Wayne RESA

Unit PlannerChinese - Kindergarten

OS/MAISA / Kindergarten / World Languages / Chinese - Kindergarten / Week 29 - Week 33

Common Core Initiative

Overarching Questions and Enduring Understandings

How do I describe what hurts?


Graphic Organizer
Unit Abstract

In this unit students learn to identify some body parts. They describe what hurts and doesn't hurt. They begin to recognize a few Chinese characters from the unit vocabulary.


MI: World Languages (2007)
Novice High (N)
1.1 Interpersonal Communication
Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Interpersonal Speaking/Listening or Signed (SL)
1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions about the weather, health/physical conditions, self, family and friends
Interperpreting Written Language-Reading
1.2.N.R.a Demonstrate understanding of written classroom language in the target language including directions, commands, and requests
5.2 Personal Enrichment
Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
5.2.N.a Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting
Copyright © 2001-2015 State of Michigan
Unit Level Standards
Essential Questions
Essential/Focus Questions

1. How do I name my body parts?

2. How do I describe what hurts/ what does not hurt?

Content (Key Concepts)

1. Identify body parts:

  • yǎn jīng /bí zi/ zuǐ ba/ ěr duō/ yá/shǒu zhǐ tóu/jiǎozhǐ tóu /tóu/dù zi/ tuǐ/ shǒu/ gē bo/ jiǎo  

   眼睛/鼻子/嘴巴/耳朵/牙/手指头/ 脚趾头/头/肚子/腿/手/胳膊/脚


2. Express what hurts/doesn’t hurt:

  • Wǒ...téng. 我...疼。
  • Wǒ...bù téng.g 我...不疼。

3. Identify characters: 手,耳朵,嘴 ,头


Unit Assessment Tasks

Sample Performance Assessments:


1. Identify body parts given pictures of body parts. (1.1.N.SL.b).

2. Visit to the doctor: Student selects a body flashcard without showing to doctor. Doctor (teacher) must find out what is hurting student by asking three-four questions. Student expresses what hurts/doesn’t hurt. (1.1.N.SL.b).

3. Given the characters for hand, ear, mouth and head, students match the character with the corresponding picture. (1.2.N.R.a)

Skills (Intellectual Processes)



Lesson Plan Sequence
Lesson Plans (Sequence)

Recommended (not required) Instructional Resources:


Teacher Resources:

Pictures of body parts.


Body parts songs and chants.


Better Chinese, My First Chinese Words, Book 13


Quia activities: www.quia.com


Youer Hanyu, Book 4, Lesson 6


Youer Hanyu, Book 3, Lesson 8


Chinese Paradise, 1A, Unit 3


Monkey King Chinese, 1B, Lesson 1


Experiencing Chinese, Book 1, Lesson 11 & 12
