Wayne RESA

Unit PlannerBiology

OS/MAISA / Grade 11 / Science / Biology / Week 5 - Week 8

Common Core Initiative

Overarching Questions and Enduring Understandings

How do species and populations change over time?

Graphic Organizer
Unit Abstract

Evolution is an important model throughout all of biology, greatly influencing our understanding of ecology, biological classification, cellular biology, and genetics. In this unit, students develop an understanding of how species and populations change over time. They examine competition among species and how the environment affects survival. Students also evaluate evidence for biological evolution (e.g., embryological, anatomical, morphological, fossils, biochemical, and genetic similarities).

MI: Science (2009)
High School
Biology HS
STANDARD B1: INQUIRY, REFLECTION, AND SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS B1.1 Scientific Inquiry Students will understand the nature of science and demonstrate an ability to practice scientifi c reasoning by applying it to the design, execution, and evaluation of scientific investigations. Students will demonstrate their understanding that scientific knowledge is gathered through various forms of direct and indirect observations and the testing of this information by methods including, but not limited to, experimentation. They will be able to distinguish between types of scientific knowledge (e.g., hypotheses, laws, theories) and become aware of areas of active research in contrast to conclusions that are part of established scientific consensus. They will use their scientific knowledge to assess the costs, risks, and benefits of technological systems as they make personal choices and participate in public policy decisions. These insights will help them analyze the role science plays in society, technology, and potential career opportunities.
B1.1B Evaluate the uncertainties or validity of scientific conclusions using an understanding of sources of measurement error, the challenges of controlling variables, accuracy of data analysis, logic of argument, logic of experimental design, and/or the dependence on underlying assumptions.
B1.2 Scientific Reflection and Social Implications
B1.2A Critique whether or not specific questions can be answered through scientific investigations.
B1.2h Describe the distinctions between scientific theories, laws, hypotheses, and observations.
B3.5x Environmental Factors
B3.5e Recognize that and describe how the physical or chemical environment may influence the rate, extent, and nature of population dynamics within ecosystems.
B3.5f Graph an example of exponential growth. Then show the population leveling off at the carrying capacity of the environment.
B5.1 Theory of Evolution
B5.1A Summarize the major concepts of natural selection (differential survival and reproduction of chance inherited variants, depending on environmental conditions).
B5.1B Describe how natural selection provides a mechanism for evolution.
B5.1f Explain, using examples, how the fossil record, comparative anatomy, and other evidence may support the theory of evolution.
B5.3 Natural Selection
B4.3C Give examples of ways in which genetic variation and environmental factors are causes of evolution and the diversity of organisms.
B5.3d Explain how evolution through natural selection can result in changes in biodiversity.
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Unit Level Standards
Essential Questions
Essential/Focus Questions
  1. How do limited resources shape populations?
  2. How do changes in genetic information affect the size and diversity of a population?
  3. What impact does human population growth and spread have on local species?
  4. What factors are involved for natural selection to occur?



Content (Key Concepts)

carrying capacity
common descent
comparative anatomy
limiting factors
natural selection

Unit Assessment Tasks
Skills (Intellectual Processes)




Lesson Plan Sequence
Lesson Plans (Sequence)

Oakland Schools Teaching Research Writing Website: Skills Progression & Lessons http://www.osteachingresearchwriting.org/
