"Warning! This will reduce the duration of {COUNT_UNITS} units by up to {NUM_WEEKS} Weeks. \\nThis cannot be reversed. Confirm you want to remove {NUM_WEEKS} Weeks.\",\"Edit [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUESTS]\":\"Edit [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUESTS]\",\"The [PASSWORD] has been changed to: {NEW_DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\":\"The [PASSWORD] has been changed to: {NEW_DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\",\"View\\/Print [STANDARDS]\":\"View\\/Print [STANDARDS]\",\"Standards Editing Tool Instructional Videos\":\"Standards Editing Tool Instructional Videos\",\"Your [SITE] was last archived on: {ARCHIVE_DATE}\":\"Your [SITE] was last archived on: {ARCHIVE_DATE}\",\"Your [SITE] is currently scheduled to be archived on: \":\"Your [SITE] is currently scheduled to be archived on: \",\"Your [SITE] was scheduled to be archived on: {ARCHIVE_DATE}\":\"Your [SITE] was scheduled to be archived on: {ARCHIVE_DATE}\",\"This date was selected by\":\"This date was selected by\",\"No [ARCHIVE_DATE] has been selected.\":\"No [ARCHIVE_DATE] has been selected.\",\"If you would like to reschedule for a later date, you may change your Archive Date to any date Monday - Friday. Atlas systems without a set archive date will be archived sometime after the end of the academic year.\":\"If you would like to reschedule for a later date, you may change your Archive Date to any date Monday - Friday. Atlas systems without a set archive date will be archived sometime after the end of the academic year.\",\"Set Date\":\"Set Date\",\"About the Archiving Process\":\"About the Archiving Process\",\"Each year, a snapshot of all courses in the current year's curriculum is copied as an archived read-only record. [UNITS] and [LESSONS] will carry over to the new academic year and will continue to be editable for the assigned [TEACHERS] and viewable in All [MAPS] and [ANALYZE]. Atlas will notify [USERS] 30 days prior to your annual archive date as a reminder to complete or update [UNITS] and [LESSONS] to reflect the most current information.\":\"Each year, a snapshot of all courses in the current year's curriculum is copied as an archived read-only record. [UNITS] and [LESSONS] will carry over to the new academic year and will continue to be editable for the assigned [TEACHERS] and viewable in All [MAPS] and [ANALYZE]. Atlas will notify [USERS] 30 days prior to your annual archive date as a reminder to complete or update [UNITS] and [LESSONS] to reflect the most current information.\",\"If you have questions about this process, please feel free to email our team at\":\"If you have questions about this process, please feel free to email our team at\",\"Click on a [SCHOOL] name to view or edit its categories.\":\"Click on a [SCHOOL] name to view or edit its categories.\",\"Drag and drop categories between available and selected, then sort items in \\\"Selected Categories.\\\"\":\"Drag and drop categories between available and selected, then sort items in \\\"Selected Categories.\\\"\",\"Class List\":\"Class List\",\"[COURSE_LIST] By [SCHOOL]\":\"[COURSE_LIST] By [SCHOOL]\",\"download in Excel format\":\"download in Excel format\",\"[COURSE_LIST] By [CURRICULUM_WRITER]\":\"[COURSE_LIST] By [CURRICULUM_WRITER]\",\"Filter [COURSES]:\":\"Filter [COURSES]:\",\"[CURRICULUM_MAP] Activity Report\":\"[CURRICULUM_MAP] Activity Report\",\"[MAP] Before Change\":\"[MAP] Before Change\",\"[MAP] After Change\":\"[MAP] After Change\",\"Set Up [TEACHERS]\":\"Set Up [TEACHERS]\",\"Assign [MAPS]\":\"Assign [MAPS]\",\"{STANDARDS} Editing Tool\":\"{STANDARDS} Editing Tool\",\"PLC Administration\":\"PLC Administration\",\"Core [SCHOOL_VALUE_TYPES] and [SCHOOL_VALUES]\":\"Core [SCHOOL_VALUE_TYPES] and [SCHOOL_VALUES]\",\"PLC Profiles\":\"PLC Profiles\",\"Export All [CURRICULUM] - Current [YEAR]\":\"Export All [CURRICULUM] - Current [YEAR]\",\"Export All Curriculum - All Years\":\"Export All Curriculum - All Years\",\"Manage Events for Reflection\":\"Manage Events for Reflection\",\"\\\"Check Your Understanding\\\" Reports and Reflections\":\"\\\"Check Your Understanding\\\" Reports and Reflections\",\"Change System Default [PASSWORD]\":\"Change System Default [PASSWORD]\",\"[ARCHIVE_DATE]\":\"[ARCHIVE_DATE]\",\"[MAPPING_CATEGORIES] By [SCHOOL]\":\"[MAPPING_CATEGORIES] By [SCHOOL]\",\"Admin FAQ\":\"Admin FAQ\",\"Manage [USERS] and [MAPS]\":\"Manage [USERS] and [MAPS]\",\"Site Configuration\":\"Site Configuration\",\"[SUPER_ADMIN] Control Panel\":\"[SUPER_ADMIN] Control Panel\",\"Atlas Academy - Reports and Reflections\":\"Atlas Academy - Reports and Reflections\",\"[ATLAS] Help:\":\"[ATLAS] Help:\",\"Reset the default [PASSWORDS] for all users\":\"Reset the default [PASSWORDS] for all users\",\"Allows you to set the default [PASSWORD] for all new users added to this site.\":\"Allows you to set the default [PASSWORD] for all new users added to this site.\",\"IMPORTANT NOTE\":\"IMPORTANT NOTE\",\"This will also change the [PASSWORD] of any existing user with the default [PASSWORD]! If you check the box marked "Send Email to Affected Users", any existing users who are affected by this change will automatically be notified of their new [PASSWORD] via email.\":\"This will also change the [PASSWORD] of any existing user with the default [PASSWORD]! If you check the box marked "Send Email to Affected Users", any existing users who are affected by this change will automatically be notified of their new [PASSWORD] via email.\",\"This change will NOT affect users who have already changed their [PASSWORD].\":\"This change will NOT affect users who have already changed their [PASSWORD].\",\"This site's current default [PASSWORD] is: {CURRENT_DEFAULT}\":\"This site's current default [PASSWORD] is: {CURRENT_DEFAULT}\",\"I would like to change this to:\":\"I would like to change this to:\",\"Send [EMAIL] to Affected Users\":\"Send [EMAIL] to Affected Users\",\"Please enter a new default [PASSWORD].\":\"Please enter a new default [PASSWORD].\",\"Change Now!\":\"Change Now!\",\"[SUBJECTS] & [&CONTENT_SUBAREAS]\":\"[SUBJECTS] & [&CONTENT_SUBAREAS]\",\"(Select a [MAP_NAME])\":\"(Select a [MAP_NAME])\",\"[COURSE]\":\"[COURSE]\",\"[MAP] Attributes\":\"[MAP] Attributes\",\"Edit [MAP_DESCRIPTION]\":\"Edit [MAP_DESCRIPTION]\",\"(Filter by [SUBJECT])\":\"(Filter by [SUBJECT])\",\"(Filter by [GRADE])\":\"(Filter by [GRADE])\",\"(Please Select a [SUBJECT] or [GRADE])\":\"(Please Select a [SUBJECT] or [GRADE])\",\"(Type a [USER] Name)\":\"(Type a [USER] Name)\",\"no [TEACHER]\":\"no [TEACHER]\",\"no [NAME]\":\"no [NAME]\",\"(Select a Group)\":\"(Select a Group)\",\"(Select a Group Type)\":\"(Select a Group Type)\",\"GroupType:\":\"GroupType:\",\"Group:\":\"Group:\",\"Maintain {STATE_STANDARDS}\":\"Maintain {STATE_STANDARDS}\",\"Info Section Links\":\"Info Section Links\",\"Atlas System Administration: Info Section Links\":\"Atlas System Administration: Info Section Links\",\"Reference Section Links\":\"Reference Section Links\",\"No [USER] Selected.\":\"No [USER] Selected.\",\"« Choose a different [MAP_NAME]\":\"« Choose a different [MAP_NAME]\",\"There are no [MAPS] set up.\":\"There are no [MAPS] set up.\",\"Click on a [MAPS name to view or edit their #{MAPS]\":\"Click on a [MAPS name to view or edit their #{MAPS]\",\"No [TEACHERS] found.\":\"No [TEACHERS] found.\",\"Click on a [TEACHER] name to view or edit their [MAPS]\":\"Click on a [TEACHER] name to view or edit their [MAPS]\",\"Filter By [USER]:\":\"Filter By [USER]:\",\"1.\":\"1.\",\"2.\":\"2.\",\"3.\":\"3.\",\"1. [SELECT_A_SCHOOL]\":\"1. [SELECT_A_SCHOOL]\",\"2. Select a [SUBJECT] \\/ [GRADE]\":\"2. Select a [SUBJECT] \\/ [GRADE]\",\"3. [SELECT_A_COURSE]\":\"3. [SELECT_A_COURSE]\",\"No [MAPS] found.\":\"No [MAPS] found.\",\"Create New [COURSE]?\":\"Create New [COURSE]?\",\"Create new blank [MAP] assigned to {Name}\":\"Create new blank [MAP] assigned to {Name}\",\"Create new blank {MapName} [MAP] assigned to {TeacherName}\":\"Create new blank {MapName} [MAP] assigned to {TeacherName}\",\"Add {TeacherName} to existing {MapName} [MAP]\":\"Add {TeacherName} to existing {MapName} [MAP]\",\"Request to join existing {MapName} [MAP]\":\"Request to join existing {MapName} [MAP]\",\"Join\":\"Join\",\"New\":\"New\",\"By default, all [TEACHERS], [MAPS], and [GRADES] are included in the PLC.\":\"By default, all [TEACHERS], [MAPS], and [GRADES] are included in the PLC.\",\"There are no PLC's with associated with this site whose filters are configurable on the client side\":\"There are no PLC's with associated with this site whose filters are configurable on the client side\",\"[PROFESSIONAL_LEARNING_COMMUNITY] Profiles\":\"[PROFESSIONAL_LEARNING_COMMUNITY] Profiles\",\"[ATLAS_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATION]: [PROFESSIONAL_LEARNING_COMMUNITY] Profiles\":\"[ATLAS_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATION]: [PROFESSIONAL_LEARNING_COMMUNITY] Profiles\",\"There are no PLC's associated with this site whose filters are configurable on the client side\":\"There are no PLC's associated with this site whose filters are configurable on the client side\",\"{PROFICIENCY_TYPE_NAME} [PROFICIENCY_LEVELS]\":\"{PROFICIENCY_TYPE_NAME} [PROFICIENCY_LEVELS]\",\"Click on a [STANDARDS_PROFICIENCY_TYPE] to maintain its corresponding [PROFICIENCY_LEVELS].\":\"Click on a [STANDARDS_PROFICIENCY_TYPE] to maintain its corresponding [PROFICIENCY_LEVELS].\",\"Reset the [PASSWORD] for an individual [TEACHER]\":\"Reset the [PASSWORD] for an individual [TEACHER]\",\"Use this form to reset a [TEACHER]'s [PASSWORD] when the [PASSWORD] reset by email function is not available.\":\"Use this form to reset a [TEACHER]'s [PASSWORD] when the [PASSWORD] reset by email function is not available.\",\"The [TEACHER] may also receive email reset from the login screen.\":\"The [TEACHER] may also receive email reset from the login screen.\",\"[PASSWORD] successfully reset to {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\":\"[PASSWORD] successfully reset to {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\",\"Search Names\":\"Search Names\",\"Restore Prior Year Data\":\"Restore Prior Year Data\",\"Restore [MAP]\":\"Restore [MAP]\",\"Atlas has detected that a class with that [TEACHER]\\/[SCHOOL]\\/[GRADE]\\/[MAP] combination already exists. Please be advised that if you continue, a duplicate class will be created.\":\"Atlas has detected that a class with that [TEACHER]\\/[SCHOOL]\\/[GRADE]\\/[MAP] combination already exists. Please be advised that if you continue, a duplicate class will be created.\",\"To go back and select a different [TEACHER], [SCHOOL], [GRADE], or [MAP]\":\"To go back and select a different [TEACHER], [SCHOOL], [GRADE], or [MAP]\",\"To proceed with creating the duplicate class, click on the button below.\":\"To proceed with creating the duplicate class, click on the button below.\",\"Restore!\":\"Restore!\",\"The class has been successfully restored!\":\"The class has been successfully restored!\",\"Enter the name of the restored [MAP]\":\"Enter the name of the restored [MAP]\",\"Select the [SCHOOL] to restore to\":\"Select the [SCHOOL] to restore to\",\"Select the [GRADE] to restore to\":\"Select the [GRADE] to restore to\",\"Select the [SUBJECT] to restore to\":\"Select the [SUBJECT] to restore to\",\"Select the [COURSE] to restore to\":\"Select the [COURSE] to restore to\",\"Select the [TEACHER] to restore to\":\"Select the [TEACHER] to restore to\",\"You must select at least one [USER] (Please try again.)\":\"You must select at least one [USER] (Please try again.)\",\"Select a class to restore:\":\"Select a class to restore:\",\"Please select one of the options above to display classes\\/collaborations.\":\"Please select one of the options above to display classes\\/collaborations.\",\"There were no [MAPS] found for the [SCHOOL], [GRADE], [SUBJECT] and [TEACHER] combination you selected.\":\"There were no [MAPS] found for the [SCHOOL], [GRADE], [SUBJECT] and [TEACHER] combination you selected.\",\"([SELECT_A_TEACHER])\":\"([SELECT_A_TEACHER])\",\"All [GRADES]\":\"All [GRADES]\",\"All [SUBJECTS]\":\"All [SUBJECTS]\",\"All Previous [YEARS]\":\"All Previous [YEARS]\",\"Site Definition\":\"Site Definition\",\"Zero or Multiple [SCHOOLS] associated - cannot modify groups\":\"Zero or Multiple [SCHOOLS] associated - cannot modify groups\",\"School missing Unit Template Categories: {DISPLAY_NAME) ([$SCHOOL_ID])\":\"School missing Unit Template Categories: {DISPLAY_NAME) ([$SCHOOL_ID])\",\"No [USERS] found.\":\"No [USERS] found.\",\"Find [USERS]\":\"Find [USERS]\",\"no [PLC] id or client id specified\":\"no [PLC] id or client id specified\",\"[PASSWORD] Reset\":\"[PASSWORD] Reset\",\"Your [ATLAS] [PASSWORD] has been reset to: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD} by {NAME}\":\"Your [ATLAS] [PASSWORD] has been reset to: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD} by {NAME}\",\"The [URL] for your [ATLAS] system is\":\"The [URL] for your [ATLAS] system is\",\"To log in and set your password\":\"To log in and set your password\",\"Select your name from the drop down menu\":\"Select your name from the drop down menu\",\"Enter your email address in the email field\":\"Enter your email address in the email field\",\"of your login screen, and use the temporary password, {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}.\":\"of your login screen, and use the temporary password, {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}.\",\"If you should need to reset your password again in the future, simply find your name in the drop down menu on the login screen and select the link: {TEXT_EMAIL_RESET}.\":\"If you should need to reset your password again in the future, simply find your name in the drop down menu on the login screen and select the link: {TEXT_EMAIL_RESET}.\",\"You can contact {NAME} directly at {FROM} for further information.\":\"You can contact {NAME} directly at {FROM} for further information.\",\"The [PASSWORD] for {TEACHER_NAME} has been reset to: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\":\"The [PASSWORD] for {TEACHER_NAME} has been reset to: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\",\"This [TEACHER] will receive a notification email.\":\"This [TEACHER] will receive a notification email.\",\"No [TEACHER] was selected. No [PASSWORDS] were reset.\":\"No [TEACHER] was selected. No [PASSWORDS] were reset.\",\"[ATLAS]: [ARCHIVE_DATE]\":\"[ATLAS]: [ARCHIVE_DATE]\",\"Atlas Curriculum Management\":\"Atlas Curriculum Management\",\"Reload Front Load Category\":\"Reload Front Load Category\",\"Reload Front Load Categories\":\"Reload Front Load Categories\",\"Front Load All [UNITS]\":\"Front Load All [UNITS]\",\"No [MAPPING_CATEGORY] selected to front load.\":\"No [MAPPING_CATEGORY] selected to front load.\",\"System Administrator Control Panel\":\"System Administrator Control Panel\",\"Welcome to the SUPER ADMIN Control Panel\":\"Welcome to the SUPER ADMIN Control Panel\",\"The following functions are only available to {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"The following functions are only available to {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"Replace Curriculum Text\":\"Replace Curriculum Text\",\"Delete ALL XML (careful...)\":\"Delete ALL XML (careful...)\",\"Delete Orphan Map\\/Unit XML\":\"Delete Orphan Map\\/Unit XML\",\"Special Functions: Be Very Careful!\":\"Special Functions: Be Very Careful!\",\"[SCHOOLS] (Don't forget to assign [MAPPING_CATEGORIES] to any new [SCHOOLS])\":\"[SCHOOLS] (Don't forget to assign [MAPPING_CATEGORIES] to any new [SCHOOLS])\",\"Recently Modified [UNITS]\":\"Recently Modified [UNITS]\",\"Manage Harvesting [UNITS] to [EXEMPLAR]\":\"Manage Harvesting [UNITS] to [EXEMPLAR]\",\"Admin [EXEMPLAR] Tags and Tag Groups\":\"Admin [EXEMPLAR] Tags and Tag Groups\",\"[SITE] Definition\":\"[SITE] Definition\",\"Exemplary Maps\":\"Exemplary Maps\",\"Manage Unit Planner Templates\":\"Manage Unit Planner Templates\",\"Edit District Public Fields\":\"Edit District Public Fields\",\"Maintain Flags\":\"Maintain Flags\",\"[UNIT] Template Editor\":\"[UNIT] Template Editor\",\"Public Content\":\"Public Content\",\"Maintain Standards\\/Front-loading\":\"Maintain Standards\\/Front-loading\",\"[ATLAS] Help\":\"[ATLAS] Help\",\"Delete [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] orphans\":\"Delete [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] orphans\",\"Deleted {RESULTS_ONE} Course Benchmark Opportunities orphans and {RESULTS_TWO} Unit State Standards Orphans, as well as {RESULTS_THREE} orphan State Standards\":\"Deleted {RESULTS_ONE} Course Benchmark Opportunities orphans and {RESULTS_TWO} Unit State Standards Orphans, as well as {RESULTS_THREE} orphan State Standards\",\"Error deleting [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] orphans.\":\"Error deleting [STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] orphans.\",\"District Name\":\"District Name\",\"State:\":\"State:\",\"Display Local Guidelines:\":\"Display Local Guidelines:\",\"Use [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITIES]:\":\"Use [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITIES]:\",\"Use [SCHOOL_VALUES]:\":\"Use [SCHOOL_VALUES]:\",\"Language Test String:\":\"Language Test String:\",\"[TIME_PERIOD] [LABEL]:\":\"[TIME_PERIOD] [LABEL]:\",\"Time Adjustment ( + \\/ - hours from PST):\":\"Time Adjustment ( + \\/ - hours from PST):\",\"Send [EMAIL] From Name:\":\"Send [EMAIL] From Name:\",\"Send [EMAIL] From [EMAIL] Address:\":\"Send [EMAIL] From [EMAIL] Address:\",\"Edit [UNIT_MAP] Templates\":\"Edit [UNIT_MAP] Templates\",\"Preview:\":\"Preview:\",\"Public Password Page Content\":\"Public Password Page Content\",\"Edit Template\":\"Edit Template\",\"Unit Map Template File\":\"Unit Map Template File\",\"Unit Map Edit Template File\":\"Unit Map Edit Template File\",\"Unit Map Public Template File\":\"Unit Map Public Template File\",\"Select Existing File\":\"Select Existing File\",\"Select an Existing [FLAG]\":\"Select an Existing [FLAG]\",\"Existing [FLAG]\":\"Existing [FLAG]\",\"Category Name\":\"Category Name\",\"The {IDENTIFIER} is a common name for the type of information represented by this category. One Identifier must be selected for each [MAPPING_CATEGORY]\":\"The {IDENTIFIER} is a common name for the type of information represented by this category. One Identifier must be selected for each [MAPPING_CATEGORY]\",\"(Select an Identifier)\":\"(Select an Identifier)\",\"Attribute\":\"Attribute\",\"Structure XML\":\"Structure XML\",\"Data XML\":\"Data XML\",\"Modal Popup Widget?\":\"Modal Popup Widget?\",\"Link\":\"Link\",\"Type for Custom Maps\":\"Type for Custom Maps\",\"Hide in Curriculum Map View\":\"Hide in Curriculum Map View\",\"(applies only if [PUBLIC] site is online)\":\"(applies only if [PUBLIC] site is online)\",\"DistrictID\":\"DistrictID\",\"Filters Applied\":\"Filters Applied\",\"Apply Map Rules Via XML Reload\":\"Apply Map Rules Via XML Reload\",\"Apply Map Rules\":\"Apply Map Rules\",\"Click \\\"Apply Map Rules\\\" to access the XML Reload tool (only available from inside the Rubicon Firewall\":\"Click \\\"Apply Map Rules\\\" to access the XML Reload tool (only available from inside the Rubicon Firewall\",\"This report lists all the [UNITS] that have been recently modified.\":\"This report lists all the [UNITS] that have been recently modified.\",\"Date Last Modified\":\"Date Last Modified\",\"Reload XML\":\"Reload XML\",\"Closing this Window Will Stop the Reload\":\"Closing this Window Will Stop the Reload\",\"Maps Left to Reload\":\"Maps Left to Reload\",\"Metas Left to Reload\":\"Metas Left to Reload\",\"Total Pending Requests\":\"Total Pending Requests\",\"Start Reload\":\"Start Reload\",\"Start New Requests\":\"Start New Requests\",\"Pause\":\"Pause\",\"Toggle Logger\":\"Toggle Logger\",\"How many requests at a time\":\"How many requests at a time\",\"Edit Academic Calendar\":\"Edit Academic Calendar\",\"Calendar Start Date\":\"Calendar Start Date\",\"Calendar End Date\":\"Calendar End Date\",\"First Day Of Each Week\":\"First Day Of Each Week\",\"Hold SHIFT to select multiple weeks.\":\"Hold SHIFT to select multiple weeks.\",\"Save Changes\":\"Save Changes\",\"[TIME_PERIODS] updated successfully\":\"[TIME_PERIODS] updated successfully\",\"Error updating [TIME_PERIODS]\":\"Error updating [TIME_PERIODS]\",\"Adding {STANDARDS}\":\"Adding {STANDARDS}\",\"Atlas Admin Updates\":\"Atlas Admin Updates\",\"Save English Language File to SVN\":\"Save English Language File to SVN\",\"Localize Text\":\"Localize Text\",\"Localize Text Sections\":\"Localize Text Sections\",\"Button Text\":\"Button Text\",\"Requesting [TEACHER]\":\"Requesting [TEACHER]\",\"Filter By [PROVISIONAL]\":\"Filter By [PROVISIONAL]\",\"Merging The Following [COURSES]:\":\"Merging The Following [COURSES]:\",\"(Expand to view associated [CURRICULUM_MAPS])\":\"(Expand to view associated [CURRICULUM_MAPS])\",\"Are you sure you want to merge these [COURSES]? (Note: All associated [CURRICULUM_MAPS] will be merged into the resulting [COURSE])\":\"Are you sure you want to merge these [COURSES]? (Note: All associated [CURRICULUM_MAPS] will be merged into the resulting [COURSE])\",\"Click here to approve this [COURSE].\":\"Click here to approve this [COURSE].\",\"Click here to deny this [COURSE].\":\"Click here to deny this [COURSE].\",\"Are you sure that you want to delete '{COURSE_TITLE}' ?\":\"Are you sure that you want to delete '{COURSE_TITLE}' ?\",\"Create a new blank [MAP] assigned to the selected [TEACHER].\":\"Create a new blank [MAP] assigned to the selected [TEACHER].\",\"Delete (cannot be undone)\":\"Delete (cannot be undone)\",\"All [CURRICULUM_MAPS]\":\"All [CURRICULUM_MAPS]\",\"Are you sure you want to move {CURRICULUM_MAP_NAME} to the [RECYCLE_BIN]?\":\"Are you sure you want to move {CURRICULUM_MAP_NAME} to the [RECYCLE_BIN]?\",\"Selected links have been disabled in the Public Site\":\"Selected links have been disabled in the Public Site\",\"Filter [SCHOOL_VALUES]:\":\"Filter [SCHOOL_VALUES]:\",\"by [SCHOOL_VALUE_TYPE]\":\"by [SCHOOL_VALUE_TYPE]\",\"(Select an Admin or [TEACHER] to Email)\":\"(Select an Admin or [TEACHER] to Email)\",\"Collapse All\":\"Collapse All\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUES_REPORT] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUES_REPORT] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUES] [REPORT]\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUES] [REPORT]\",\"[STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT_REPORT] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"[STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT_REPORT] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"[STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] [REPORT]\":\"[STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] [REPORT]\",\"Request For\":\"Request For\",\"Are you sure you want to delete this {PersistentItemType}?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete this {PersistentItemType}?\",\"Please select\":\"Please select\",\"Please enter\":\"Please enter\",\"Edit {STRUCTURE_DISPLAY_NAME}: {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"Edit {STRUCTURE_DISPLAY_NAME}: {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"Add {STRUCTURE_DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"Add {STRUCTURE_DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"Delete Warning\":\"Delete Warning\",\"Delete {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"Delete {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"[RECYCLE_BIN]\":\"[RECYCLE_BIN]\",\"Add New {DISPLAY_STRUCTURE_NAME}\":\"Add New {DISPLAY_STRUCTURE_NAME}\",\"Are you sure you want to delete this {DISPLAY_NAME}?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete this {DISPLAY_NAME}?\",\"Results Page\":\"Results Page\",\"Exchange ideas and best practices with other educators in online forums.\":\"Exchange ideas and best practices with other educators in online forums.\",\"Home\":\"Home\",\"All rights reserved\":\"All rights reserved\",\"We are currently updating your public site with some exciting new features.\":\"We are currently updating your public site with some exciting new features.\",\"[ATLAS] Version {ATLAS_VERSION}\":\"[ATLAS] Version {ATLAS_VERSION}\",\"Need Help?\":\"Need Help?\",\"This site should be back online again soon. Please check back shortly.\":\"This site should be back online again soon. Please check back shortly.\",\"Any [USER] of this [MAP] or System Administrator can add you to the selected [MAP]. Please select a [TEACHER] below and ask them to add you.\":\"Any [USER] of this [MAP] or System Administrator can add you to the selected [MAP]. Please select a [TEACHER] below and ask them to add you.\",\"Hello, {FirstName} {LastName}\":\"Hello, {FirstName} {LastName}\",\"(Select a [TEACHER] to Email)\":\"(Select a [TEACHER] to Email)\",\"Administer your site's data.\":\"Administer your site's data.\",\"Any System Administrator can approve your [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] for the selected [MAP]. Please select an [ADMIN] below and ask them to add you.\":\"Any System Administrator can approve your [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] for the selected [MAP]. Please select an [ADMIN] below and ask them to add you.\",\"Browse lists of [MAPS].\":\"Browse lists of [MAPS].\",\"(Select an [ADMIN] to Email)\":\"(Select an [ADMIN] to Email)\",\"Access maps, ideas, and information from other schools and educational institutions around the world.\":\"Access maps, ideas, and information from other schools and educational institutions around the world.\",\"Atlas [MAP] request from {USER}\":\"Atlas [MAP] request from {USER}\",\"View online manual, tips for working within the [SITE], videos, professional development and more.\":\"View online manual, tips for working within the [SITE], videos, professional development and more.\",\"Please add me as a developer to this [MAP].\":\"Please add me as a developer to this [MAP].\",\"Edit your [CURRICULUM_MAPS].\":\"Edit your [CURRICULUM_MAPS].\",\"Your Email\":\"Your Email\",\"Access educational resources, as well as any curriculum information provided by your school.\":\"Access educational resources, as well as any curriculum information provided by your school.\",\"Message\":\"Message\",\"Search all [UNITS] within the [SITE].\":\"Search all [UNITS] within the [SITE].\",\"No System Admins on file for {CLIENT_NAME}\":\"No System Admins on file for {CLIENT_NAME}\",\"Run analysis and reports on [MAPS] and other curriculum data.\":\"Run analysis and reports on [MAPS] and other curriculum data.\",\"{NAME} is requesting to be added to {MAP_NAME}, and their site currently has no System Administrators.\\n\":\"{NAME} is requesting to be added to {MAP_NAME}, and their site currently has no System Administrators.\\n\",\"Sent by: {TEACHER_FIRST} {TEACHER_LAST} ({FROM}) from \":\"Sent by: {TEACHER_FIRST} {TEACHER_LAST} ({FROM}) from \",\"Grading Method\":\"Grading Method\",\"There are currently no System Administrators identified for your Atlas system. Select Send to forward your request to Atlas Client Support for assistance with this new [COURSE_ASSIGNMENT]. Thank you.\\n\\nFor immediate support, call Atlas at 503-223-7600.\":\"There are currently no System Administrators identified for your Atlas system. Select Send to forward your request to Atlas Client Support for assistance with this new [COURSE_ASSIGNMENT]. Thank you.\\n\\nFor immediate support, call Atlas at 503-223-7600.\",\"{TOTAL_RECORDS} record(s) found.\":\"{TOTAL_RECORDS} record(s) found.\",\"[ATLAS] Curriculum Management\":\"[ATLAS] Curriculum Management\",\"ERROR: Your email failed to send [{ERROR_INFO}], please contact [ATLAS] support about the problem.\":\"ERROR: Your email failed to send [{ERROR_INFO}], please contact [ATLAS] support about the problem.\",\"[ATLAS] [PUBLIC] User\":\"[ATLAS] [PUBLIC] User\",\"Request successfully sent.\":\"Request successfully sent.\",\"Dear {RECIPIENT_NAME}\":\"Dear {RECIPIENT_NAME}\",\"by Rubric Field Group\":\"by Rubric Field Group\",\"Choose [MAPS]\":\"Choose [MAPS]\",\"No [STANDARDS] found.\":\"No [STANDARDS] found.\",\"There are no {STATE_STANDARD_LABEL} for this {STATE_STANDARD_LEVEL_LABEL}\":\"There are no {STATE_STANDARD_LABEL} for this {STATE_STANDARD_LEVEL_LABEL}\",\"(via Atlas Curriculum Mapping)\":\"(via Atlas Curriculum Mapping)\",\"Warning! In addition to deleting this {OBJECT_CLASS} you will also delete:\":\"Warning! In addition to deleting this {OBJECT_CLASS} you will also delete:\",\"{TOTAL_ALIGNMENTS} Alignments by [TEACHERS]\":\"{TOTAL_ALIGNMENTS} Alignments by [TEACHERS]\",\"[DELETE] (cannot be undone)\":\"[DELETE] (cannot be undone)\",\"Link to a [LESSON_PLAN]\":\"Link to a [LESSON_PLAN]\",\"Preview [UNIT]\":\"Preview [UNIT]\",\"This is a [SUBJECT]\":\"This is a [SUBJECT]\",\"This is a [SCHOOL]\":\"This is a [SCHOOL]\",\"This is a [GRADE]\":\"This is a [GRADE]\",\"Your browser currently has javascript disabled or does not support it. Please enable javascript or switch to a browser that supports javascript in order for Atlas to function properly.\":\"Your browser currently has javascript disabled or does not support it. Please enable javascript or switch to a browser that supports javascript in order for Atlas to function properly.\",\"Submit To [EXEMPLAR]\":\"Submit To [EXEMPLAR]\",\"(Select an [EXEMPLAR])\":\"(Select an [EXEMPLAR])\",\"[ATLAS] Curriculum Mapping, Version\":\"[ATLAS] Curriculum Mapping, Version\",\"For more information about [ATLAS], email\":\"For more information about [ATLAS], email\",\"Sorry, we do not have a valid email address for you.\":\"Sorry, we do not have a valid email address for you.\",\"Your password request could not be processed.\":\"Your password request could not be processed.\",\"For assistance logging in, please contact your [SCHOOL]'s system administrator, or email\":\"For assistance logging in, please contact your [SCHOOL]'s system administrator, or email\",\"The Atlas Curriculum Mapping Team\":\"The Atlas Curriculum Mapping Team\",\"[PASSWORD] [RESET]: [ATLAS] Curriculum Mapping\":\"[PASSWORD] [RESET]: [ATLAS] Curriculum Mapping\",\"Your request has been processed successfully.\":\"Your request has been processed successfully.\",\"An email has been sent to {TEACHER_EMAIL} with instructions on how to reset your password. Thank you!\":\"An email has been sent to {TEACHER_EMAIL} with instructions on how to reset your password. Thank you!\",\"Available\":\"Available\",\"Selected\":\"Selected\",\"Select {ITEM_LABEL}\":\"Select {ITEM_LABEL}\",\"Unselect {ITEM_LABEL}\":\"Unselect {ITEM_LABEL}\",\"by\":\"by\",\"+ Type to add new {CONTENT_SUBAREA} to this {CONTENT_AREA}\":\"+ Type to add new {CONTENT_SUBAREA} to this {CONTENT_AREA}\",\"[COURSE] Name\":\"[COURSE] Name\",\"This [COURSE] is associated with the following [MAPS]:\":\"This [COURSE] is associated with the following [MAPS]:\",\"To delete this [COURSE], you must select another [COURSE] for its [MAPS].\":\"To delete this [COURSE], you must select another [COURSE] for its [MAPS].\",\"([SELECT_A_COURSE])\":\"([SELECT_A_COURSE])\",\"(Optional - [SELECT_A_COURSE])\":\"(Optional - [SELECT_A_COURSE])\",\"Type a [COURSE] Name\":\"Type a [COURSE] Name\",\"View All [MAPS]\":\"View All [MAPS]\",\"An incorrect date was entered, it is being ignored for this search.\":\"An incorrect date was entered, it is being ignored for this search.\",\"Delete: {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"Delete: {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"Website, Document, Image, or [LESSON_PLAN]\":\"Website, Document, Image, or [LESSON_PLAN]\",\"(Select Browse only to update the existing document.)\":\"(Select Browse only to update the existing document.)\",\"[SUBJECT] not selected\":\"[SUBJECT] not selected\",\"[GRADE] not selected\":\"[GRADE] not selected\",\"[SCHOOL] not selected\":\"[SCHOOL] not selected\",\"The unit cannot be found unitid: {UNIT_ID} map ids: {MAP_IDS}\":\"The unit cannot be found unitid: {UNIT_ID} map ids: {MAP_IDS}\",\"[STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] [REPORT] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"[STANDARDS_ALIGNMENT] [REPORT] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"[SCHOOL_VALUES] [REPORT] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"[SCHOOL_VALUES] [REPORT] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"THIS WILL REALLY DELETE THE UNIT AND ALL EDITS WILL BE LOST. FOREVER AND EVER. REALLY.\":\"THIS WILL REALLY DELETE THE UNIT AND ALL EDITS WILL BE LOST. FOREVER AND EVER. REALLY.\",\"Do you really want to delete: {DETAILED_NAME}?\":\"Do you really want to delete: {DETAILED_NAME}?\",\"Delete {DETAILED_NAME}\":\"Delete {DETAILED_NAME}\",\"View [MAP]\":\"View [MAP]\",\"Remove {DISPLAY_NAME} from this [MAP]\":\"Remove {DISPLAY_NAME} from this [MAP]\",\"Move this [MAP] to the [RECYCLE_BIN]\":\"Move this [MAP] to the [RECYCLE_BIN]\",\"Respond to [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUESTS]\":\"Respond to [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUESTS]\",\"Add [TEACHER] to [MAP]\":\"Add [TEACHER] to [MAP]\",\"[COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"[COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS] for {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"My [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\":\"My [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\",\"Requested [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\":\"Requested [COURSE_ASSIGNMENTS]\",\"Cancel Request\":\"Cancel Request\",\"Are you sure you want to cancel this request?\":\"Are you sure you want to cancel this request?\",\"No record(s) found.\":\"No record(s) found.\",\"Save Sort Order\":\"Save Sort Order\",\"Atlas Curriculum Mapping\":\"Atlas Curriculum Mapping\",\"The [IDENTIFIER]<\\/i> is a common name for the type of information represented by this [GRADE]. One [IDENTIFIER] must be selected for each [GRADE].\":\"The [IDENTIFIER]<\\/i> is a common name for the type of information represented by this [GRADE]. One [IDENTIFIER] must be selected for each [GRADE].\",\"These [CURRICULUM_MAPS] are assigned to this [GRADE] and it can not be deleted.\":\"These [CURRICULUM_MAPS] are assigned to this [GRADE] and it can not be deleted.\",\"([SELECT_A_MAP_TYPE])\":\"([SELECT_A_MAP_TYPE])\",\"(Optional - [SELECT_A_MAP_TYPE]\":\"(Optional - [SELECT_A_MAP_TYPE]\",\"Are you sure you want to delete {NAME}?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete {NAME}?\",\"Alert: This [MAPPING_CATEGORY] contains data for the following maps:\":\"Alert: This [MAPPING_CATEGORY] contains data for the following maps:\",\"The [IDENTIFIER]<\\/i> is a common name for the type of information represented by this category. One [IDENTIFIER] must be selected for each [MAPPING_CATEGORY].\":\"The [IDENTIFIER]<\\/i> is a common name for the type of information represented by this category. One [IDENTIFIER] must be selected for each [MAPPING_CATEGORY].\",\"No identifier\":\"No identifier\",\"INVALID ATTRIBUTE, PLEASE RESELECT!\":\"INVALID ATTRIBUTE, PLEASE RESELECT!\",\"No Link\":\"No Link\",\"Inline [STANDARDS]\":\"Inline [STANDARDS]\",\"Link to [SCHOOL_VALUES]\":\"Link to [SCHOOL_VALUES]\",\"Link to [STANDARDS]\":\"Link to [STANDARDS]\",\"Link to Objectives\":\"Link to Objectives\",\"Normal\":\"Normal\",\"Front Load Assessment Type and Description\":\"Front Load Assessment Type and Description\",\"Front Load Goals\\/Objectives\":\"Front Load Goals\\/Objectives\",\"Front Load Filtered Goals\\/Objectives\":\"Front Load Filtered Goals\\/Objectives\",\"Front Load [STANDARDS] Assessed\":\"Front Load [STANDARDS] Assessed\",\"Front Load [SCHOOL_VALUES]\":\"Front Load [SCHOOL_VALUES]\",\"Front Load [SCHOOL_VALUES] Full\":\"Front Load [SCHOOL_VALUES] Full\",\"Front Load [SCHOOL_VALUES] Type and Description\":\"Front Load [SCHOOL_VALUES] Type and Description\",\"(50 characters or less)\":\"(50 characters or less)\",\"(200 characters or less)\":\"(200 characters or less)\",\"Marker\":\"Marker\",\"(Usually M<\\/b> for Master, etc.)\":\"(Usually M<\\/b> for Master, etc.)\",\"Sorry, this [MAP_TYPE] has {MAP_NUMBER} maps assigned and can not be deleted.\":\"Sorry, this [MAP_TYPE] has {MAP_NUMBER} maps assigned and can not be deleted.\",\"Left on: {TIME_STAMP} by {TEACHER_EMAIL}\":\"Left on: {TIME_STAMP} by {TEACHER_EMAIL}\",\"Click here to [EDIT]\":\"Click here to [EDIT]\",\"Click here to [DELETE]\":\"Click here to [DELETE]\",\"Someone left a note on your [CURRICULUM]!\":\"Someone left a note on your [CURRICULUM]!\",\"Greetings!\":\"Greetings!\",\"This is an automated message from the [ATLAS] Curriculum Mapping System.\":\"This is an automated message from the [ATLAS] Curriculum Mapping System.\",\"{TEACHER_NAME} has left a private comment on your {ITEM}:\":\"{TEACHER_NAME} has left a private comment on your {ITEM}:\",\"To view this note, log into [Atlas] at: {SERVER}\":\"To view this note, log into [Atlas] at: {SERVER}\",\"Sincerely\":\"Sincerely\",\"Note: You can turn off these email alerts by changing your user settings after you first log in to [ATLAS].\":\"Note: You can turn off these email alerts by changing your user settings after you first log in to [ATLAS].\",\"[UNIT] Name\":\"[UNIT] Name\",\"[DATE] Stamp\":\"[DATE] Stamp\",\"Note Text\":\"Note Text\",\"Proficiency Marker\":\"Proficiency Marker\",\"This [PROFICIENCY_LEVEL] has been used in [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] {NUMBER_OF} times.\":\"This [PROFICIENCY_LEVEL] has been used in [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] {NUMBER_OF} times.\",\"Are you sure you want to delete {PROFICIENCY_NAME}?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete {PROFICIENCY_NAME}?\",\"[SCHOOL] Name\":\"[SCHOOL] Name\",\"[SCHOOL] Type\":\"[SCHOOL] Type\",\"Send [EMAIL] From Name\":\"Send [EMAIL] From Name\",\"Send [EMAIL] From Email Address\":\"Send [EMAIL] From Email Address\",\"[SCHOOL_TYPE] Name\":\"[SCHOOL_TYPE] Name\",\"[SCHOOL_TYPE] Identifier\":\"[SCHOOL_TYPE] Identifier\",\"Sorry, that [SCHOOL_TYPE] has [SCHOOLS] assigned and can not be deleted.\":\"Sorry, that [SCHOOL_TYPE] has [SCHOOLS] assigned and can not be deleted.\",\"Alert: This [SCHOOL_VALUE] has {NUMBER_OF} [MAPS] associated with it.\":\"Alert: This [SCHOOL_VALUE] has {NUMBER_OF} [MAPS] associated with it.\",\"Are you sure you want to delete {SCHOOL_VALUE_NAME}?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete {SCHOOL_VALUE_NAME}?\",\"This [SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] is in use by the following [UNITS]\":\"This [SCHOOL_VALUE_OPPORTUNITY] is in use by the following [UNITS]\",\"Are you sure you want to delete {OPPORTUNITY_NAME}?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete {OPPORTUNITY_NAME}?\",\"This [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] is used in {NUMBER_OF} [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS]. Deleting the [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] will delete all these [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] and their [ATTACHMENTS].\":\"This [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] is used in {NUMBER_OF} [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS]. Deleting the [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY] will delete all these [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENTS] and their [ATTACHMENTS].\",\"There are also {NUMBER_OF} Student Evaluations associated with this [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\":\"There are also {NUMBER_OF} Student Evaluations associated with this [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_OPPORTUNITY]\",\"This [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_TYPE] is in use by {NUMBER_OF} [UNITS]\":\"This [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_TYPE] is in use by {NUMBER_OF} [UNITS]\",\"There are also {NUMBER_OF} Student Evaluations associated with this [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_TYPE]\":\"There are also {NUMBER_OF} Student Evaluations associated with this [STANDARDS_ASSESSMENT_TYPE]\",\"+ Type to add new {STATE_STANDARD} to this {STATE_STANDARD_LEVEL}\":\"+ Type to add new {STATE_STANDARD} to this {STATE_STANDARD_LEVEL}\",\"An error has occured.\":\"An error has occured.\",\"Select the [SUBJECT] from your set of academic standards that is most likely to be used by the [TEACHER] of these classes. This sets the default [SUBJECT] that [TEACHERS] would see when aligning their units to standards.\":\"Select the [SUBJECT] from your set of academic standards that is most likely to be used by the [TEACHER] of these classes. This sets the default [SUBJECT] that [TEACHERS] would see when aligning their units to standards.\",\"The Identifier<\\/i> is a common name for the type of information represented by this [SUBJECT]. One Identifier must be selected for each [SUBJECT].\":\"The Identifier<\\/i> is a common name for the type of information represented by this [SUBJECT]. One Identifier must be selected for each [SUBJECT].\",\"[SUBJECT] from [STANDARDS]\":\"[SUBJECT] from [STANDARDS]\",\"This [SUBJECT] has these [COURSES] assigned:\":\"This [SUBJECT] has these [COURSES] assigned:\",\"This [SUBJECT] has these [MAPS] assigned:\":\"This [SUBJECT] has these [MAPS] assigned:\",\"[USER] Name\":\"[USER] Name\",\"Username for Login\":\"Username for Login\",\"Get Latest Atlas News\":\"Get Latest Atlas News\",\"Position\":\"Position\",\"Enable Student Assessment\":\"Enable Student Assessment\",\"{firstname} {lastname} already uses this email address. Please enter a different email address.\":\"{firstname} {lastname} already uses this email address. Please enter a different email address.\",\"Alert: This [TEACHER] has privileges for the following maps:\":\"Alert: This [TEACHER] has privileges for the following maps:\",\"Are you sure you want to delete {TEACHER_NAME}?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete {TEACHER_NAME}?\",\"Last\":\"Last\",\"First\":\"First\",\"Are you sure you want to reset the password for {DISPLAY_NAME}?\\n\\nThis [TEACHER] will receive a notification email. The new password will be: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\":\"Are you sure you want to reset the password for {DISPLAY_NAME}?\\n\\nThis [TEACHER] will receive a notification email. The new password will be: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}\",\"Reset Password\":\"Reset Password\",\"[TEACHER] List\":\"[TEACHER] List\",\"No [TEACHERS] assigned.\":\"No [TEACHERS] assigned.\",\"No [TEACHER] assigned.\":\"No [TEACHER] assigned.\",\"All [TEACHERS]\":\"All [TEACHERS]\",\"Select the [COLLABORATION to add to this #{TEACHER]:\":\"Select the [COLLABORATION to add to this #{TEACHER]:\",\"Remove this [TEACHER] from this [COURSE].\":\"Remove this [TEACHER] from this [COURSE].\",\"Are you sure you want to remove the editing privilege for {DISPLAY_NAME}?\":\"Are you sure you want to remove the editing privilege for {DISPLAY_NAME}?\",\"Previous [TIME_PERIOD]\":\"Previous [TIME_PERIOD]\",\"Next [TIME_PERIOD]\":\"Next [TIME_PERIOD]\",\"(No [UNIT] Name)\":\"(No [UNIT] Name)\",\"View [UNIT]\":\"View [UNIT]\",\"The [MAP] could not be found.\":\"The [MAP] could not be found.\",\"[TIME_PERIODS] successfully updated\":\"[TIME_PERIODS] successfully updated\",\"There is already a [UNIT] with that name.\":\"There is already a [UNIT] with that name.\",\"Saved [UNIT]\":\"Saved [UNIT]\",\"Add New\":\"Add New\",\"Error: the File is greater than the maximum upload size\":\"Error: the File is greater than the maximum upload size\",\"Error uploading file\":\"Error uploading file\",\"Error: no file was uploaded\":\"Error: no file was uploaded\",\"Invalid File Type\":\"Invalid File Type\",\"Error - invalid file name\":\"Error - invalid file name\",\"Error writing to\":\"Error writing to\",\"Add New {DISPLAY_NAME}\":\"Add New {DISPLAY_NAME}\",\"Add new {BENCHMARK_LEVEL}\":\"Add new {BENCHMARK_LEVEL}\",\"Maintain\":\"Maintain\",\"Add new {CONTENT_AREA}\":\"Add new {CONTENT_AREA}\",\"Add new {STATE_STANDARD_LEVEL} to this {CONTENT_SUB_AREA}\":\"Add new {STATE_STANDARD_LEVEL} to this {CONTENT_SUB_AREA}\",\"View all [NOTES] for this [UNIT]\":\"View all [NOTES] for this [UNIT]\",\"Enter a [NOTE]\":\"Enter a [NOTE]\",\"All [NOTES] for this [UNIT]\":\"All [NOTES] for this [UNIT]\",\"Click here to see all [NOTES] for this [MAP].\":\"Click here to see all [NOTES] for this [MAP].\",\"View [NOTES]\":\"View [NOTES]\",\"[NOTE] successfully saved\":\"[NOTE] successfully saved\",\"There are no [NOTES] for this [UNIT]\":\"There are no [NOTES] for this [UNIT]\",\"[NOTE] List\":\"[NOTE] List\",\"Select a different [MAP]:\":\"Select a different [MAP]:\",\"There are no notes for this [MAP]\":\"There are no notes for this [MAP]\",\"Do you really want to delete: {DISPLAY_NAME}?\":\"Do you really want to delete: {DISPLAY_NAME}?\",\"Your [EMAIL]:\":\"Your [EMAIL]:\",\"Message:\":\"Message:\",\"[ATLAS] Public User\":\"[ATLAS] Public User\",\"Sent by: {TEACHER_FIRST} {TEACHER_SECOND} ({FROM}) from \":\"Sent by: {TEACHER_FIRST} {TEACHER_SECOND} ({FROM}) from \",\"Message successfully sent.\":\"Message successfully sent.\",\"ERROR: Your email failed to send [{ERROR_INFO}], please contact Atlas support about the problem.\":\"ERROR: Your email failed to send [{ERROR_INFO}], please contact Atlas support about the problem.\",\"This report contains no data.\":\"This report contains no data.\",\"I Expected...\":\"I Expected...\",\"I Received...\":\"I Received...\",\"I Still Need...\":\"I Still Need...\",\"I Valued...\":\"I Valued...\",\"Next Steps For Me Include...\":\"Next Steps For Me Include...\",\"Additional Comments...\":\"Additional Comments...\",\"The facilitator did a good job of...\":\"The facilitator did a good job of...\",\"Suggestions for the facilitator...\":\"Suggestions for the facilitator...\",\"[STANDARDS] Editing Tool Instructional Videos\":\"[STANDARDS] Editing Tool Instructional Videos\",\"View [STANDARDS]\":\"View [STANDARDS]\",\"No special editing privileges\":\"No special editing privileges\",\"[SCHOOL]-level editing privileges\":\"[SCHOOL]-level editing privileges\",\"[USER]-level editing privileges\":\"[USER]-level editing privileges\",\"Header:\":\"Header:\",\"[URL]:\":\"[URL]:\",\"[DESCRIPTION]:\":\"[DESCRIPTION]:\",\"Header\":\"Header\",\"[DESCRIPTION]\":\"[DESCRIPTION]\",\"Training Type\":\"Training Type\",\"Details\":\"Details\",\"Date (m\\/d\\/yyyy)\":\"Date (m\\/d\\/yyyy)\",\"Duration (# of hours)\":\"Duration (# of hours)\",\"Event for Reflection\":\"Event for Reflection\",\"Trainer\":\"Trainer\",\"Location:\":\"Location:\",\"Date:\":\"Date:\",\"Duration (# of hours):\":\"Duration (# of hours):\",\"Training Type:\":\"Training Type:\",\"Notes: <\\/b>{NOTES}\":\"Notes: <\\/b>{NOTES}\",\"Invalid Format: Time must be entered in hours (for example, 3.5)\\\\nIf your training spans multiple days enter the total number of hours\\\\n(e.g. 3 days x 8 hours\\/day = 24)\":\"Invalid Format: Time must be entered in hours (for example, 3.5)\\\\nIf your training spans multiple days enter the total number of hours\\\\n(e.g. 3 days x 8 hours\\/day = 24)\",\"Please enter new training type: (max 50 characters - anything more will be truncated!)\":\"Please enter new training type: (max 50 characters - anything more will be truncated!)\",\"You entered more than 50 characters -\":\"You entered more than 50 characters -\",\"will be truncated!\":\"will be truncated!\",\"Approve {TEACHER_NAME}\":\"Approve {TEACHER_NAME}\",\"Decline {TEACHER_NAME}\":\"Decline {TEACHER_NAME}\",\"Please select at least one [UNIT] or the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] to Copy.\":\"Please select at least one [UNIT] or the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] to Copy.\",\"Are you sure you want to copy the selected [UNITS] from: {mapFromName} into: {mapToName}? Existing [UNITS] will remain untouched.\":\"Are you sure you want to copy the selected [UNITS] from: {mapFromName} into: {mapToName}? Existing [UNITS] will remain untouched.\",\"Please choose a [MAP] to Copy from.\":\"Please choose a [MAP] to Copy from.\",\"Please choose a [MAP] to Copy to.\":\"Please choose a [MAP] to Copy to.\",\"Your \\\"Copy From\\\" [MAP] cannot be the same as your \\\"Copy To\\\" [MAP].\":\"Your \\\"Copy From\\\" [MAP] cannot be the same as your \\\"Copy To\\\" [MAP].\",\"Are you sure you want to remove {TEACHER_NAME} from {MAP_TO_REMOVE}?\":\"Are you sure you want to remove {TEACHER_NAME} from {MAP_TO_REMOVE}?\",\"[ATLAS] Email Message\":\"[ATLAS] Email Message\",\"Are you sure you want to approve {TEACHER_NAME}'s [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST]? {TEACHER_NAME} and any others listed on the [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] will receive an email notification that this request has been approved\":\"Are you sure you want to approve {TEACHER_NAME}'s [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST]? {TEACHER_NAME} and any others listed on the [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST] will receive an email notification that this request has been approved\",\"Are you sure you want to decline {TEACHER_NAME}'s [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST]?\":\"Are you sure you want to decline {TEACHER_NAME}'s [CURRICULUM_MAP_JOIN_REQUEST]?\",\"Please enter a [UNIT] Name.\":\"Please enter a [UNIT] Name.\",\"Are you sure you want to recycle this [UNIT]? All associated [CURRICULUM], links, [NOTES], etc will also be recycled.\":\"Are you sure you want to recycle this [UNIT]? All associated [CURRICULUM], links, [NOTES], etc will also be recycled.\",\"Enter a term to look up related terms in the thesaurus\":\"Enter a term to look up related terms in the thesaurus\",\"Please check at least one item.\":\"Please check at least one item.\",\"Edit {ITEM_LABEL}\":\"Edit {ITEM_LABEL}\",\"Create {ITEM_LABEL}\":\"Create {ITEM_LABEL}\",\"Are you sure you want to delete this [UNIT] ({SELECTED_UNIT_NAME})?\":\"Are you sure you want to delete this [UNIT] ({SELECTED_UNIT_NAME})?\",\"Saving [UNIT]\":\"Saving [UNIT]\",\"Atlas could not save your work. Please verify your Internet connection is active and then confirm you can SAVE before continuing.\":\"Atlas could not save your work. Please verify your Internet connection is active and then confirm you can SAVE before continuing.\",\"You did not fill in your new [PASSWORD].\":\"You did not fill in your new [PASSWORD].\",\"Your new [PASSWORD] cannot be atlas.\":\"Your new [PASSWORD] cannot be atlas.\",\"Your new [PASSWORD] cannot be the site default: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}.\":\"Your new [PASSWORD] cannot be the site default: {DEFAULT_PASSWORD}.\",\"Please select a [PASSWORD] which is 50 characters or less.\":\"Please select a [PASSWORD] which is 50 characters or less.\",\"Enter any unique character string for the name you would like to find.\":\"Enter any unique character string for the name you would like to find.\",\"Overwrite the existing report {NAME}?\":\"Overwrite the existing report {NAME}?\",\"Enter A Name Here\":\"Enter A Name Here\",\"Delete {NAME}?\":\"Delete {NAME}?\",\"Please select at least one report to import!\":\"Please select at least one report to import!\",\"Editing Privileges\":\"Editing Privileges\",\"Video\":\"Video\",\"Atlas Updates\":\"Atlas Updates\",\"Edit [RUBRIC_FIELDS]\":\"Edit [RUBRIC_FIELDS]\",\"Are you sure you want to remove this manual page?\":\"Are you sure you want to remove this manual page?\",\"Please enter a valid email address.\":\"Please enter a valid email address.\",\"Please select a recipient.\":\"Please select a recipient.\",\"You must choose another [COURSE] to assign existing maps to before you can Delete this [COURSE].\":\"You must choose another [COURSE] to assign existing maps to before you can Delete this [COURSE].\",\"Are you sure you want to copy the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] from: {mapFromName} into: {mapToName}? The current [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] will be overwritten.\":\"Are you sure you want to copy the [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] from: {mapFromName} into: {mapToName}? The current [COURSE_DESCRIPTION] will be overwritten.\",\"Edit Warning\":\"Edit Warning\",\"Confirm Delete\":\"Confirm Delete\",\"Confirm Save\":\"Confirm Save\",\"Last Updated: {DATE}\":\"Last Updated: {DATE}\",\"Comment\":\"Comment\",\"Approve\":\"Approve\",\"Deny\":\"Deny\",\"Bug\":\"Bug\",\"Page {CurrentPage} of {PageCount}\":\"Page {CurrentPage} of {PageCount}\",\"Records {FirstRecord}-{LastRecord}\":\"Records {FirstRecord}-{LastRecord}\",\"Front Load Rules Filtered Goals\\/Objectives\":\"Front Load Rules Filtered Goals\\/Objectives\",\"Please limit your selection to 6 items.\":\"Please limit your selection to 6 items.\",\"Saving [SNAPSHOT]...\":\"Saving [SNAPSHOT]...\",\"[STANDARDS] that should not be assessed\":\"[STANDARDS] that should not be assessed\",\"Add CC\":\"Add CC\",\"a Website, Document, or Image\":\"a Website, Document, or Image\",\"Cancel upload\":\"Cancel upload\",\"Please enter a valid email address in the {FieldLabel} field\":\"Please enter a valid email address in the {FieldLabel} field\",\"Export as text\\/csv file\":\"Export as text\\/csv file\",\"Invalid Email Address\":\"Invalid Email Address\",\"min\":\"min\",\"sec\":\"sec\",\"We could not find the report you are looking for.\":\"We could not find the report you are looking for.\",\"published\":\"published\",\"published to by {MASTER_COURSE}\":\"published to by {MASTER_COURSE}\",\"OneDrive\":\"OneDrive\",\"Are you sure that you want to approve '{COURSE_TITLE}' ?\":\"Are you sure that you want to approve '{COURSE_TITLE}' ?\",\"Hide Filters\":\"Hide Filters\",\"Show Filters\":\"Show Filters\",\"No results found\":\"No results found\",\"The result set is too large to export to Excel. Please add additional filters.\":\"The result set is too large to export to Excel. Please add additional filters.\",\"You have selected new filters without saving them as a report.\":\"You have selected new filters without saving them as a report.\",\"Decline\":\"Decline\",\"View [SNAPSHOT]\":\"View [SNAPSHOT]\",\"Delete [SNAPSHOT]\":\"Delete [SNAPSHOT]\",\"Add New Course Assignment\":\"Add New Course Assignment\",\"To Add a [MAP]: \":\"To Add a [MAP]: \",\"Select a [SNAPSHOT] to view\":\"Select a [SNAPSHOT] to view\",\"Graphing By: {AggregateType}\":\"Graphing By: {AggregateType}\",\"Your [SNAPSHOT] has been saved, would you like to view it?\":\"Your [SNAPSHOT] has been saved, would you like to view it?\",\"by {CONTENT_AREA}\":\"by {CONTENT_AREA}\",\"by {CONTENT_SUB_AREA}\":\"by {CONTENT_SUB_AREA}\",\"by {BENCHMARK_LEVEL}\":\"by {BENCHMARK_LEVEL}\",\"Row will not be imported due to missing or invalid data.\":\"Row will not be imported due to missing or invalid data.\",\"Row may be imported, but we've flagged some issues you might want to be aware of.\":\"Row may be imported, but we've flagged some issues you might want to be aware of.\",\"You need to select something to be included on the report.\":\"You need to select something to be included on the report.\",\"The manual is not available in the test drive.\":\"The manual is not available in the test drive.\",\"Core Team Members\":\"Core Team Members\",\"Frequently, your Core Team members have had additional training and will be able to answer many [ATLAS] questions. Your Core Team members are:\":\"Frequently, your Core Team members have had additional training and will be able to answer many [ATLAS] questions. Your Core Team members are:\",\"Atlas System Administrators\":\"Atlas System Administrators\",\"These individuals can answer most of your questions and can perform many administrative functions such as:\":\"These individuals can answer most of your questions and can perform many administrative functions such as:\",\"Add or remove [MAPS] from your [DEVELOP] screen.\":\"Add or remove [MAPS] from your [DEVELOP] screen.\",\"Correct the spelling of your name, or update your email address.\":\"Correct the spelling of your name, or update your email address.\",\"Allow you to participate in collaborative maps with other [TEACHERS].\":\"Allow you to participate in collaborative maps with other [TEACHERS].\",\"The system administrators for your [ATLAS] system are:\":\"The system administrators for your [ATLAS] system are:\",\"Email Atlas Support\":\"Email Atlas Support\",\"You may contact us at Atlas directly:\":\"You may contact us at Atlas directly:\",\"[ATLAS] Online Manual\":\"[ATLAS] Online Manual\",\"The online manual documents all the features within [ATLAS]. Click on the button below to browse the manual contents.\":\"The online manual documents all the features within [ATLAS]. Click on the button below to browse the manual contents.\",\"Go to Manual\":\"Go to Manual\",\"[ATLAS] System Administrator Manual\":\"[ATLAS] System Administrator Manual\",\"The online manual documents all the system admin features within Atlas. Click on the button below to browse the manual contents.\":\"The online manual documents all the system admin features within Atlas. Click on the button below to browse the manual contents.\",\"If checked, this {ITEM} may appear on the [PUBLIC] version of your [ATLAS] site.\":\"If checked, this {ITEM} may appear on the [PUBLIC] version of your [ATLAS] site.\",\"Searching Activity enables you to keep a pulse on your curriculum process and the dynamic nature of how your curriculum is progressing.\":\"Searching Activity enables you to keep a pulse on your curriculum process and the dynamic nature of how your curriculum is progressing.\",\"Customize your My Atlas Dashboard by adding panels in a full version of Atlas.\":\"Customize your My Atlas Dashboard by adding panels in a full version of Atlas.\",\"Notes are private communications to the authors of a course and are available in a full version of Atlas.\":\"Notes are private communications to the authors of a course and are available in a full version of Atlas.\",\"Any member of your faculty can begin or join a discussion on any element of curriculum including: reports, courses, units, categories and attachments.\":\"Any member of your faculty can begin or join a discussion on any element of curriculum including: reports, courses, units, categories and attachments.\",\"A full version of Atlas allows you to copy units from anywhere in the system into your course.\":\"A full version of Atlas allows you to copy units from anywhere in the system into your course.\",\"You have the ability to manage your customized report in a full version of Atlas.\":\"You have the ability to manage your customized report in a full version of Atlas.\",\"You can see the progress made on a unit or course in a full version of Atlas.\":\"You can see the progress made on a unit or course in a full version of Atlas.\",\"The ability to view and contribute units to the Exemplar community is available in a full version of Atlas.\":\"The ability to view and contribute units to the Exemplar community is available in a full version of Atlas.\",\"In a full version of Atlas, you can share reports, courses or units with your colleagues.\":\"In a full version of Atlas, you can share reports, courses or units with your colleagues.\",\"The ability to select, arrange and personalize panels is available in a full version of Atlas\":\"The ability to select, arrange and personalize panels is available in a full version of Atlas\",\"In a full version of Atlas, the Communication Commons helps you keep track of recent activity and manage your communications with other teachers, the school, and Atlas.\":\"In a full version of Atlas, the Communication Commons helps you keep track of recent activity and manage your communications with other teachers, the school, and Atlas.\",\"Your Atlas Team\":\"Your Atlas Team\",\"Please allow file upload for {value} to complete\":\"Please allow file upload for {value} to complete\",\"Only the first 6 [BENCHMARK_LEVELS] will be selected\":\"Only the first 6 [BENCHMARK_LEVELS] will be selected\",\"Please select a [MAPPING_CATEGORY].\":\"Please select a [MAPPING_CATEGORY].\",\"Please limit your selections to a single [YEAR] before running this [REPORT].\":\"Please limit your selections to a single [YEAR] before running this [REPORT].\",\"You have reached the limit of {LIMIT} [MAPS].\":\"You have reached the limit of {LIMIT} [MAPS].\",\"Are you sure you want to approve these [COURSES]?\":\"Are you sure you want to approve these [COURSES]?\",\"You must select at least one [COURSE] to approve\":\"You must select at least one [COURSE] to approve\",\"You must select at least two [COURSES] in order to [MERGE]\":\"You must select at least two [COURSES] in order to [MERGE]\",\"You must select at least one [COURSE] to assign [GRADES] to\":\"You must select at least one [COURSE] to assign [GRADES] to\",\"Loading...\":\"Loading...\",\"Filter by Keyword\":\"Filter by Keyword\",\"Select from List\":\"Select from List\",\"Email Successfully Sent\":\"Email Successfully Sent\",\"You have unsaved filters for this report. Take a snapshot using the new filters anyway?\":\"You have unsaved filters for this report. Take a snapshot using the new filters anyway?\",\"You did not click the 'Attach' button. Your attachment will not be included in the communication.\":\"You did not click the 'Attach' button. Your attachment will not be included in the communication.\",\"Drag and Drop Here\":\"Drag and Drop Here\",\"[ADOPTED_MAP] assignment for {ASSIGNED_COURSE_NAME}:\":\"[ADOPTED_MAP] assignment for {ASSIGNED_COURSE_NAME}:\",\"You have attempted to upload {fileCount} files and there is an upload limit of {fileLimit} files.\":\"You have attempted to upload {fileCount} files and there is an upload limit of {fileLimit} files.\",\"You must select at least one [COURSE] to assign [SUBJECTS] to\":\"You must select at least one [COURSE] to assign [SUBJECTS] to\",\"[ATLAS] Exemplar Team\":\"[ATLAS] Exemplar Team\",\"[UNIT] \\\"{LINK_TO_UNIT}\\\" was submitted to [EXEMPLAR]\":\"[UNIT] \\\"{LINK_TO_UNIT}\\\" was submitted to [EXEMPLAR]\",\"New Atlas Exemplar Units!\":\"New Atlas Exemplar Units!\",\"Dear {FIRSTNAME},\":\"Dear {FIRSTNAME},\",\"New units that you've searched for have recently been added to the Atlas Exemplars. To view these units, log into your Atlas site at {LINK}, and navigate to the exemplar system below:\":\"New units that you've searched for have recently been added to the Atlas Exemplars. To view these units, log into your Atlas site at {LINK}, and navigate to the exemplar system below:\",\"new result\":\"new result\",\"You have received this email because you elected to be notified by email when new units are added to your \\\"Saved Searches\\\". You may modify your notification settings at any time by visiting \\\"My Saved Searches\\\" in the Atlas Exemplars.\":\"You have received this email because you elected to be notified by email when new units are added to your \\\"Saved Searches\\\". You may modify your notification settings at any time by visiting \\\"My Saved Searches\\\" in the Atlas Exemplars.\",\"new results\":\"new results\"}","import axios from 'axios'\r\n\r\nconst httpClient = axios.create({\r\n baseURL: process.env.VUE_APP_IS_PUBLIC ? '/public-site/' : '/app/',\r\n headers: {\r\n 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\r\n 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'\r\n }\r\n})\r\n\r\n// interceptor to catch errors\r\nconst errorInterceptor = error => {\r\n return Promise.reject(error)\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Interceptor for responses\r\nconst responseInterceptor = response => response\r\n\r\nhttpClient.interceptors.response.use(responseInterceptor, errorInterceptor)\r\n\r\nexport default httpClient\r\n","import Vue from 'vue'\r\nconst EventBus = new Vue()\r\nexport default EventBus\r\n","var render = function render(){var _vm=this,_c=_vm._self._c;return _c('div',{attrs:{\"id\":\"app\"}},[(_vm.hasToShowTheHeader)?_c('the-header'):_vm._e(),(_vm.showPageHeader)?_c('the-page-header'):_vm._e(),_c('section',{staticClass:\"app-service row hide-on-print\"},[_c('div',{staticClass:\"col ml-lg-5\"},[_c('b-alert',{staticClass:\"mt-2\",attrs:{\"show\":_vm.dismissCountDown,\"variant\":\"success\",\"dismissible\":\"\"},on:{\"dismissed\":function($event){_vm.dismissCountDown=0},\"dismiss-count-down\":_vm.countDownChanged}},[_vm._v(\" \"+_vm._s(_vm.alertText)+\" \"),_c('b-progress',{attrs:{\"variant\":\"success\",\"max\":5,\"value\":5 - _vm.dismissCountDown,\"height\":\"4px\"}})],1),_c('b-alert',{staticClass:\"mt-2\",attrs:{\"variant\":\"danger\",\"dismissible\":\"\"},model:{value:(_vm.showErrorAlert),callback:function ($$v) {_vm.showErrorAlert=$$v},expression:\"showErrorAlert\"}},[_vm._v(\" \"+_vm._s(_vm.$t('Error!'))+\" \"+_vm._s(_vm.errorText)+\" \")])],1)]),_c('main',{staticClass:\"app-main\",class:{overlay: _vm.$store.state.overlays.main, 'white-container': _vm.$store.state.useContentContainer}},[(!_vm.loading)?_c('router-view'):_vm._e()],1),_c('the-footer'),_c('portal-target',{staticClass:\"comments-portal\",attrs:{\"name\":\"comments-lesson\"}}),_c('portal-target',{staticClass:\"comments-portal\",attrs:{\"name\":\"comments-unit\"}}),_c('portal-target',{staticClass:\"comments-portal\",attrs:{\"name\":\"comments-curriculum\"}}),_c('portal-target',{staticClass:\"comments-report\",attrs:{\"name\":\"comments-report\"}}),_c('portal-target',{staticClass:\"comments-left\",attrs:{\"name\":\"comments-left\"}}),_c('portal-target',{staticClass:\"comments-right\",attrs:{\"name\":\"comments-right\"}}),(!_vm.loading)?_c('app-notification'):_vm._e()],1)\n}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","var render = function render(){var _vm=this,_c=_vm._self._c;return _c('b-overlay',{staticClass:\"app-footer\",attrs:{\"show\":_vm.$store.state.overlays.footer,\"variant\":\"dark\",\"opacity\":\"0.5\",\"blur\":\"\",\"no-fade\":\"\",\"wrap-tag\":\"footer\",\"z-index\":\"0\"},scopedSlots:_vm._u([{key:\"overlay\",fn:function(){return [_c('span')]},proxy:true}])},[_c('img',{staticClass:\"logo\",attrs:{\"alt\":_vm.$t('Atlas logo'),\"src\":require(\"../assets/images/atlas_logo.svg\")}}),_c('span',[_vm._v(\"© \"+_vm._s(new Date().getFullYear())+\" \")]),_c('a',{attrs:{\"href\":\"https://www.fariaedu.com/\",\"rel\":\"noopener noreferrer\",\"target\":\"_blank\"}},[_vm._v(\"Faria Education Group Ltd.\")]),_c('span',[_vm._v(\" All rights reserved. \")]),_c('a',{attrs:{\"href\":\"https://www.rubiconatlas.org/privacy/\",\"rel\":\"noopener noreferrer\",\"target\":\"_blank\"}},[_vm._v(\"Privacy Policy\")])])\n}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","\r\n \r\n © {{ new Date().getFullYear() }} \r\n Faria Education Group Ltd.\r\n All rights reserved. \r\n Privacy Policy\r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n {{ info.districtName }}\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n