Wayne RESA

Unit PlannerChinese - Grade 3

OS/MAISA / Grade 3 / World Languages / Chinese - Grade 3 / Week 33 - Week 37

Common Core Initiative

Overarching Questions and Enduring Understandings

How do people relax in summer?



Graphic Organizer
Unit Abstract

In this unit students learn to identify and describe the four seasons and related weather expressions. They identify items and places and describe activities they do at the beach. Additionally they ask for and give information about what they like about summer. They continue to develop recognition of characters within the context of season as well as explore pinyin, radicals, and writing characters.

MI: World Languages (2007)
Novice High (N)
Exchanging Opinions
1.1.N.SL.j Share likes and dislikes in the target language with a classmate
Interperpreting Written Language-Reading
1.2.N.R.a Demonstrate understanding of written classroom language in the target language including directions, commands, and requests
1.3 Presentational Communication
Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Presentational Language -Speaking (S) or Signed (SL)
1.3.N.S.b Present brief personal descriptions on familiar topics in target language such as self, friends, family, home, and school
5.2 Personal Enrichment
Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
5.2.N.a Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting
Copyright © 2001-2015 State of Michigan
Unit Level Standards
Essential Questions
Essential/Focus Questions

1. What is at the beach?

2. What can you do at the beach?

3. What is the weather like at the beach?

4. When is it good to go to the beach?

5. What should we pack to go to the beach?

Content (Key Concepts)

1. Review color, family member from Kindergarten, Unit 2 & 4, animal from kindergarten, Unit 6 and 1st grade, Unit 5 , activity from 2nd grade, Unit 6.


2. Identify and describe the four seasons and related weather:

  • Review: weather from kindergarten, Unit 3 and 2nd grade, Unit 3
  • Introduce: chūn tiān 春天,xià tiān夏天,qiū tiān 秋天,dōng tiān 冬天  

        例如:chūn tiān nuǎn huo 春天暖和,xià tiān hěn rè 夏天很热,qiū tiān liáng kuài 秋天凉快,dōng tiān hěn lěng 冬天很冷   


3. Identify items and places at the beach: 

tài yáng, dà hǎi, shā tān, shā tān pái qiú, bèi ké, diào yú, shài tài yáng, tài yáng yǎn jìng, fáng shài shuāng, yù jīn, yóu yǒng yī, mào zi, duǎn kù, liáng xié, tuō xié, tī xù

太阳,大海,沙滩,沙滩排球,贝壳,钓鱼,晒太阳,太阳眼镜,防晒霜,浴巾,游泳衣,帽子,短裤,凉鞋,  拖鞋, T恤

4. Ask for and give information about likes and the reason: 

  • Nǐ wèi shén me xǐ huān xià tiān? 你为什么喜欢夏天?
  • Wǒ xǐ huān xià tiān, yīn wèi... 我喜欢夏天,因为...


  1.  Wǒ kě yǐ qù shā tān. 我可以去沙滩。
  2.  Wǒ kě yǐ dǎ shā tān pái qiú. 我可以打沙滩排球。
  3.  Wǒ kě yǐ qù yóu yǒng. 我可以去游泳。
  4.  Wǒ kě yǐ dài tài yáng yǎn jìng. 我可以戴太阳眼镜。
  5.  Wǒ kě yǐ chuān tuō xié/ liáng xié. 我可以穿拖鞋/凉鞋。
  6.  Wǒ kě yǐ jiǎn bèi ké. 我可以捡贝壳。

5. Identify characters: 春天,夏天,秋天,冬天


6. Introduced but not assessed:

  • Radicals: 两点水 liáng diǎn shuǐ,日字旁 rì zì páng
  • Writing characters: 春,冷 

7. Ongoing review of pinyin for summative assessment at the end of the third grade.



Unit Assessment Tasks

Sample Performance Assessments:


1. Assess students’ current level vocabulary related to this unit of study (oral language).

2. Given characters for four seasons, students match the characters with the corresponding pictures (1.2.N.R.a)

3. Interview a classmate about why he/she likes summer. (1.1.N.SL.j)

4. Using a picture of a beach scene(provided by teacher), student orally describes the scene. (1.3.N.S.b)

5. Draw and label a picture of a beach bag with the items needed to have fun at the beach using a word bank in pinyin and character. (1.2.N.R.a)



Skills (Intellectual Processes)




Lesson Plan Sequence
Lesson Plans (Sequence)

Recommended (not required) Instructional Resources:


Teachers Resources:


World Young Learners' Chinese, Book 1, p. 103, 汉字的基本笔形


Mandy and Pandy, Activity Book 1, Page 57, Chinese Basic Strokes


Easy Steps to Chinese, Book 1, Lesson 1, Basic Strokes


Monkey King Chinese, Book 2B, Lesson 1 & 2


Chinese Paradise, Book 3B, Lesson 8


Chinese Paradise, book 3A, Lesson 1


Chinese Treasure Chest, Volum 2, pp. 355-361

