Wayne RESA

Unit PlannerChinese - Grade 5

OS/MAISA / Grade 5 / World Languages / Chinese - Grade 5 / Week 31 - Week 37

Common Core Initiative

Overarching Questions and Enduring Understandings

What is middle school like?

Graphic Organizer
Unit Abstract

In this unit students access prior knowledge regarding school schedules and subjects. They ask and express feelings about leaving elementary school and entering middle school. They identify and describe middle school schedules and school life. They also compare middle school schedules between China and the USA. Students continue to develop recognition of characters within the context of time and school subjects as well as explore pinyin, radicals, and writing characters. As a result of this unit, students begin to think about and prepare for their transition to middle school.

MI: World Languages (2007)
Novice High (N)
1.1 Interpersonal Communication
Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Interpersonal Speaking/Listening or Signed (SL)
1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions about the weather, health/physical conditions, self, family and friends
Identifying and Describing
1.1.N.SL.f Ask questions about feelings, emotions and health of friends, family, classmates and answer using a list of traits
1.1.N.SL.g Ask questions about the attributes of places and things in their immediate environment and answer using a list of traits
Exchanging Information
1.1.N.SL.h Exchange information in the target language on familiar topics such as personal interests, memorable experiences, school activities, and family life
1.1.N.SL.i Ask for and obtain information in everyday situations in the target language about time, place, price, size, relating to restaurants, stores, transportation, and services
Exchanging Opinions
1.1.N.SL.j Share likes and dislikes in the target language with a classmate
1.1.N.SL.k Share opinions and preferences in the target language with their classmates
1.2 Interpretive Communication
Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
Interpretive Language -Listening (L) or Signed (SL)
1.2.N.L.b Understand interpersonal communication on topics of personal interest such as preferences, family life, friends, leisure and school activities, and everyday occurrences
Interperpreting Written Language-Reading
1.2.N.R.a Demonstrate understanding of written classroom language in the target language including directions, commands, and requests
Understanding the role of family and community
within the target culture(s) (F)
2.1.N.F.b Describe daily routines within a community or culture in which the language is spoken (concept of time, typical activities appropriate to various periods during the day)
4.2 Comparing Cultures
Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
4.2.N.a Identify basic target culture practices and compare them to one’s own
5.2 Personal Enrichment
Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
5.2.N.a Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting
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Unit Level Standards
Essential Questions
Essential/Focus Questions

1. How do I get ready for middle school?

2. How does middle school compare with elementary school?

3. What are middle schools like in China?

4. What does the middle school schedule look like?

Content (Key Concepts)

1. Review days of the week from 1st grade, Unit 3, calendar from 2nd grade, Unit 3, school places from 2nd grade, Unit 2, school subjects from 3rd grade, Unit 1, and emotions from 5th grade, Unit 5, time from 3rd grade, Unit 5.


2. Ask and express emotions and feelings in different situations:

  • Introduce: 紧张,害怕,新,离开,告别,进入,认识,小学,中学

jǐn zhāng, hài pà, xīn, lí kāi, gào bié, jìn rù, rèn shì, xiǎo xué, zhōng xué

e.g. 进入中学你什么感觉?

Jìn rù zhōng xué nǐ shén me gǎn jué?

Lí kāi xiǎo xué/gào bié lǎo shī ràng wǒ jué de hěn nán guò.


jìn rù zhōnɡ xué / rèn shí xīn pénɡ you , rànɡ wǒ jué dé hěn xīnɡ fèn


yóu diǎn jǐn zhānɡ hé hài pà 。


3. Identify and describe middle school schedules and life:

  • Introduce: 课程表,每天,必修课,自选课,管乐队,弦乐队,俱乐部,合唱团,西班牙语,历史课,此外,更多,自由,作业,考试, 到校,回家,室外运动。

kè chénɡ biǎo , měi tiān , bì xiū kè , zì xuǎn kè , ɡuǎn yuè duì , xián yuè duì , jù lè bù , hé chànɡ tuán , xī bān yá yǔ , lì shǐ kè , cǐ wài , ɡènɡ duō , zì yóu , zuò yè , kǎo shì, dào xiào , huí jiā , shì wài yùn dònɡ 。

e.g. 我每天上六节课。必修课有______,自选课有______。此外,我参加________。我喜欢中学因为中学


wǒ měi tiān shànɡ liù jié kè 。 bì xiū kè yǒu ______ , zì xuǎn kè yǒu ______ 。 cǐ wài , wǒ cān jiā ________ 。 wǒ xǐ huɑn zhōnɡ xué yīn wèi zhōnɡ xué yǒu ɡènɡ duō xuǎn kè zì yóu , ɡènɡ duō wǔ cān xuǎn zé 。 wǒ bù xǐ huɑn zhōnɡ xué, yīn wèi zhōnɡ xué yǒu ɡènɡ duō de zuò yè hé kǎo shì 。

  • Introduce: 分 fēn



4.Compare middle school schedules and classes between China and the USA.


5. Identify characters:

点,分,作业, 语文,数学,外语,中学

diǎn , fēn , zuò yè, yǔ wén , shù xué , wài yǔ , zhōnɡ xué


6. Introduced but not assessed:

  • Radicals: 四点水
  • Writing characters: 点,分,作业

7. Ongoing review of pinyin and strokes.


Unit Assessment Tasks

Sample Performance Assessments:


1. Assess students’ current level vocabulary related to this unit of study (oral language).


2. Create your ideal middle school schedule using a word bank in pinyin and characters and orally present to the class. (1.1.SL.h, 2.1.N.F.b)

3. Students interview 3 friends about how they feel about leaving elementary and going to middle school and orally present to the class. Students should ask the following questions: How do you feel about going to middle school? Why? (1.1.N.SL.f, 1.1.N.SL.h, 1.1.N.SL.k)


4. Interview a classmate about his/her likes, dislikes, and preferences regarding middle school subjects. (1.1.N.SL.b, 1.1.N.SL.j, 1.1.N.SL.k)


5. Students use their ideal schedule for this assessment. In pairs students ask each other questions about when they have certain classes. (1.1.N.SL.h, 1.1.N.SL.i, 1.2.N.L.b)


6. Using a Venn diagram, students compare an American middle school schedule with a Chinese middle school schedule. (2.1.N.F.b, 4.2.N.a)


7. Given the characters for Language of Arts, math, foreign languageand homework, students match the characters with the corresponding pictures/English. (1.2.N.R.a)


Skills (Intellectual Processes)




Lesson Plan Sequence
Lesson Plans (Sequence)

Recommended (not required) Instructional Resources:


Teachers Resources:

 1. A Day in the Life of an American Middle School Student


2. A Day in the Life of an American Middle School Student


3. Take You Around A Normal Chinese Middle School


4. Morning exercises:


5. Comparing US and Chinese Public School Systems:


6.  Chinese School in Anwu (National Geographic:


7. School Schedule sample:



8. Get a middle school schedule from your district.


9. Learn Chinese With Me, Book 1, Lesson 19, 20, 21


10. Monkey King Chinese, Book 3B, Lesson 1


11. Experiencing Chinese, Book 1, Lesson 9, 10


12. YOU ER HAN YU, Book 4, Lesson 3, 4


13. Chinese Paradise, Book 3B, Lesson 7


14. Chinese Paradise, Book 2A, Lesson 3, 4
