Wayne RESA

Unit PlannerChinese Level 1

OS/MAISA / Grade 9 / World Languages / Chinese Level 1 / Week 7 - Week 12

Common Core Initiative

Overarching Questions and Enduring Understandings

How do I communicate about myself in Chinese?

Graphic Organizer
Unit Abstract

In this unit of study students begin to learn how to communicate effectively about themselves in Chinese. They understand as well as interpret meaning from information exchanged in conversation as they learn to introduce their nationality, age, birthday, phone number, hometown and grade. Additionally, they learn to describe themselves and to respond to questions about themselves. Furthermore, students become aware of the appropriate use of titles for addressing others. Students learn to use numbers to express dates and days of the week.

MI: World Languages (2014)
Novice High (N)
1.1 Interpersonal Communication
Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Interpersonal Speaking/Listening or Signed (SL)
1.1.N.SL.b Ask and answer basic questions about the weather, health/physical conditions, self, family and friends
1.1.N.SL.d Request, offer, invite, and reply appropriately using memorized phrases
Interpersonal Reading/Writing (RW)
1.1.N.RW.b Exchange information by asking and answering basic questions in writing about the weather, health/ physical conditions, self, family, and friends
1.2 Interpretive Communication
Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.
Interpretive Language -Listening (L) or Signed (SL)
1.2.N.L.d Understand main idea of an audio presentation (CD, lecture, radio, podcast, songs/music)
Interpreting Written Language-Reading
1.2.N.R.c Understand written interpersonal communication on topics of personal interest such as preferences, family life, friends, leisure and school activities, and everyday occurrences (email, letters, messages, notes, and text messages)
1.3 Presentational Communication
Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
Presentational Language -Speaking (S) or Signed (SL)
1.3.N.S.b Present brief personal descriptions on familiar topics in target language such as self, friends, family, home, and school
Presentational Language-Writing (W)
1.3.N.W.c Write brief personal descriptions on familiar topics in the target language such as self, friends, family, home, and school
2.2 Products and Perspectives
Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
Understanding the impact of geography and natural resources on the target cultures (G)
2.2.N.G.a Identify countries, their capital and major cities in which the language is spoken
4.1 Comparing Languages
Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studies and their own.
4.1.N.a Identify basic differences and similarities in vocabulary between one’s own language and the target language (cognates and borrowed words)
4.2 Comparing Cultures
Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
4.2.N.b Identify basic target culture products and compare them to one’s own
5.1 Use of Language
Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.1.N.a Exchange information in the target language with people locally and around the world through avenues such as pen and key pals, email, and electronic presentations
5.2 Personal Enrichment
Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
5.2.N.a Willingly use the target language within the classroom setting
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Unit Level Standards

Recommended Can-Do Statements:

*I-Can Statement worded specifically for this unit and based on NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements


(Novice Mid)

  • I can introduce myself and provide basic personal information, such as age, birthday and school grade.


​(Novice Low)

  • I can say the date and days of the week.

  • I can list the months.

  • I can state my age and my birthday.

  • I can say my phone number.

  • I can say my nationality.


​(Novice Low)

  • I can write numbers such as phone number.

  • I can write the month, date, and days of the week.

  • I can write about people's ages.

​(Novice Mid)

  • I can fill out a form with my name, phone number, birthdate, and nationality.


(Novice Mid)

  • I can recognize when I hear a date and days of week.
  • I can understand the telephone number.
  • I can understand the age in a sentence.


(Novice Low)

  • I can recognize some cities on a map.

(Novice Mid)

I can understand people's ages, nationalities, school grades, and birthdays.

Essential Questions
Essential/Focus Questions

1. Who am I?
2. How do I introduce myself and greet others?
3. How do I find out about others (e.g., nationality, age, and birthday)?
4. How do I compare individual and collective cultural values?

5. How do Chinese express dates and days of the week with numbers?

Content (Key Concepts)

Review and introduce new characters

  • review numbers 0-10
  • Introduce numbers 11-100

7 days of the week

  • 星期;星期一,星期二,星期三,星期四,星期五,星期六,星期天(日)

12 months of the year

  • 月,一月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,十二月

30 (31) days of the month

  • 号;日(difference)
  • 一号(日)...三十一号(日)


  • 2021 - 二零(O)二一年

Q & A

  • 昨天,今天,明天,几,是(强调)
  • 几月几号 v.s. 几天
  • 星期几 v.s. 几个星期
  • 昨天星期几?


  • 多大、几岁 你多大? 你几岁?
  • 生日

Phone number

  • 号码、电话
  • 你的电话号码是多少?
  • 你的电话号码是什么?

Nationality and hometown

  • 你们、我们;
  • 他、她;她们
  • 你是哪国人?
  • 你是哪里人?
  • 谁 你是谁?
  • 年级,你上几年级?

Be aware of the basic strokes' names in Chinese

Unit Assessment Tasks

Components of Integrated Performance Assessment for Unit 2

Summative assessment: Weeks 1 and 2

  • Assessment 2.1 Presentational Writing: Student writes in complete sentences, using characters, the date marked on the calendar. (1.3.N.W.c)
  • Assessment 2.2 Presentational Speaking: student say the date marked on Calendar in correct Chinese and English order and describe the difference. (4.2.N.b)

Summative assessment: Week 3 and 4

  • Assessment 2.3 Presentational Speaking: Using loom or vocaroo or other digital recording app, student records a self-introduction of a fictional character. (1.1.N.SL.B)
  • Assessment 2.4 Interpretive Listening: Student listens to a recording of welcome message at an airport, and tell the date, day of the week, and the help desk's phone number
  • Assessment 2.5 Presentational Writing: Students make their next year's birthday month calendars, and write their birthday in the next year in complete sentence. (1.3.N.W.c)

Summative Assessment: Week 5 and 6

  • Assessment 2.6: Presentational Speaking : Students introduce themselves, include name, age, birthday, phone number and nationality using audio or video technology (1.3.N.W.c)
  • Assessment 2.7 Interpretive reading: Students to get information from a reading material written in Chinese, in terms of names, birthday, ages, grade, nationality and hometown and answer related questions. (1.2.N.R.c )
  • Assessment 2.8 Presentational writing: students to write a postcard to a pen pal in China, introduce their name, age, phone number, nationality and hometown. (1.3.N.W.c)

    Link to Oakland Schools Standards-Based Rubrics: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8iFUjI42XOLN3BEdXI2ZTJfUFU?usp=sharin

    Skills (Intellectual Processes)





    Lesson Plan Sequence
    Lesson Plans (Sequence)

    Click here to access Learning Activities and Assessments for this Unit.

    WEEKS 1 AND 2

    Review of previously learned material

    • review numbers 0-10 using images, props and/or technology (e.g. Quizlet, Kahoot, Blooket, song etc)

    Presentation of new materials

    • Introduce numbers 11-100 for learning birthday and age in later weeks using authentic materials (e.g. texts, websites, video, etc), images, props and/or technology
    • Introduce 7 days of the week and the first day of the week (might be different in two cultures) using authentic materials (e.g. texts, websites, video, etc), images, props and/or technology
    • Introduce 今天,明天,昨天 and the question word 几 to inquire about and state days of the week using authentic materials (e.g. texts, websites, video, etc), images, props and/or technology
    • Introduce 12 months of the year using authentic materials (e.g. texts, websites, video, etc), images, props and/or technology
    • Introduce 30 (31) days of the month, and how to inquire about and state dates using authentic materials (e.g. texts, websites, video, etc), images, props and/or technology
    • Introduce how to state any given year in Chinese using authentic materials (e.g. texts, websites, video, etc), images, props and/or technology
    • Compare the date order between Chinese and English using authentic materials (e.g. texts, websites, video, etc), images, props and/or technology

    Scaffolded practice

    • Present a chart with numbers 1-100, ask students to observe the numbers and find out the rules how Chinese numbers (11-100)are formed. Also ask students to think about how they would learn these numbers fast. Then present a chart with some numbers missing, students fill out the missing numbers
    • Using teacher created flashcards for week, months practice. Teacher quiz students or students quiz each other for character recognition.
    • Students practice orally and in writing both questions and answer dates using authentic materials (e.g. texts, websites, video, audio, etc.), images, props and/or technology.
    • Present students with authentic materials of how Chinese dates are express and ask students summarize the order of components. (Have students compare how dates and days of a week are formed in English and Chinese.)

    Formative Assessment

    • Using a page of a Chinese calendar, teacher asks questions about dates in given structure and students answer. Students can also inquire about date with their peers.
    • Teacher dictates dates and students write in Chinese characters
    • Students write about 1 or 2 dates that are important to them (Chinese character) and provide reason (English) with a writing prompt
    • Students check the website this day in history (link in Resources) and find a day they are interested in. State the date in Chinese and in correct order and provide the historic event that happened this day.

    Summative Assessment: Weeks 1 and 2

    • Presentational Writing: Student writes in complete sentences, using characters, the date marked on the calendar. (1.3.N.W.c)
    • Presentational Speaking: student say the date marked on Calendar in correct Chinese and English order and describe the difference. (4.2.N.b)

    WEEKS 3 AND 4

    Review of previously learned material:

    • review dates inquiry and presentation with real dates and song
    • review verb "是", and explain it is not necessary to be included in the sentence to state dates and days of the week.

    Presentation of new materials

    • Introduce lunar calendar using video from internet.
    • Introduce birthday 生日,and introduce it in sentences with previously learned 中国、美国;”“中国的生日是十月一日。美国的生日是七月四日。”; using technology.
    • Introduce age, teacher talks about celebrities' ages in China and America, using websites.
    • Introduce age inquiry for people older than 10, ask students to talk about their own ages.
    • Introduce age inquiry for young children, teacher demonstrate how to ask question with different children, using pre-selected children's pictures.
    • Introduce telephone number, using school's office numbers.

    Scaffolded practice

    • Using current year's calendar, showing sentence patterns of date inquiry; and ask students to make question of "what days is it of China or America's birthday this year?
    • Using teacher made presentation with age inquiry; and ask students to ask and answer to each other.
    • Using teacher made presentation with people of various ages, and ask students to choose the appropriate questions and then answer.
    • Give some made-up phone numbers to students, and have students ask each other about their numbers, and write them down in characters.
    • Present some useful phone numbers in China, and have student pronounce them.

    Formative assessment

    • Each student is given a card listing a person’s name, birthday, age, and phone number. Student is given a specific person to find. Students must ask others questions in order to find their designated person. (Note to teacher: see Moodle for card samples.)
    • Students are asked to ask age inquiry questions based on pictures of various aged people; and then answer to the questions.
    • students are to tell their birthday when asked.
    • Students to write down a group of phone numbers when hearing them.

      Summative assessment: Weeks 3 and 4

      • Presentational Speaking: Using loom or vocaroo or other digital recording app, student records a self-introduction of a fictional character. (1.1.N.SL.B)
      • Interpretive Listening: Student listens to a recording of welcome message at an airport, and tell the date, day of the week, and the help desk's phone number.
      • Presentational Writing: Students make their next year's birthday month calendars, and write their birthday in the next year in complete sentence. (1.3.N.W.c)

      WEEKS 5 AND 6

      Review of previously learned material

      • review nationalities, such as 中国人,美国人,北京、上海、香港。

      Presentation of new materials

      • Introduce how to ask nationality 你是哪国人?
      • 介绍 他、她, teacher restate the celebrity's nationality, using 他 or 她.
      • Introduce where is your hometown (city) 你是哪里人
      • Introduce what grade is someone in at school 你上几年级?他/她/我上...年级。

      Scaffolded practice

      • Using Chinese celebrity to practice saying and writing ...is a Chinese person, with pictures found on Internet.
      • Using pictures found on the Internet, and prompt students to ask and answer to each other about the nationalities.
      • When teacher say someone's nationality, students are to write the correct form of 他 or 她。
      • Have students interview others about their family members' nationality (original country), and the write down the nationality in complete sentences.
      • Teacher present a few major U.S. cities' Chinese names, and then have students to say someone is from there.
      • Teacher first ask a few students about their grade, and then have students to ask each other about the grade.

      Formative assessment

      • Have students in pairs to choose a prepared notes in English with nationality or hometown(city) and age, then have them ask questions about nationality and age.
      • Using either female or male's pictures found online, have students write the questions about nationality in characters.
      • Teacher have students ask a made-up person's grade, and have another student to answer based on the provided information.

      Summative assessment

      • Interpretive Reading and writing: Reading Comprehension: students to answer questions regarding people's nationalities, hometowns, ages, and school grades.(1.2.N.R.c )
      • Presentational writing: students to write a postcard to a pen pal in China, including their name, age, phone number, nationality and hometown. (1.3.N.W.c )
      • Presentational Speaking and Writing: Students introduce themselves, include name, age, birthday, phone number and nationality) using audio or video technology (1.3.N.W.c; 4.2.N.a; 4.2.N.d)


      Recommended (not required) Teacher Resources:


      7 days of the week

      Different Days

      Months and days of the months




      Inquiry of hometown

      Postcard to pen pal: see attachment (template from canva.com)

      Integrated Chinese, Level 1 Part 1. Second Edition. Boston, MA: Cheng & Tsui Company. 2005, pp. 29-50, 72-96
      Learn Chinese With Me. People’s Education Press.
