Wayne RESA

Unit PlannerSocial Studies 3 (Old Unit - 2007 Standards)

Wayne RESA – SS / Grade 3 / Social Studies / Social Studies 3 (Old Unit - 2007 Standards) / Week 19 - Week 24
Unit Abstract

In this unit students combine what they have previously learned about geography, economics, and the early history of Michigan to explore the growth of Michigan after statehood. The emphasis is on large-scale developments like the growth of manufacturing and population growth as opposed to specific historical eras and events. Students explore how natural resources such as fertile soil, trees, and minerals influenced certain businesses to take root in Michigan. By examining farming and the growth of manufacturing in Michigan, students further their understanding of ways in which people put natural resources to work. They also explore how industries led to the growth of towns and cities. Particular focus is placed on the significant role of the automobile industry in Michigan as a case study of entrepreneurship and role of geography in the growth of Michigan’s cities and towns. Students then explore push and pull factors of migration that led to population growth in Michigan and how different cultural groups have created unique regions within the state. Finally, students examine recent population trends in the state and explain the trends by applying geographic, economic, and historical concepts.


Stage One - Desired Results

Compelling Question

How did people in Michigan work together to meet new challenges as Michigan grew?

Supporting Questions
  1. How has Michigan changed over time?
  2. How have Michigan's resources impacted the economy and growth of the state?
Content (Key Concepts)


agriculture and manufacturing

auto industry

automobile industry

economic trends


human/environment interaction

human migration



natural resources


push/pull factors

Skills (Intellectual Processes)

Cause and Effect


Stage Two - Assessment Evidence

Unit Assessment Tasks

Stage Three - Learning Plan

Lesson Plan Sequence
MI: Social Studies (2007)
3rd Grade
H3 History of Michigan (Through Statehood)
Use historical thinking to understand the past.
3 – H3.0.1 Identify questions historians ask in examining the past in Michigan (e.g., What happened? When did it happen? Who was involved? How and why did it happen?)
G4 Human Systems
Understand how human activities help shape the Earth’s surface.
3 – G4.0.2 Describe diverse groups that have come into a region of Michigan and reasons why they came (push/pull factors). (H)
3 – G4.0.4 Use data and current information about the Anishinaabeg and other American Indians living in Michigan today to describe the cultural aspects of modern American Indian life; give an example of how another cultural group in Michigan today has preserved and built upon its cultural heritage.
E1 Market Economy
Use fundamental principles and concepts of economics to understand economic activity in a market economy.
3 – E1.0.3 Analyze how Michigan’s location and natural resources influenced its economic development (e.g., how waterways and other natural resources have influenced economic activities such as mining, lumbering, automobile manufacturing, and furniture making). (H, G)
3 – E1.0.4 Describe how entrepreneurs combine natural, human, and capital resources to produce goods and services in Michigan. (H, G)
4th Grade
H3 History of Michigan (Beyond Statehood)
Use historical thinking to understand the past.
4 – H3.0.5 Use visual data and informational text or primary accounts to compare a major Michigan economic activity today with that same or a related activity in the past. (E)
4 – H3.0.6 Use a variety of primary and secondary sources to construct a historical narrative about the beginnings of the automobile industry and the labor movement in Michigan. (G, E)
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